Zhou Xuejian's image instantly became much taller.

Usually, the first mother has very little communication with Zhou Xuejian, and only knows that he often bullies people in the compound.

I used to think that he was a big bastard, like those workers in the rolling mill, after all, he was a man!

But I didn't expect Zhou Xuejian's thoughts to be so delicate.

Even thought of these things.

The big mother was so patronizing and angry that she didn't even think about it.

"Learning swords, you are quite delicate."

"I feel more at ease leaving the matter to you."

"Actually, Auntie has no other requirements. As long as the person is upright and down-to-earth, that's all."

Zhou Xuejian was still a little unhappy when he heard that the first mother had no demands on the other party.

In his eyes, a big mother is worthy of a good man.

At least he must be stronger than Yi Zhonghai.

Auntie has suffered so much with Yi Zhonghai, so why is she still thinking about giving in to others?

Then if she finds another 0.7 in this way, she will not be able to accommodate others and let others control her.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xuejian couldn't help but said: "Auntie, let's look at people more than just these things."

"It's not difficult to find good conditions, but also to find someone who treats you sincerely."

"He will live a good life with you if he treats you well."

"Otherwise, no matter how good-hearted he is, he will probably think you are easy to bully."

"Anyway, you don't have to worry about these things, I can do it."

"When the time comes, you just prepare to pack up and meet people."

When the first mother heard what Zhou Xuejian said, she felt more at ease.

Not only did Zhou Xuejian think about how to find her, he even thought about the future.

It seems that this godson really did not recognize him in vain.

Thinking of this, Da Ma is full of hope for the future life in an instant! .

Chapter 211 Zhou Xuejian comes to visit, Aunt Zhang is confused!

Needless to say, Zhou Xuejian's mobility was so great that he immediately went to find Aunt Zhang after discussing it with Auntie Ma.

He still has this matter in his heart.

After all, this is about the happiness of the aunt for the rest of her life.

What's more important is that this incident will definitely make Yi Zhonghai angry to death.

Zhou Xuejian is more active in the matter of animal cruelty.

Aunt Zhang is a well-known matchmaker in Forty-Nine City.

The resources in her hands are very extensive, not only for unmarried young girls and young men, but also for old men and women of Auntie's age.

As long as you have marriage needs, you can basically find her.

Zhou Xuejian still knows etiquette quite well. He even brought some fruits to Aunt Zhang before going to her.

In this era, every household cannot afford food, let alone fruits.

Some people may never even see a banana in their life.

After Zhou Xuejian took these fruits into Aunt Zhang's door, Aunt Zhang was stunned.

She knew that Zhou Xuejian must be looking for her for nothing else, it must be 06 looking for a partner.

But usually when someone comes to her to find a partner, at most they will send some pastries or tea, and I have never seen so many fruits brought over.

With such a heavy gift, who is Zhou Xuejian helping to find a partner?

Aunt Zhang felt a little confused when she thought about it. After all, Zhou Xuejian was married.

At the time of the wedding, the whole street knew about it, and the ostentation alarmed the street office.

If learning sword this week is not for yourself, then for whom?

It's definitely impossible for Zhou Xuejian's sister to die. That child hasn't grown up yet!

Aunt Zhang asked with this doubt: "Learning swordsmanship, you are so mobilizing troops, what kind of help do you want from me?"

When Zhou Xuejian heard this, he guessed that Aunt Zhang had misunderstood.

He hurriedly explained: "Aunt Zhang, I won't hide it from you. You who usually walk around the streets also know what's going on in our courtyard."

"Yi Zhonghai in our yard is the old man who divorced the old man."

"I want to find a suitable one from you to introduce to the big mother."

"It's not a tribute at all."

There is actually a reason why Zhou Xuejian gave such a heavy gift.

He is very clear in his heart, the first mother is already so old, she is not a dead wife, but she will find her after divorce.

In fact, many men still mind it.

The status of women in this era is not that high, which is why most women dare not divorce.

Apart from the fact that there is no source of income after the divorce, the second is that after the news spreads, people will definitely make irresponsible remarks about women.

They would never think of this as a man's problem.

The reason why Yi Zhonghai and Da Ma got divorced was known only by the people in the courtyard.

People outside will inevitably think so.

Sure enough, Auntie's face suddenly changed when she heard Zhou Xuejian said that she would find a partner for Auntie.

In her cognition, there must be a very important reason for the divorce between the man and the woman.

And most of the reasons include women's problems.

Aunt Zhang sent someone over so quickly to help her find a partner just after she got divorced, which further confirmed Aunt Zhang's conjecture.

It is not difficult for her to help the first mother find a partner.

But if the reason for the divorce really lies with the aunt, it will be difficult.

She couldn't explain it to other men who had lost their wives or were bachelors.

I'm afraid if people misunderstand this matter, it will be really difficult to handle.

Aunt Zhang didn't accept the fruit first, but asked first.

"Xue Jian, I know about the divorce, but why did they divorce?"

Aunt Zhang is still very professional.

She knows that if she blindly finds a partner for Da Ma without asking clearly, if the introduction is not good, it will easily ruin her own brand.

Aunt Zhang's signboard as the No. [-] matchmaker in Sijiucheng was obtained after many years of hard work.

Zhou Xuejian was not ambiguous. He said directly: "You don't understand this. Yi Zhonghai is not loyal enough in relationships."

"In addition, he has been lying to the first mother that it is the first mother's own problem that she has no children."

"The eldest mother couldn't accept such a result, so she divorced him."

"I know you are definitely wondering why the eldest mother is so anxious. Isn't this just a divorce?"

"It's because Yi Zhonghai has been pestering Aunt Ma after the divorce, otherwise I wouldn't be able to come to you so abruptly."

When Aunt Zhang heard this, her heart of gossip instantly ignited.

In her impression, although Yi Zhonghai and Da Ma had never had a child, they still felt that he was a bit upright when they got along with each other.

She will not believe it about cheating.

Coupled with the fact that Yi Zhonghai was unable to have children, she couldn't believe it even more.

The cultural penetration rate in this era is not high.

For a professional player like Aunt Zhang, she doesn't know that it is a man's problem that there is no child between men and women.

Aunt Zhang still refuses to accept Zhou Xuejian's gift. She is really afraid that this matter will be messed up and won't work. If she accepts the gift, won't her reputation be ruined?

Seeing that Aunt Zhang still refused to accept the gift, Zhou Xuejian pondered for a while.

He immediately took out five yuan from his pocket and handed it to Aunt Zhang.

"I'm sure I didn't fool you with anything I said."

"You take the money first, and if the matter is not settled, the money will belong to you."

"After the matter is settled, I will definitely thank you again!"

Aunt Zhang's eyes lit up when she saw Qian! 343

Zhou Xuejian is so generous!

Aunt Zhang usually finds a partner for others, and she has never received so much money from Xie Matchmaker.

And Zhou Xuejian paid five yuan when he made a move!

What is the concept of five yuan? She could use five yuan to buy food stamps on the black market and she could buy two or three kilograms.

These two or three catties are enough to feed their family for a week.

And Zhou Xuejian also said that there will be a big thank you after this matter is done!

In the face of absolute interests, what professional ethics and what can't be done have all turned into smoke.

Only then did Aunt Zhang show a smile and quickly put the money and fruit into her bag.

"Learning swords, in fact, you don't have to be so polite."

"They are all from neighbors, and I do this professionally."

"If you want to ask me for help, just say it."

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