"I'll do whatever I can!"

Zhou Xuejian couldn't help but smile in his heart when he saw this aunt's 180-degree turn in her direct attitude.

There are no good people who co-author in this world!

They are all people who are motivated by interests!

He didn't want to play Tai Chi with Aunt Zhang anymore, so he asked directly: "Then do you have any suitable ones here?"

"A aunt's requirements are not too low, too bad, let alone her, I won't do it!".

Chapter 212 Aunt Zhang is extremely efficient!I found a carpenter for Da Ma directly!

Aunt Zhang also knew that Zhou Xuejian was a very straightforward person, and she seemed to be in a hurry.

If he was not in a hurry, he, a fluffy young man, would definitely not have to come to her door to find her to find a partner for the first mother.

Although she gossips, she doesn't inquire about other things.

Zhou Xuejian's ability to help Da Ma find a partner shows that he and Da Ma are quite close in this matter.

At least he is very concerned about the big mother.

With this level of care, Aunt Zhang will definitely get a lot of money for finding a better partner for Da Ma.

Thinking of this, Aunt Zhang became energetic.

She thought about it in her mind, and it seemed that there was such a person in the Forty-Nine City, and the conditions were pretty good.

This man is a well-known veteran craftsman in Forty-Nine City, and has worked as a carpenter for decades.

He has four apprentices under his name, and all of them are decent.

I am very respectful to this carpenter. The carpenter's wife has always been living with his apprentices.

He has been studying his own carpentry skills all these years and has never looked for it again.

This was some time ago, and his apprentices came to find Aunt Zhang and said that they wanted to find a wife for the master.

The situation is similar to Zhou Xuejian's.

The veteran craftsman has saved a lot of money in his life, and he still has a big house with three entrances and three openings in Forty-Nine City.

And he is also very upright. Everyone who has bought furniture from him agrees.

Not only is the workmanship good, but if the furniture is left at home for a month and is bumped, it will basically be repaired for free.

There are not many carpenters like him who package and sell after-sales these days.

From this we can see that this old carpenter is serious.

Aunt Zhang still knows a little about Da Ma, she knows Da Ma is a real person.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have spent these years with Yi Zhonghai.

Moreover, the eldest mother is a good hand at housework. She can take good care of the inside and outside of the home.

When Yi Zhonghai was with her at the time, he was dressed in sleek clothes all day long.

The old carpenter's apprentices wanted to find a teacher like Da Ma.

Their masters are used to living alone, so it is inevitable that they don't like to take care of themselves.

With a master taking care of their master, they can take care of their own business with peace of mind.

Thinking of such a person, Aunt Zhang quickly explained the situation to Zhou Xuejian.

When Zhou Xuejian heard about this person, he always felt that something was familiar but he couldn't remember anything.

But after listening to Aunt Zhang's introduction, I think this person is quite good.

Zhou Xuejian was still a little urgent to find a partner for the first mother, so he hurriedly asked, "Then when will this old carpenter come to our compound to meet the first mother?" "?"

"Look at how to arrange it, so that I can get Big Mom ready!"

"Don't wait!"

Aunt Zhang looks even more anxious than Zhou Xuejian!

Of course, there was no other reason for her anxiety.

Zhou Xuejian gave such a high matchmaker gift, and the old carpenter's side is not bad.

The four apprentices really took pains to find a partner for the master.

They even promised that as long as they find a good partner for their master, they can invite Aunt Zhang to Quanjude for a special meal.

Although Aunt Zhang is a well-known matchmaker, her family conditions are not bad at ordinary times.

But it was the first time in my life that I went to a restaurant of this size.

Thinking about the taste of Quanjude, Aunt Zhang is about to drool!

Aunt Zhang doesn't want to miss such a good thing.

"They are also very anxious, otherwise I will send someone to deliver a message later, and take it directly!"

Zhou Xuejian saw that Aunt Zhang was so active, and felt that this matter was reasonable.

He hurriedly said: "Okay, then I will go back and tell the eldest mother, let her pick it up and pick it up."

"Then we will wait for you in the courtyard. If you change the time, please remember to send someone to deliver a message."


Aunt Zhang readily agreed.

As soon as Zhou Xuejian left, Aunt Zhang hurried to find the old carpenter.

After Zhou Xuejian finished the matter, he was very happy in his heart.

Although he has never seen this old carpenter!

But after hearing Aunt Zhang's words, I feel that she is a person with good conditions and character.

If this is introduced to Da Ma, it will surely bring happiness to Da Ma.

In fact, his busy work inside and out is all to complete system tasks.

After Zhou Xuejian got this system, the rewards of that system were already the richest among the rich.

He wasn't short of system rewards either.

The main one is to find a good home for watching Da Ma.

But he just wants Yi Zhonghai to recognize himself clearly.

Zhou Xuejian couldn't stand the fact that he was so aggressive with his aunt in the courtyard just now.

Not only because he couldn't get used to it, but he really wanted to slap Yi Zhonghai in the face.

It is unknown whether the aunt will take a fancy to this old carpenter.

But regardless of whether he likes her or not, Yi Zhonghai will definitely get angry knowing that Auntie is looking for someone so quickly.

The more Zhou Xuejian thought of Yi Zhonghai's expression, the happier he felt.

He also rides much faster.

Zhou Xuejian didn't want to be too public before the matter was finalized.

Otherwise, he wished to shout so that everyone in the yard would know that Big Mom was looking for someone!

Zhou Xuejian first went to the backyard to find Da Ma.

"`ˇAuntie, please hurry up and clean yourself up. I have found a partner for you!"

The aunt was cleaning the house at home, and when she heard Zhou Xuejian's yell, she was almost scared off by the broom.

She didn't know that Zhou Xuejian was so efficient.

In just a short time, the candidate was found.

In this panic, she quickly touched her hair and said: "Oh, I didn't think you were so anxious to learn the sword, I haven't combed my hair yet!"

Zhou Xuejian looked at the face of the aunt and said quickly: "Then you go and clean up, and Aunt Zhang will bring someone here in a while."

"Don't see you like this when you enter the hospital later!"

Auntie, it’s been so many years since I’ve had a blind date.

She was so busy that she quickly found a comb to comb her hair. Halfway through, she hurriedly washed her face.

Zhou Xuejian saw the aunt busy like this, and he felt a sense in his heart.

The first mother said that it was good to live alone, but she still wanted to find someone to rely on.

It's right for a big mother to have such a nervous mood.

If she is nervous, it means she takes it seriously, and if she takes it seriously, it means she can't make mistakes.

It took about ten minutes for the aunt to finish her work and change into clean clothes.

"Xuejian, man, I brought it for you, where should I go?"

At this time, Aunt Zhang's voice came from outside the door.

Chapter 213 A big mom’s blind date, Yi Zhonghai knows about Xin’er!

As soon as Aunt Zhang brought the old carpenter into the yard, it caused quite a stir among the neighbors.

There are not many rich people in this compound, and they don't have many opportunities to make furniture. Naturally, they have never seen an old carpenter.

Seeing the stranger, the neighbors were all curious, especially Aunt Zhang brought it here.

They were even more curious when they heard that the person brought by Aunt Zhang was for Zhou Xuejian to see.

Before Aunt Zhang reached the backyard, they gathered around and began to ask questions.

"Aunt Zhang, why are you free today?"

"This media protector, why did he bring an old man to see Zhou Xuejian?"

"Who is Zhou Xuejian looking for, or what?"

"Isn't it that you are now starting the business of looking for relatives?"


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