Aunt Zhang didn't know whether Zhou Xuejian's finding a partner for Auntie could be discussed in the compound.

After all, this aunt had just divorced not long ago, and if the neighbors knew about it, the aunt might be quite ashamed.

Aunt Zhang is quite good at observing words and expressions, she can't say things that she doesn't know if she can say.

She quickly said carelessly: "What the hell, why are you asking so many questions!"

"If you have time, help me find Zhou Xuejian first!"

"People are also for him to see, not for you!"

When the neighbors saw that the aunt had a very strict mouth, they probably couldn't ask these questions from her mouth anyway, so they quickly shut up.

Some of them went directly to the backyard to find Zhou Xuejian, no matter how trustworthy they were.

Zhou Xuejian also didn't delay for a minute, and when he heard Aunt Zhang speak, he hurriedly dragged Aunt Zhang out.

When Zhou Xuejian came over, he greeted Aunt Zhang and said, "Aunt Zhang, you are too fast!"

"In such a short period of time, I have brought all the people!"

Aunt Zhang also greeted and said: "This is the old carpenter I told you about, named Yu Zhongsheng."


It would have been fine if Aunt Zhang hadn't introduced this name, but as soon as she introduced this name, Zhou Xuejian's head froze.

He looked at Yu Zhongsheng again!

Isn't this exactly the same as Yu Zhong in the TV series "Outside the Drum Tower"!

This time I saw a living person!

Zhou Xuejianguang knew that he had traveled to the world of Manmansiheyuan, but he did not expect that this was a fusion world.

Even if there is a little dragon girl, even Yu Zhongsheng has one.

He also watched this TV series in later generations, and was very impressed with the role of Yu Zhongsheng in it.

This man is a well-known old carpenter in Forty-Nine City.

What Aunt Zhang said just now is absolutely correct, Yu Zhongsheng is really a very real person.

His apprentices are also very filial.

It can be seen from the fact that they are trying to find a partner for Yu Zhongsheng.

Yu Zhongsheng is a craftsman, and his qualifications are definitely not bad. As for his personality, if this fusion world is similar to that in TV dramas, then he must be the same.

Aunt Zhang is really reliable. She found a suitable and good partner for her right away.

Zhou Xuejian looked at Yu Zhongsheng very satisfied.

But it's not just that he is satisfied with this matter, it has to be satisfied by the aunt.

Auntie and Yu Zhongsheng met for the first time. The two of them were over 100 years old together, but they were inevitably shy.

One is just divorced, a bit embarrassed.

One is that I haven't had a date for many years, and it is indeed a bit unfamiliar.

Seeing Da Ma, Yu Zhongsheng was too embarrassed to say hello, so he just extended his hand to say hello.

"Hello, Comrade Gao, I have heard about your situation from Aunt Zhang."

"Please take good care of me when we first meet."

Seeing that everyone's hands were being interrogated, the first mother stretched out her hand to Yu Zhongsheng's hand indifferently, and the two of them held hands.

"Hello, I haven't had time to clean up yet, so don't look out!"

The shy and unfamiliar look of the two made the neighbors even more suspicious.

With their inflexible brains, they really can't figure out what these two people are doing!

They just felt that something was not right about this situation, and Aunt Zhang and the two of them were being reserved.

This started the discussion again in agah.

"Aunt Zhang, what on earth is going on?"

"Learning swordsmanship, why did you bring this person over to see Aunt Zhang?"

"I heard that he works as a carpenter. Does Auntie want to make furniture?"

"I don't have any happy events at home, what are you doing with the furniture?"

“You don’t need to shake hands to do this furniture!”


Zhou Xuejian has been watching Da Ma and Yu Zhongsheng look at each other's eyes!

This first meeting is very important. If you feel that each other is not suitable for each other in the first meeting, you can see some clues from the eyes.

Aunt Zhang and Yu Zhongsheng obviously seemed quite satisfied with each other through their reserved looks.

Now that you are satisfied, you will definitely be more satisfied when you talk about it later.

Zhou Xuejian felt that this appointment was a done deal, and there was nothing wrong with telling the neighbors in advance.

He was also unambiguous, and said directly: "This is the person I entrusted Aunt Zhang to find for Auntie!"

As soon as Zhou Xuejian said this, the neighbors were shocked!

"The one you're looking for for Big Mom?"

"Learning swords, you are not joking, are you?"

"This aunt..."

Some neighbors wanted to speak out quickly.

As a result, some discerning people quickly stopped him.

But the news spread quickly, and soon the courtyard was full of people.

Yi Zhonghai saw his neighbors running to the backyard and asked them what was going on.

"Yi Zhonghai, don't you know, the aunt has brought everyone to the courtyard now!"

"You don't have to go and have a look!"

Yi Zhonghai was leisurely smoking a pipe at that time!

As soon as I heard the neighbors say that, I was frightened immediately!

The aunt brought all the objects to the compound?

When did she find someone?

Didn't they just get divorced?

What's the matter with this aunt?

No wonder she spoke so confidently just now!

The co-author is that the partner has been found before they divorced!

Yi Zhonghai was so angry that he almost turned his back!

Before he had time to pick up the pipe, he ran into the backyard.

By the time he arrived, Yu Zhongsheng and Auntie had already followed Li Dalei and Auntie Zhang into the house to get in!

When Yi Zhonghai saw this scene, he was so angry that he almost lost his temper!

This was the first time we met and we took him home.

Big Mom wasn't like this before!

How did it become like this now?

Yi Zhonghai was heartbroken immediately, he felt his anger welling up in his heart.

At this time, it doesn't matter what face is lost, and the occasion is not appropriate.

He shouted at the backs of the four people: "Gao Xiaocui, stop!".

Chapter 214 Spit blood at eight o'clock!Yi Zhonghai got slapped!

Yi Zhonghai's shout made the neighbors excited.

They are willing to watch this kind of bloody live broadcast.

The aunt just got divorced and found a partner and brought her directly to the courtyard.

Yi Zhonghai heard that Xin'er had caught one.

According to Yi Zhonghai's character, he would definitely not be so forbearing.

He knew that it was strange for the first mother to find a partner so quickly and not make trouble.

They stopped talking, and everyone gathered around to watch the farce start!

When the first mother heard someone calling her name, she turned her head subconsciously, and saw Yi Zhonghai shouting at her with angry eyes!

She wasn't emotional either.

To be precise, Auntia's biggest emotion is her disdain for Yi Zhonghai.

What is Yi Zhonghai running over to stop her now?

When the two of them had a good time together, why didn't he know how to cherish it?

For example, when Yi Zhonghai came to get back together with her just now, didn't he look down on Auntie and say that he would never find a partner after Auntie left?

How is it now?

The charm of her aunt must not have diminished, and this object was brought back to the courtyard directly.

What else does Yi Zhonghai have to say?

Could it be that he ran over to snatch a kiss?

Not to mention that her eldest mother and Yu Zhongsheng are still not doing well!

Even if they are really having a wedding at this time, Yi Zhonghai has no chance of winning!

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