When the first mother saw this, Yu Zhongsheng thought it was pretty good.

Judging from his appearance, he was an honest man, completely different from Yi Zhonghai's sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked face.

The aunt has been cheated all her life. Although she doesn't know what kind of man she should look for, at least she knows that a man like Yi Zhonghai is definitely not to be found!

Thinking of this, the aunt turned her head and shouted, "Yi Zhonghai, what did you ask me to do?"

"If there's nothing wrong, please don't call me."

Yi Zhonghai saw it just now!

This is not the attitude of the first mother when she talks to Yu Zhongsheng!

He even said that the aunt had a nice attitude when talking to Yu Zhongsheng!

She was smiling at him just now!

Why did you turn your eyebrows cold when you came to him in a blink of an eye!

This Yu Zhongsheng doesn't look like a handsome old man!

It is even said that there are more gray hairs than Yi Zhonghai's black hair!


In terms of this image, Yi Zhonghai is even better, what does her aunt think?

I'm looking for something better!


Yi Zhonghai immediately rejected his idea. This aunt had just divorced him, so why was she already looking for a partner?

That's the point of the question!

And there must be some unknown secret behind the key point.

At least Yu Zhongsheng didn't know this!

He definitely didn't know that his eldest mother had just been divorced.

If she knew that the first mother had just divorced, it would be impossible to come to the compound for a blind date.

Yi Zhonghai wanted to interfere with Da Ma's blind date, it was purely for his own selfish desire.

After all, Da Ma has been with him for so many years, and in Yi Zhonghai's eyes, Da Ma is his personal property.

How can his own private property be taken by others casually!

The more Yi Zhonghai thought about it, the more angry he became, and he shouted directly: "Gao Xiaocui, why am I fine?"

"We just got divorced and you went out to find someone!"

"Why are you in such a hurry to marry yourself?"

"Could it be that you can't afford to eat or live, or are you crazy about men?"

Yi Zhonghai's speech is really ugly!

Zhou Xuejian was of course the first one who couldn't bear it. He rushed up and pointed at Yi Zhonghai's nose and asked, "A divorce is a divorce. Is there any difference between just divorced or half a year ago?"

"If you say something like this again, don't force me to beat you in front of people outside the compound!"

Yi Zhonghai was so angry that he couldn't listen to Zhou Xuejian's threat at all.

Zhou Xuejian threatened him, and he would also speak out his own words!

Big Mom really went on a blind date, what if he succeeds?

Wouldn't he be alone all his life?

If he really dies alone, how can he live without a house or money in the future?

Yi Zhonghai felt that he had taken another big step away from his ideal life, so he was very angry.

He looked at Zhou Xuejian angrily and said, "The matter between me and Gao Xiaocui has nothing to do with you!"

"If you meddle in your own business, be careful and I'll beat you up!"


Yi Zhonghai looked really angry when he said such words!

The neighbors were shocked when they heard it!

Yi Zhonghai wants to fight Zhou Xuejian?

This is really unprecedented!


Not to mention whether Yi Zhonghai can beat Zhou Xuejian.

Leaving aside the problem of violent settlement, Zhou Xuejian's casual words in the factory are enough for Yi Zhonghai to eat, right?

How dare he threaten Zhou Xuejian with the matter of beating someone?

This is eating the bear heart and leopard gall, right?

The neighbors dare not say anything!

They knew that Yi Zhonghai would definitely piss off Zhou Xuejian.

After this is really annoying, if something is wrong, Zhou Xuejian can't beat them too?

Zhou Xuejian's eyes changed when he looked at Yi Zhonghai, thinking that a person's eyes could not be hidden.

He wasn't in a hurry to do it right now, after all, there was a big mom's blind date here. If he went straight up and hit him, it would look like he was unqualified. It made people see a joke, and he didn't have a good impression of big mom.

...... 0

Zhou Xuejian walked over with his chest straight and said, "Yi Zhonghai, if you have the ability, you can fight me!"

"Just give it a try and give it a try!"

"If you don't do anything today, it will be my grandson's!"

Yi Zhonghai was quite tough just now, but when he saw that Zhou Xuejian really wanted to force him to do something, he was a little bit hypocritical.

After all, Zhou Xuejian had practiced martial arts, so Yi Zhonghai would definitely not be able to defeat him.

It's fine if you can't beat Zhou Xuejian, but what if Zhou Xuejian finds something wrong with him in the factory?

Yi Zhonghai didn't dare to do anything, he only dared to talk.

He said to Zhou Xuejian: "Let me ask you, did you find Gao Xiaocui?"

"Why are you so meddlesome?"

"No wonder Gao Xiaocui divorced me so happily!"

"The two of you must have colluded long ago. This person was found before we divorced, right?"

"You fart!"

The aunt finally couldn't hold back her temper!

If Yi Zhonghai feels angry, she can say whatever she wants, but he can't slander her!

Didn't he mean that she was the same person as him, Yi Zhonghai?

This is how they treat people who are not emotionally specific!

She, Gao Xiaocui, would never do such a thing!

"I fart you fart?"

"If it weren't for the person I was looking for before the divorce could come to the compound so quickly?"

"I didn't expect you to be such a bitch!"


A slap fell hard on Yi Zhonghai's face!seven.

Chapter 215 Jealousy!Yu Zhongsheng protects his wife domineeringly!

This slap was extremely loud and fast, before Yi Zhonghai could react, the slap was over.

He wanted to see who slapped him!

Looking forward, Yu Zhongsheng's hand has not been retracted and is staying in mid-air!

Yi Zhonghai became even angrier after seeing clearly who was committing the crime!

He looked at Yu Zhongsheng and said, "Why do you hit me?"

When Yu Zhongsheng heard that Yi Zhonghai wanted to question him?

"Just for you to scold a woman in front of me!"

Yu Zhongsheng's anger can be heard in his tone.

The neighbors didn't know Yu Zhongsheng's temper and were all surprised.

Isn't this person too temperamental?

Yi Zhonghai said a few words and then started taking action?

This person is really not easy to provoke!

And his slap is not small!

Yi Zhonghai has "[-]" slap marks on his face!

It seems that Yu Zhongsheng is here for Yi Zhonghai. Fortunately, this is Yi Zhonghai and he is relatively strong.

If this slap hits a woman or any other weak man, he will probably be knocked out!

The first mother watched Yu Zhongsheng stand up for her, and the way she looked at Yu Zhongsheng also changed.

The first time she felt protected was because of Zhou Xuejian.

This is the second time.

She originally had a good impression of Yu Zhongsheng when she first saw him.

After Yu Zhongsheng stood up for himself, the first mother's affection for him got a step closer.

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