Zhou Xuejian roared directly.

"Give me back the money, learn to sword!"

"Give me back the money!"

When Yi Zhonghai said this, his eyes were red.

He was really robbed of his treasure by Zhou Xuejian, the treasure he depended on for survival.

He wants this money back in his hands again, and he wants to use this money to enrich his old life.

Without this money, he would be nothing!

He must have this money!

Thinking of this, Yi Zhonghai already cried aloud.

Zhou Xuejian was unmoved by his performance.


"It's useless for you to get this money in your hands. Aren't you going to have to pay alimony to your aunt in the future?"

"I just didn't let you pay in installments, and took them away together."

"But don't get lucky too early, because I have to go back and count whether the money is enough for five or six years."

"If it's not enough, you still have to give the aunt 60 yuan every month."

The third master stood up directly at this time and said: "Learning swords, why wait to go back, I will do the counting!"

The third master is very positive about this kind of thing.

Yi Zhonghai has stepped down, and the second uncle and him are the only people in charge in the entire compound.

If he behaves more proactively, he will have a chance to take charge of the entire compound.

Ever since the third uncle discovered that being a first uncle could make money, he has been very active in matters in the courtyard.

After all, the money came so well, it was even more profitable than him fishing outside and selling it.

The third master felt that he could not miss this good opportunity.

Then how can you become the uncle in the courtyard?

It's very simple to help Zhou Xuejian suppress Yi Zhonghai!

Yi Zhonghai has completely stepped down, and he is so active in the affairs of the courtyard, so he must be the master of the courtyard!

Thinking this way, the third master took the initiative to invite Ying to run over to count the money for Zhou Xuejian.

Seeing the positive appearance of the third uncle, the second uncle couldn't help feeling a little worried in his heart.

His eyes also became fierce, and he knew that the purpose of the third master's doing so was not simple.

Chapter 225 Undercurrents are surging, the second uncle has a bad intention

The second uncle has been spying on the position of the first uncle in the courtyard for a long time.

Originally, he worked so hard to get Yi Zhonghai to step down, thinking that if Yi Zhonghai stepped down, he would be able to come to power.

But I didn't expect Yi Zhonghai to step down, but he didn't come to power for a long time.

The neighbors in this courtyard seemed to be running wild after losing the master in charge, and they never mentioned the matter of re-electing the master.

The second uncle has been working very hard on this matter. He even secretly talked to the people in the street office about it.

Because after all, if Director Xu of the Sub-district Office personally appointed him, then he would definitely not run away as a master.

But what I never expected was that Director Xu kicked the matter back into the compound like a football.

Director Xu said that the selection of the first master of the courtyard is a matter for the courtyard, and the street office cannot make a complete decision in a "three-five-three" manner.

In the past, it was hand-picked by the street office to make Yi Zhonghai a master, but what happened?

In the end, Yi Zhonghai failed to be a good master, and even revealed all these things.

Director Xu has already been implicated. Of course she never wants to deal with the muddy water pipe in the courtyard house again.

The second uncle returned home disappointed from Director Xu and kept thinking about how to become the first uncle.

He racked his brains for this, thinking about tea and food, but in the end he couldn't come up with a result.

Just after he felt that everything can go with the flow, he didn't expect the third master to make such an accident.

What is the third master doing now?

Is he trying to show off to his neighbors?

In the eyes of the second uncle, the third uncle is not interested in the position of the first uncle in the compound, if Yi Zhonghai really steps down.

I'm afraid the third uncle will only think about the position of the second uncle.

Because the position of the second uncle did not pay as much as the position of the first uncle.

The third master is the most cost-effective in doing things, and the cost-effectiveness of being the first master is really not cost-effective.

The elders in the yard have to worry about many things, such as the parents of the neighbors in the yard are short, and this and that wedding and funeral.

These all cost time and money.

A man as shrewd and calculating as the third uncle would definitely not do such a cost-effective thing.

But why did you start to be so active at this juncture?

The second uncle was not sure what the purpose of the third master was, so he could only secretly observe the movements of the third master.

After the third master took the initiative to invite Ying, he took Yi Zhonghai's money box and checked it directly.

He saw that both eyes of the money in the money box were glowing green.

He had never seen this amount of money in his life.

How did the first master get the money, the third master knew clearly in his heart.

No official position is for nothing, anyone who is an official will definitely be corrupt, what is the job of an official, the third master understands too late.

He thought of the donation meetings that Yi Zhonghai would organize every month when he was a master, and he thought of the benefits of being a master.

For these benefits, he may not be able to earn so much money in the profession of teachers for a lifetime.

But Yi Zhonghai did it.

A whole box of money!

The third master shouted in his heart while checking.

When the last one was found, the third master almost shouted out excitedly.

"5000 yuan!"

The third master has already shouted out!

He couldn't contain his inner excitement!

Although the money is not his, he knows that it will probably become his when he becomes a master in the future.

The third master naturally felt that the money belonged to him.

That's why he was so excited!

Among all the people present, not only the third master was excited, but the neighbors were also very excited.

They knew that Yi Zhonghai had spent a lot of money filling holes for Sha Zhu during this time.

But he still has as many as five thousand!

What is the concept of 5000 yuan?

5000 yuan is a concept that their family of three can't spend all their lives.

If they don't eat meat and only eat stick noodle porridge, the money will last them a lifetime!

They can even let their son live a lifetime!

The neighbors were stunned, how could Yi Zhonghai be so rich?

A salary of 99 yuan a month can save so much money, no wonder Da Ma, as the first lady of the courtyard, wears tattered clothes every day.

Yi Zhonghai's co-author is not only rich but also picky!

He not only picks, but also fools the neighbors.

Didn't he just say that he only had 200 yuan left in his pocket?

How come 200 yuan has now become 5000 yuan?

How did the money change from two hundred to five hundred in such a short period of time?

The neighbors smiled contemptuously at Yi Zhonghai...

"Yi Zhonghai, please explain, why did the 200 yuan with the child become [-] so quickly?"

"Yeah, you said the neighbors won't take this money. Why are you lying to me?"

"Big Mom has been with you all your life for nothing."

"She wants some child support now, you have to lie!"

"You are really a good man, Yi Zhonghai!"

"Why don't you call me Yi Zhonghai in the future, and just call me Lies and Actuaries!"

"You have to give this money to someone else's aunt. If she takes it home, she might give birth to babies again with the money!"


The cynicism from the neighbors made Yi Zhonghai blush.

In fact, how much money he has, he really has no idea in his mind.

Although Yi Zhonghai is quite shrewd sometimes, he is definitely not as shrewd as the third uncle when it comes to money.

He just puts money in the money box but never counts how much money he puts in the money box.

Yi Zhonghai only knew that he was rich but never knew how much money he had.

It was the first time he saw that he had saved so much money, and he was a little shocked.

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