But when he thought that so much money would be distributed to his ex-wife, Yi Zhonghai felt that he was at a disadvantage. 0.7

He was reluctant to part with the money in the first place, and now he is even more reluctant to part with the money.

Yi Zhonghai looked at the green piles of bills. These were all his years of hard work!

He looked at Zhou Xuejian with a sad face and said: "Let's discuss that I still have to live, or you can take half of it?"

"I only have the last 5000 yuan left."

"You took it away, what should I eat and drink?"

"Is there only 5000 yuan left?"

Zhou Xuejian pretended to be shocked and said: "Co-author, you have made a lot of money over the years!"

"5000 yuan is just a drop in the bucket for you!"

"Then you still feel so sorry for me!"

"It just so happened that the 5000 yuan was used to live for Da Ma!"

"A big mom needs 5000 yuan!".

Chapter 226 Exposure!Yi Zhonghai kept a secret for 30 years!

Neighbors let Zhou Xuejian's words remind him directly, and Yi Zhonghai felt that 5000 yuan was still a small amount.

You must know that these people have never seen anything like 5000 yuan.

But in Yi Zhonghai's eyes, it seemed that he could only live for one year.

Why is there such a big gap between people?

Yi Zhonghai probably got the money from them!

Neighbors feel heartbroken at the thought.

They ate bran-swallowed vegetables at home, but this Yi Zhonghai ate spicy food and saved so much money all at once.

He still thinks it's not enough.

"Yi Zhonghai, how much money do you have on hand?"

"Zhou Xuejian can't really tell the truth, can he?"

"You are young and old now!"

"Hehe, I see, this 5000 yuan is really a drop in the bucket for him!"

"Maybe there are tens of thousands of dollars!"

"It's all fished out of us, right?"


Yi Zhonghai was terrified when he heard this. If the neighbors knew that he could make money from it as an old man in the courtyard, he would not be able to explain it clearly in the street.

He quickly defended himself and said, "No, I earned all the money!"

"If I fished it out of 06, would I feel so distressed about spending it?"

"You feel bad when you spend it?"

Zhou Xuejian retorted: "I didn't see you feeling distressed when you wiped Silly Zhu's ass!"

"Thousands of thousands of people smashed outside, but I have never seen you hit and jump!"

"It seems that you are spending your heart on the big mother, right?"

"My aunt has been following you for so many years, and you still feel sorry for spending money on her!"

"We're all divorced, and we still can't bear to pay alimony."

"Don't say you are not worthy of being a master in the courtyard. You are not even worthy of being a human being!"

Zhou Xuejian's two words immediately broke his defense.

She thought that she didn't have a good life with Yi Zhonghai in her life.

Apart from worrying about food and clothing, he didn't even have the most basic concern.

The first mother took care of the inside and outside of the house, and Yi Zhonghai only gave her five yuan a month for living expenses.

At that time, when conditions were good, Yi Zhonghai asked the aunt to take care of the deaf old lady's meal for five yuan.

The deaf old lady has to eat meat every meal!

What era is this? Meat is eaten every day!

In order not to make Yi Zhonghai unhappy, Auntie spent all her dowry!

Isn't her money counted as money?

Thinking of it this way, Yi Zhonghai also spent a lot of money on her!

During the years that Yi Zhonghai had lived with her, he said he was supporting her, but in fact it was as if he was still supporting her!

Auntie originally thought that taking the 5000 yuan was just a matter of anger to Yi Zhonghai.

She doesn't want to give it to him now that she has it in her hand.

She deserves it.

"Yi Zhonghai, the money you gave me is far from enough!"

"You have saved so much money, I didn't even know that I slept on the same kang with you, it shows how scheming you are!"

The neighbors were all shocked when they heard what Da Ma said!

Auntie didn't even know that Yi Zhonghai had so much money in his pocket?

Yi Zhonghai’s hidden secrets are deep enough!

Such a scheming person has actually been the master of their compound for so many years!

What does this kind of person rely on to get to the top?

Is it possible that there is really a black box operation here?

The neighbors' eyes changed when they looked at Yi Zhonghai!

Yi Zhonghai panicked when Big Mom exposed him like this. He looked at the neighbors and said, "Don't listen to Gao Xiaocui's nonsense, Gao Xiaocui is in charge of the family's money."

"How else would she know where my money box is?"

"Don't you think about it carefully?"

At this time, the first mother snorted coldly and said, "I don't know!"

The neighbors looked at Da Ma suspiciously.

If she didn't know, where did she get Yi Zhonghai's money box?

Could it be that she went back to the house and dug it out on her own?

"Mom, don't you know how you took it out?"

"Is there anything else going on here?"

"Yes, Auntie, hurry up and tell me!"

"What the hell is going on here!"


When Aunt Ma thought of how badly Yi Zhonghai treated her, she was ready to fight to the death.

People like Yi Zhonghai should get the retribution they deserve.

He can't be a master anymore, and he can't even think about living in the yard!

Without a daughter-in-law, no pensioners, and even without the support of the deaf old lady, Yi Zhonghai has nothing.

Then just let him die without a burial place.

The eldest mother said: "I admit that I was careful about this money box."

"When Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu had something to do, I rummaged around secretly."

"I finally dug it out somewhere. It was in the closet!"

"That box has been there since we got married. He wouldn't let me open it, but I was always obedient and didn't open it."

"But what Yi Zhonghai did made me sad."

"I opened this box out of curiosity, only to find that there is money in it!"

"Neighbors, you judge, he even hides his own wife, does this kind of person have any character at all?"

The neighbors gasped when they heard this!

Yi Zhonghai turned out to be such a person!

That was the wife he had been with for decades!

He had to lie to all of this!

Then he must not lie to the neighbors about many things?

"Yi Zhonghai, apart from lying to Big Mom, have you ever lied to us?"

"What else are you hiding from our neighbors?"


"Anyway, things have come to this point, and you don't have anything bad to say."

"Quickly tell it all!"

"What's so embarrassing about it now?"


Yi Zhonghai is about to get down, he has done a lot.

One after another, none of them can be explained openly.

And these things, although he doesn't trust the aunt, but the aunt who has lived with him all the year round knows a little bit.

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