If he blew himself up now, he would definitely die immediately.

But letting Auntie break out would be a dead end.

Yi Zhonghai is not afraid of anything else.

No pension, no wife, no inheritance rights, none of these can defeat him.

What would be his biggest downfall was when his neighbors ganged up on him and kicked him out of the compound.

At such an old age, he can't live in a dormitory with other workers, right?

He can't live on the street and sleep on the street, can he?

Yi Zhonghai didn't dare to say it, so he could only act badly, he gave all the money, how could Zhou Xuejian and the others not let him go?

He might as well just retreat with a pee escape!

Yi Zhonghai thought about it and said quickly: "I have three urgent needs. Let me go to the toilet first."

With that said, Yi Zhonghai was about to run away.

As a result, I was pulled back by the aunt.

"You won't say it, right? I'll say it for you!".

Chapter 227 Was there something fishy about Yi Zhonghai’s election that year?

Yi Zhonghai saw from the look in the aunt's eyes that everything was in danger, and he suddenly panicked.

He was scared to death.

How much does Auntie know about him?

He would really die if she showed no mercy.

When Yi Zhonghai was a master in the compound, he often used his position to do bad things.

He is in danger now, and it is hard to protect himself.

He knew that once Auntie opened her mouth, he would be finished!

Yi Zhonghai was so frightened that he hurriedly said, "Gao Xiaocui, don't think that you know me very well!"

"If you spread rumors, I will really call the police!"

If Yi Zhonghai had said these words in the past, Auntie would still be scared.

But now the aunt is really not afraid.

She knew everything Yi Zhonghai did.

She just wants Yi Zhonghai to be kicked out by the neighbors right now, which is called out of sight.

She didn't know if she would live in the compound after marrying Yu Zhongsheng, but she had to complete her plan before marrying Yu Zhongsheng.

The eldest mother wants to take revenge on Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai made her suffer a lot in her life.

If Auntie didn't take any measures, Yi Zhonghai might be left in the hospital to figure out what else might happen.

The aunt thought this, and she said directly: "I don't understand you!"

"After so many years between us, apart from money, have you not lied to me about anything?"

"It was such a joy when you became the first master of the courtyard."

"Actually, if it were me, I would definitely not be happy!"

"After all, this old man doesn't come from a legitimate background!"

The neighbors were even more shocked when they heard this. Yi Zhonghai actually had a problem with becoming a master?

But wasn't the great man Yi Zhonghai voted for by his neighbors back then?

How can this be regarded as an improper way?

The neighbors all looked at Yi Zhonghai with very strange eyes.

This made Yi Zhonghai's scalp feel numb.

Yi Zhonghai never thought that Aunta wanted to expose this kind of thing about him.

Where did this old man come from?

Of course, it was the deaf old lady's status in the street office that helped him get such a very profitable job.

However, this sub-district office cannot cover the sky with one hand, and must be recommended by the neighbors.

At the beginning, the competition between the first uncle and the second uncle was the most stressful, but the second uncle actually had a higher voice than the first uncle.

After all, the first master wants to establish a character and has always been a person who neither fights nor grabs.

The second uncle is different, the second uncle is an official fan, he is willing to do anything to become an official.

Including bribing the neighbors and so on. The neighbors received a lot of benefits from the second uncle at that time.

Although these beasts sometimes don't turn their heads, they will do things for others after receiving the benefits.

When they first voted, most people voted for the second uncle.

In order to ensure the fairness of the election, Director Xu personally counted the votes. Of course the neighbors believed in the state cadres.

But it was such a national cadre who failed the trust of his neighbors.

There is also water in the ticket, and the deaf old lady put a lot of pressure on Director Xu.

Director Xu was even given some benefits. After receiving the benefits, Director Xu could only operate in secret under the pressure of the deaf old lady.

As for these second uncles, the neighbors don't know anything about them.

The eldest mother should not have known about it, but at that time she heard the deaf old lady discussing with Yi Zhonghai.

Otherwise, Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady would probably take these things into the coffin!

This is what Auntie wants to expose today.

Yi Zhonghai vaguely guessed what Auntie wanted to say.

He had to make Big Mom shut up. At the beginning, she was too soft, but he went straight to being hard.

"Gao Xiaocui, don't think you know everything!"

"Some things are not as simple as you think!"

"You have to be responsible for what you say!"

"Misfortune comes out of your mouth!"

Zhou Xuejian heard that Yi Zhonghai was threatening Aunt Ma!

Of course he can't let her be threatened, nor can she be scared off by Yi Zhonghai's threat!

He pointed directly at Yi Zhonghai's nose and said, "Yi Zhonghai, who are you threatening?"

"Let me tell you, Da Ma has saved you face for so many years."

"Enough is enough!"

"Today is the time for you to repay!"

After saying that, Zhou Xuejian turned to Auntie and said, "Auntie, don't be afraid, we will tell you anything."

"No matter how talented Yi Zhonghai is, he can't defeat me, Zhou Xuejian!"

"It's no longer the time for him to cover the sky with one hand in this compound."

"He has no status anymore!"

Auntie got support from Zhou Xuejian and became bolder again.

She knew that she had nothing to fear from Yi Zhonghai now. She was no longer Yi Zhonghai's wife, and Yi Zhonghai had also paid the alimony in full.

Even if he, Yi Zhonghai, wanted to do something, he didn't have the ability anymore.

The first mother let out a deep breath of relief, the secret of so many years is about to be announced to the public.

The aunt even felt a little relieved.

She said: "I don't know if the neighbors still remember the election of Yi Zhonghai as the first president."

"Gao Xiaocui, don't say anything!"

Yi Zhonghai got so excited that he even wanted to rush up and hit Aunt Ma!

Yu Zhongsheng rushed forward and stopped Yi Zhonghai. Several neighbors stepped forward and directly suppressed Yi Zhonghai!

Yi Zhonghai couldn't even jump up and down!

"Auntie, please tell me!"

"We're all listening!"

"Yes, speak up!"


The second uncle also stared at the eldest mother attentively.

He had a lot of involvement in the election that year, and he had been worried about not becoming a senior official for many years.

The second uncle heard that there was something tricky about it, so of course he couldn't let go of this opportunity.

"Back then, the deaf (hao Li Hao) old lady took advantage of her status as a family member of a martyr to directly conduct a behind-the-scenes operation, and the votes were fake."

"They teamed up with Director Xu of the Sub-district Office to directly conduct a fake election!"

"They've involved bribery!"

"Yi Zhonghai is the leader of corruption!"


As soon as the news came out, the audience was shocked!

No wonder the neighbors went home and checked. They clearly chose the second uncle, so why did he become Yi Zhonghai?

However, they did not question it because the decision was made by the sub-district office.

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