"We have been good brothers for so many years!"

"How kind I have been to you for so many years, don't you know in your heart?"


Yi Zhonghai's trick is really superb!

The deaf old lady is in jail, who can prove that what he said is true or false?

But Yi Zhonghai still forgot one person, that is the big mother.

Chapter 229 Big Mom Exposes Her Truth!Online real hammer Yi Zhonghai!

Big Mom and Yi Zhonghai are now in a deadlocked state.

Yi Zhonghai treats her like this regardless of his previous affection, why does she still care about Yi Zhonghai's face?

The aunt also thought about it, she just wanted to ruin Yi Zhonghai's reputation.

Yi Zhonghai lost his house, his wife and the deaf old lady.

He must still be thinking about finding a pensioner in the compound.

But is this kind of pensioner so easy to find?

He lost his reputation, and the neighbors in the compound had to kick him out!

Da Ma has learned a lot after following Zhou Xuejian for so many days, such as doing things with absolute certainty.

Since she wants to take revenge on Yi Zhonghai, she will leave Yi Zhonghai without any chance of turning around!

The big mother's eyes suddenly became more murderous.

If Yi Zhonghai is not removed, she will not be able to live a good life in her life.

"You fart!"

The eldest mother yelled directly.

The eyes of the neighbors all looked at Da Ma.

Then they looked at Yi Zhonghai again.

Yi Zhonghai's expression at this moment was uglier than eating shit.

He knew what the first mother was going to say, and he wanted to stop it, but the fist of the second uncle was still clenched in front of him.

Don't look at this second uncle, if this person gets angry, no matter how stupid he is, he will stand up.

The second uncle is ready to beat Yi Zhonghai at any time.

The second uncle is so big, weighing two hundred catties in total, he can crush Yi Zhonghai to death, let alone a fist.

Yi Zhonghai was so scared that he didn't even dare to speak to the second uncle.

He could only diss to the big mother, and he shouted: "What am I farting?"

"You know what the fuck?"

"What happened back then, I never told you!"

"You still dare to lie about me?"

"Do you think I, Yi Zhonghai, are easy to bully, Comrade Gao Xiaocui!"


Yu Zhongsheng slapped Yi Zhonghai directly on the face.

"Talk to my wife with respect!"

Yi Zhonghai was stunned when he saw Yu Zhongsheng's vicious eyes and Zhou Xuejian's fist waiting for an opportunity.

He didn't dare to speak, and he would still be beaten if he spoke again.

There are two protectors on the left and right beside the big mother, so she is not afraid at all.

She knew that even if she let Yi Zhonghai die directly in the compound today, Yi Zhonghai would not do anything to her.

With the protection of Yu Zhongsheng and Zhou Xuejian, she can do anything!

After the big mother has the courage, she has the confidence to speak.

"Yi Zhonghai, don't think that only you tell me I will know what is going on!"

"You did so many nasty things behind my back, I know it all!"

"If you don't tell me, I won't listen?"

"It was obviously the deaf old lady you found back then who said she wanted to be the uncle of the courtyard."

"The deaf old lady didn't agree to come at that time. It was you who begged and said that you would definitely provide for the deaf old lady, so the deaf old lady agreed!"

"The deaf old lady was involved in this matter, but you started it all!"

"You think I know nothing, but I know everything!"

Yi Zhonghai was immediately frightened when he heard this!

How did the aunt know about this?

Could it be that the deaf old lady told him?

When Yi Zhonghai went to beg the deaf old lady, he obviously closed the door!

Is it possible that this will also be heard by the big mother?

Yi Zhonghai thought that everything he did was watertight, but unexpectedly, he capsized in the gutter!

And this gutter turned out to be the wife he despised so much!

This wife is now divorcing her but wants to expose his scandal.

Yi Zhonghai even felt that he was unkind to others.

Big mom is too good at pretending!

For so many years, I have been pretending to be harmless to humans and animals, and all I have created are virtuous and virtuous wives and wives.

But he didn't expect that after the two of them parted ways, they would become Yi Zhonghai's greatest threat.

Yi Zhonghai gritted his teeth with hatred, he would spend so many years with such a woman!

He was really blind!

He actually wanted to get back together with such a woman.

If the reunion is really successful, wouldn't the aunt know a lot of his secrets again.

The seeds of compounding had been extinguished in Yi Zhonghai's heart.

The top priority now is that he must put this matter to bed.

Otherwise, Yi Zhonghai would be corrupt and accept bribes!

If Zhou Xuejian gets caught with this, he must not be sent to the police station!

Yi Zhonghai quickly shouted: "Gao Xiaocui, stop making up lies here!"

"You just said it yourself, you have been married to me for so many years and you don't even know about my money box!"

"How do you know about me!"

"You just made up such a story just to make me feel bad!"


"Are you interested?"

"Do you understand what it means to get together and get together?"


The first mother said: "Who doesn't know how to get together and get together?"

"Did I say a word to you after I divorced you?"

"You have a big face and ran to our house to harass me over and over again!"

"Now I'm looking for a new life, and you're going to destroy me when I go on a blind date!"

"Why should you ask others for things you can't do yourself?"

"And you're right, I just don't want to get together and break up!"

"I have to get rid of all the bad things you did!"

Big Mom's words are more powerful than Yi Zhonghai's threat!

The neighbors gasped when they heard this!

They never expected that the always gentle and kind mother would say such a thing!


And the current state of the big mother is actually a bit similar to Zhou Xuejian!

But the neighbors really prefer such a big mother!

Yi Zhonghai is already a bad guy in the compound, who wouldn't want to see a bad guy?

If the neighbors don't express their opinions, they just eat melons in silence.

They were still looking forward to what big melons Yi Zhonghai hadn't revealed yet!

Yi Zhonghai was so frightened that he almost broke out in sweat. The first mother was in the open and he was in the dark. He didn't know how much the first mother knew.

After all, he looked down on Da Ma back then, because he always felt that she didn't understand anything.

But now he finds out that Big Mom knows everything.

That's what's creepiest.

The eldest mother knows everything, but he doesn't know what the eldest mother knows.

Yi Zhonghai also had to clean himself up as soon as possible.

There was no other way, Yi Zhonghai had no choice but to burn the boat, he shouted at the aunt: "What's the use of talking nonsense here now?"

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