"Do you have any proof that I said that to the deaf old lady?"

"You have no evidence to prove that you are lying!"

The first mother laughed, she looked at Yi Zhonghai with a gloomy look and said, "Is the evidence?"

"Then you wait here!"

After finishing speaking, Big Mom turned around and walked to Yi Zhonghai's house.

Yi Zhonghai seemed to have remembered something, and quickly grabbed Da Ma.

But the big mother has left and right guardians, so she won't let Yi Zhonghai get close!

In a short while, Kung Fu Big Mom came out with a piece of yellowed paper.

Chapter 230 Pension Agreement Exposed!Did Yi Zhonghai have such a deal with the deaf old lady?

The neighbors were shocked by this ups and downs of a good show!

No one knows what the aunt is holding in her hand!

But their strong curiosity made them rush over, all scrambling to see the piece of paper in Big Mom's hand.

Da Ma was surrounded by the crowd, and Yu Zhongsheng and Zhou Xuejian were protecting Da Ma.

Their protection made Da Ma even more confident.

The first mother unfolded the paper and showed it to the big guys.

"This is the retirement agreement signed by Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady!"

The big mother's words immediately silenced everyone present.

The air became very quiet at this moment.

Yi Zhonghai couldn't say a thousand words!


He is completely finished!

After losing everything, he also lost his position in the compound!

Yi Zhonghai knew that he had nothing left!

He really has nothing left!

He only lost a wife, then a house, and then all his savings.

Finally, at this very moment he lost his dignity, he lost his status!

There is a possibility that he will lose his own residence!

Yi Zhonghai thought about the future, the future.

He didn't dare to think about it anymore, a lonely old man living on the street with no money and no house.

Is there anything more miserable in this world than this?

Yi Zhonghai thought that he would become the most pitiful person in the world, and he began to feel pain. This pain made him, a little old man in his 50s, cry.

He covered his face and wept bitterly, looking at the aunt with despairing eyes.

"Gao Xiaocui, what do you think of me?"

"Do you think that I will feel at ease when I die!"

"Gao Xiaocui, after all, we've been married for so many years, what are you going to do?"

When the first mother heard Yi Zhonghai say that the two of them had been married for so many years, she felt very disgusted in her heart.

Husband and wife for so many years?

If Yi Zhonghai was thinking about his love for many years, would he treat Gao Xiaocui like this?

Not to mention that the two of them are divorced now.

Even when Yi Zhonghai was not divorced before, Yi Zhonghai treated her Gao Xiaocui badly!

What Da Mama is doing now is not as good as one-tenth of Yi Zhonghai's doing.

And she was forced by Yi Zhonghai to do so!

If Yi Zhonghai hadn't forced her, she would have kept this secret until she died.

The aunt said: "Yi Zhonghai, don't blame others for your mistakes whenever something happens!"

"It's not my fault, it's your fault!"

"We were not divorced when you signed this agreement with the deaf old lady."

"But have you discussed it with me?"

"Of course not!"

"If I didn't discover it myself, I would have been kept from you two bastards for the rest of my life!"

The neighbors gasped at Yi Zhonghai's scheming!

For a wife who has been together for decades, Yi Zhonghai will hide this matter from her!

How could he hide it for so long?

What kind of person is Yi Zhonghai!

Such a person has been in charge of the compound for so many years, it can be seen who brought down the atmosphere in the compound!

Compared with Yi Zhonghai's character, what the neighbors want to know is the content of the agreement.

They knew that the agreement signed by Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady would definitely not be a gentleman's agreement.

There must be more ulterior secrets in it.

The most important thing is that there may be something about the neighbors of the courtyard house here!

"Mom, let's not talk too much with this bastard."

"Can you tell me what this agreement is about?"

"Could it involve everyone!"

"Could it be that something happened to you here too?"


The aunt is illiterate, and she didn't understand what was written in it when she found it.

All she knew was what kind of pension agreement this thing was. At that time, she secretly asked a child who could read to read it.

The first mother didn't dare to reveal too much, for fear that the children would see it and go out and talk nonsense, so when she saw the above words, the first mother didn't ask any more questions.

At this time, she actually wanted to know what was written in the agreement.

She couldn't read, so she looked at Zhou Xuejian for help.

After Zhou Xuejian sensed Da Ma's request for help, he quickly took the agreement.

He looked at this agreement even if he was mentally prepared.

After all, it is not uncommon for some dirty things to happen to Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady.

But the content of this agreement really shattered the three views.

"Yi Zhonghai, you can do it!"

Zhou Xuejian couldn't help but said.

"You can sign this kind of thing, are you still a person?"

It would be okay if Zhou Xuejian said it directly, the neighbors would not be so curious 0......

The neighbors became even more curious when he kept a secret.

What if there is something related to their interests?

Wouldn't it be that he was deceived by the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai for so many years without knowing it?

"Learning swords, tell me quickly!"

"Don't be a fool!"

"If Yi Zhonghai has any serious problems, we'll just throw him out!"

"Yes, blast him out directly!"


Zhou Xuejian deliberately wanted to arouse the curiosity of the neighbors, and only when they became curious and learned the truth later would they show no mercy to Yi Zhonghai.

He took the agreement and said: "This agreement says..."

"Zhou Xuejian, I beg you, don't say it!"

Yi Zhonghai collapsed, of course he remembered what was written in the agreement.

If Zhou Xuejian said it, he would really die.

He will have no face to stay in this courtyard anymore!

He wants face, he wants a place to live!

He can't be so old and go out to live in a dormitory with young people who have just started working!

This is so embarrassing!

"Shut up you!"

Zhou Xuejian slapped Yi Zhonghai directly.

What annoys him the most is that others interrupt him, let alone at such an important moment.

"Yi Zhonghai signed this agreement with the deaf old lady, and the above clauses involve the old lady."

"Yi Zhonghai promised the deaf old lady that the first mother will be the deaf old lady's cow and horse for 0.7 until the deaf old lady dies."

Big Mom's eyes widened!

No wonder Yi Zhonghai has been brainwashing her to respect the deaf old lady!

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