He can't let the third master fight for his dream like this!

He wants to be an official!

He is going to become the master of this compound!

He wants to fulfill his lifelong dream!

The second uncle thought so, and shouted directly at the crowd: "Neighbors, follow my instructions!"

"Just hit him with the head of the broom!"

The neighbors were already red-eyed. They picked up the guy and waved it at Yi Zhonghai without even thinking about hearing the second uncle's order!

Yi Zhonghai let out a cry, now that he fainted, he could no longer get up casually.

He felt that he was on the verge of death, and when he fainted, it seemed as if he was about to die.

Chapter 232 Second Uncle Wants to Run!Zhou Xuejian directly exposed it!

After Yi Zhonghai fell down with a scream, the neighbors still didn't believe that he really fell down!

After all, Yi Zhonghai had fainted several times!

The neighbors who he pretended to provoke were even angrier.

"Don't pretend, Yi Zhonghai!"

"You fainted, we'll get you up!"

"Although the rule of law does not kill people, we haven't killed enough yet!"

"Old bastard, get up quickly!"


Speaking of which, the neighbors hurried over and began pressing Yi Zhonghai's people.

Yi Zhonghai was being pinched, seven hands and eight hands were pinching him, but he didn't wake up.

The neighbors panicked now, and they took a step back.

If Yi Zhonghai dies, the matter will become serious, after all, this is a human life!

These neighbors are all the culprits. When the time comes, call the police, and no one can escape!

"It's not really dead, is it?"

"Did he die so easily?"

"I feel like we didn't fight a few times!"

"It's just two or three hammer blows!"

"I didn't do anything!"

"I don't seem to have done anything, I just watched the fun!"


The neighbors immediately began to shirk responsibility from each other, and most of the people who hit just now said that they did not do anything.

Zhou Xuejian, who was watching the whole process, laughed.

These beasts are really interesting!

They had so much fun just now that they even clamored to beat Yi Zhonghai to death.

It's all right now, I just don't admit it!

Did they say it's easy to do without hands?

There are so many tools thrown here, the police will know it when they come to see it, and there is no use in their sophistry!

The second uncle and the third uncle are the most panicked at this time.

The two of them just encouraged the neighbors to do it!

If the neighbors said this, wouldn't they have to sell it to the two of them when they arrived at the police station?

Then the two of them are the instigators and have become murderers!

The second uncle's lifelong dream is to be an official. How can he become an official if he is arrested?

The second uncle wanted to run away for his own career, but Zhou Xuejian discovered him before he could take a step forward.

"Second uncle, where are you going?" "?"

Zhou Xuejian asked loudly on purpose, but the neighbors are all listening!

The second uncle was so frightened that he almost peed his pants, he quickly turned around and stammered, "I'm not going anywhere, I'm going to call an ambulance, call an ambulance!"

"is it?"

Zhou Xuejian's gaze was very sharp. He looked at the second uncle and said, "When did this ambulance stop in the backyard?"

"Shouldn't it be in the hospital?"

"What are you doing in the backyard?"

Zhou Xuejian looked the Second Uncle up and down, his eyes scratched the Second Uncle's face like a knife.

The second uncle’s face suddenly turned red!

This damn Zhou Xuejian!

The second uncle cursed in his heart.

Although he also wanted Yi Zhonghai to die, wouldn't he be responsible for killing him?

If his eyes were not so sharp, he would have run out.

Why do you still want to get involved with him at this time!

The second uncle was so angry that he said to Zhou Xuejian: "Don't I have to go home to get the money?"

"Don't you pay for the ambulance?"

"I don't need money for an ambulance, but I need money to go to the hospital!"


Did the second uncle listen to what he said?

Qin Huairu's family is the most difficult family in the entire compound, followed by the third uncle, and finally the second uncle.

The second uncle's family even eats eggs, whoever has the credit will eat them.

Will he give Yi Zhonghai money to see a doctor?

No one would believe this!

What's the use of saying something that no one believes?

It is simply a fantasy!

The neighbors also think that the second uncle is talking nonsense. Of course, they also want to find someone to cover their backs now. As long as the responsibility is not shared on their heads, they can sit back and relax.

So many people in the compound have done it, the law does not blame the public.

If Yi Zhonghai was really dead, they would be able to absolve themselves of the crime if they found the one responsible.

Thinking of this, the neighbors have already pinned the scapegoat on the second uncle.

"Second uncle, you don't want to run away, do you?"

"Just now you were the loudest one!"

"I remember you said you wanted to kill Yi Zhonghai!"

"Where was that posture just now? Why did it disappear all of a sudden?"

"We don't know yet whether Yi Zhonghai is dead or not, but you have to take responsibility for being the leader!"

"Oh~ If you hadn't said to take the tool just now, we wouldn't have copied the guy!"

"Tell me, how do you deal with this?"


The second uncle is so angry that he wants to slap himself!

Why did he owe him so much just now!

He just wanted to compare with the third master and let the neighbors beat Yi Zhonghai!

What if something really happened to Yi Zhonghai?

Wouldn't he be sent to prison by these beasts himself!

This group of people put their interests first, and they will never be merciful if they can find a scapegoat!

The second uncle was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak. If he said too many mistakes, there would definitely be trouble at that time.

The third uncle looked at the second uncle silently, and his heart burst into ecstasy.

After he finished shouting the slogan just now, the second uncle followed closely and led everyone to copy the guys to beat Yi Zhonghai.

The third master is also responsible for this matter.

He is responsible but if the second uncle runs away like this, the responsibility will be transferred.

Then he would naturally put all the responsibility on the second uncle!

No matter what year it is, no one would think about going to jail, right?

And why did the second uncle order the neighbors to copy the guy after he shouted the slogan?

There must be something tricky here, a man as calculating as the third master guessed that the second uncle also wants to be a master!

The position of this first uncle is obviously his third uncle's, he can't let the second uncle snatch it away!

When you become the first uncle, the third uncle will become the local emperor in the courtyard!

Then he will have whatever he wants!

He can collect money from the neighbors in the courtyard at will!

He no longer has to go fishing every day to subsidize his family.

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