Thinking of this, the third uncle went straight down the slope of the neighbors, and he wanted to beat the second uncle down.

The third master said: "'Old Liu, I have to say a few words to you!"

"Yi Zhonghai was fine just now, but you insisted on letting the neighbors copy him!"

"Now the neighbors beat Yi Zhonghai unconscious according to what you said, so you want to run away!"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Are you trying to put the blame on the neighbors?"

"As the second uncle in the courtyard, something happened and he was irresponsible and wanted to run away. You don't seem to be good at it, do you?"

What the third uncle said directly killed the second uncle!

This is what the second uncle is most afraid of!

If the neighbors misunderstood that he was an irresponsible person, then how could he still be a master in the courtyard?

What about his dream of becoming an official?

This third master just doesn't want him to be a master!

Pure is intentional! .

Chapter 233 Second Uncle Hemorrhages!Zhou Xuejian scammed money again!

The second uncle saw that the eyes of the neighbors were all on him.

If he really ran away at this time, it would be fine, but Zhou Xuejian would not be able to run at all if he dragged him.

Let the third master say this again, and the neighbors will definitely think that he really wants to run away.

He was also given an irresponsible title by the third master.

what should we do?

He couldn't give up his dream of becoming a master, and he couldn't let Yi Zhonghai die.

If Yi Zhonghai is dead, it is guaranteed that this group of people will kill him.

He definitely won't be able to run away. He can stop fighting with the third master now, but he must convince the neighbors that he didn't want to run away just now.

The second uncle said, "When did I say I wanted to run away?"

"Which eye of yours saw me and wanted to run away!"

"As the second uncle in the courtyard, I am one level higher than you!"

"I can't have to give you a report when I talk and do things, can I, Third Master?"

"I just said that I will go home and get the money to call an ambulance for Yi Zhonghai!"

"Then I'm going to get the money!"

The third uncle saw that the second uncle was determined to fool this matter, if he really fooled him, it would be a bad idea.

But for a while, 357, the third uncle couldn't think of how to refute the second uncle.

He just finished beating the third master righteously, but now he is speechless.

Zhou Xuejian saw it, and the third master can't do this either!

I had nothing to say just after saying a few words to the second uncle. Isn't this waiting for the second uncle to save the scene?

At the critical moment, Zhou Xuejian had to appear in person to torture animals.

Sometimes I feel tired thinking about learning swords this week!

He is a theatergoer who wants to borrow a knife to kill people, and after killing them, he still has to wipe his butt!

Zhou Xuejian shook his head helplessly and said, "Second uncle, you don't have to go get the money yourself, do you?"

"The second aunt is right here, just let the second aunt go!"

"Oh, you don't have to call an ambulance yourself!"

"It doesn't matter if Yan Jie stays here, the kid is running away and let him go!"

The second uncle's face turned black all of a sudden!

This damn Zhou Xuejian!

Why do you want to keep him from stepping down again!

He is absolutely honest and intentional, just to make him lose his authority in the courtyard!

Is it easy for the second uncle to become an official?

He worked in the factory, working as an ox and a horse, and doing the work of ten people by himself. In the end, he was not allowed to be promoted because he was uneducated.

In the compound, he talked good things and tried to please his neighbors, but in the end he was still not as good as Yi Zhonghai, a well-connected household.

Finally, a chance came, and Zhou Xuejian wanted him to go to jail directly!

How could he be so unlucky in his life!

When the second uncle thought of this, he felt that fate was unfair, and he didn't want to live like this again.

He wants to live a life that attracts everyone's attention, he wants to be an official, he wants to be the uncle of the courtyard, and he also wants to have privileges.

And this time is an opportunity.

Although it was Yi Zhonghai who saved him, he was a character that everyone hated.

But it also shows his leadership skills!

He wants to take this opportunity to take down the neighbors in the courtyard.

Isn't it just money?

Just eat less eggs twice!

If Yi Zhonghai really died, how much would it cost to wrap him in a broken straw mat?

If he didn't die, as long as the neighbors listened to him, he could turn the neighbors' money into Yi Zhonghai's medical expenses, right?

Thinking of this, the second uncle began to use an official accent.

"Thanks to Zhou Xuejian for reminding me!"

"Otherwise, I would have been in vain!"

The second uncle started his speech in a hurry.

"Neighbors, what Yi Zhonghai has done is really heinous, and it has even harmed everyone's interests."

"These things also touch on the law."

"But it's been so long, we can't just rely on a pension agreement to get him convicted by the police!"

"I think Yi Zhonghai still needs to wake up!"

"He is in a coma now, even if the police (agah) find him and convict him, they won't be able to convict him!"

"We have to let him admit it himself!"

The second uncle made a good move to change the topic, which directly led the neighbors to solve the case.

The neighbors even thought that what the second uncle said was somewhat reasonable.

They talked one after another.

"What the second uncle said is quite reasonable."

"We have to get Yi Zhonghai to admit it and put him in jail!"

"Anyway, the deaf old lady and silly Zhu are both in jail!"

"Let the three bad guys reunite directly inside!"

"This is the punishment Yi Zhonghai should receive!"

"Yes! Let me accept the punishment!"


Zhou Xuejian saw that the neighbors were being led astray by the second uncle?

Will this work?

This can't be done!

If things develop as the second uncle envisioned, then Zhou Xuejian won't watch this scene for nothing?

If something happened to Yi Zhonghai, his second uncle couldn't live in peace.

Zhou Xuejian will not let any of these beasts go.

Zhou Xuejian said: "Second uncle, I didn't understand much of what you said!"

The neighbors looked at Zhou Xuejian, they were still wondering!

The smartest person in the whole compound is Zhou Xuejian, why don't you understand?

"Zhou Xuejian, how can you not understand this!"

"Yi Zhonghai has already broken the law. We can't punish him in the compound. The second uncle wants Yi Zhonghai to be brought to justice!"

"That's right, learning swords, the second uncle is thinking about the courtyard, so you interrupted!"

"Let him do what the second uncle says!"

"We just listen and drink!"



Zhou Xuejian said with a more serious tone: "Then what does this have to do with the second uncle running home to get the money just now?"

"Isn't he obviously changing the subject?"

When Zhou Xuejian said this, the neighbors suddenly realized!


Didn't you just say that the second uncle went home to get the money or ran away?

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