Why is it like this again now?

Isn't the second uncle just changing the subject, and wants them to change the subject directly?

After the neighbors figured it out, they all looked at the second uncle with very strange eyes.

The second uncle was in a panic.

How could Zhou Xuejian be so smart this time!

What does he want to do?

Did he want to kill his second uncle?

How did his second uncle offend Zhou Xuejian?

He wants to play tricks on him like this!

The second uncle hurriedly defended himself: "I just said that I want Yi Zhonghai to wake up, so I have to send him to the hospital!"

"What's wrong with me going to get the money to send to the hospital?"

"I'm just explaining why I'm leaving just now!"

"That's it!"

Zhou Xuejian pretended to be enlightened and said: "Then trouble the second aunt to go home to get the money!"

"This is what the second uncle ordered. Don't take too little, otherwise it won't be enough when the time comes!".

Chapter 234 Yi Zhonghai Costs Three Hundred to See a Doctor?The second uncle even vomited blood!

After the second aunt heard Zhou Xuejian's order, she glanced at the second uncle in embarrassment.

The financial power of the second uncle's family is in the hands of the second uncle.

If he didn't nod, the second aunt wouldn't dare to actually get it!

And the second aunt really doesn't want to take this money, their family can't afford to eat, so why do they have to take money outside~?

What's more, the money was used to save Yi Zhonghai!

Just now the second aunt heard it all, if it wasn't for Yi Zhonghai's singing of counterfeit bills, the second uncle would have become a grandpa.

If the second uncle became the first uncle, would their family be so poor if they were emperors in the courtyard?

It’s definitely not the case!

Their family may also receive a lot of benefits, and even eat without spending money!

How many eggs can I buy with the money I save?

The second aunt felt angry when she thought of this and did not move for a long time.

The second uncle saw that the second aunt didn't want to go.

He didn't want to pay either, but that's what he was talking about. If he really didn't pay, would he still be a master?

Won't the neighbors then have to say that he doesn't mean what he says?

The second uncle felt that it would be better to lose some money than to lose his fame.

Besides, how much can Yi Zhonghai spend on medical treatment?

Seeing how the neighbors beat him up, he might not even be able to spend a penny and he would die right after he got to the hospital!

"Why are you still standing still?"

The second uncle scolded the second aunt and said, "Hurry up and go!"

The second aunt is not willing to go, and she is not like the first mother. Sometimes the second uncle asks her to do things she doesn't want to do, and she knows how to resist.

The second aunt mumbled and said, "I won't go, why should we pay for this money!"

"Obviously we all fought together!"

"Besides, what does Yi Zhonghai's life and death have to do with our family!"

"It's not a coincidence that he died!"

Second aunt really dare to speak!

What she said offended the neighbors!

The neighbors were busy shirking their responsibilities, but she could just put the blame on them in one sentence.

They don't want to admit that they hit Yi Zhonghai!

When it comes to this kind of shirk responsibility, they will be particularly united!

"Second aunt, what are you talking about?"

"If it wasn't for the second uncle himself asking us to copy the guy and beat Yi Zhonghai!"

"Why did Yi Zhonghai become like this?"

"Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with us!"

"Don't be blind!"

"Forget it if you don't want to give money, why are you still blaming others!"


The second uncle was so angry that smoke was coming out of his nose.

He managed to take off the hat of the instigator just now, but now because the second aunt didn't want to give money, she put the hat on him again with her own hands!

The second aunt is simply a pig teammate!

It's really worrying to have such a wife on the stall!

"Long hair and short knowledge!"

The second uncle scolded directly: "Do whatever you are told to do!"

"Where does all this nonsense come from!"

"Is it a matter of who fights and who lets fight now?"

"Saving people is the most important thing. If something happens to Yi Zhonghai, how can we live in the compound!"

"Why don't you think about your neighbors at all!"

The second uncle's words were obviously meant for the neighbors to hear.

Sure enough, he still has some brains, and the neighbors are very helpful to hear his words.

They just want to take the responsibility away. The second uncle is not bad after seeing it like this, and he knows to take the responsibility actively, and even wipes their butts!

The neighbors who were still frowning tightly just now relaxed.

The second aunt and the second uncle have a tacit understanding after living together for so many years. You will understand after hearing what he said.

The second uncle is paving the way for himself to be the first uncle!

He said that a long time ago, didn't the second aunt already understand?

Sometimes the second uncle likes to play bureaucrats, and the second aunt can't stand it!

Always saying things that others don’t understand!

The second aunt knew what was going on now, and happily went home to get the money.

How much money can be spent on medical expenses? If their old Liu really became a big man because of Yi Zhonghai's incident.

Then their family will be developed.

At that time, we can also get involved with the street office.

Then the jobs of their sons will be settled.

Anyway, being a master must have more advantages than disadvantages!

Thinking of this, the second aunt hurried home and brought ten yuan over.

In her mind, ten yuan was enough. Going out to the hospital to buy some cold medicine only cost a few cents.

If Yi Zhonghai was beaten and had to be hospitalized, ten yuan would be enough!

The second aunt thinks the price is affordable.


The second uncle looked at the ten yuan and was also very satisfied. This money is more or less, it is just right.

It shows that their family is sincere and really wants to help the neighbors solve this matter.

It also shows that his decisiveness in killing will definitely lead everyone to build the compound in the future.

"Okay, then let's send Yi Zhonghai to the hospital as soon as possible!"

"If we delay for a little longer, Yi Zhonghai will not be able to be saved!"

With that said, the second uncle took the money and walked out the door.


Zhou Xuejian shouted behind him.

An idea came to his mind when he saw ten dollars.

To be honest, Zhou Xuejian is not short of money in this world, and the supplies given by the system are all followed by several zeros.

Ten yuan is nothing to Zhou Xuejian!


It doesn't even count as scum!

Zhou Xuejian wants to pay ten yuan for the second uncle to bleed?

Isn't this a joke?

It's painless!

It must make his head hurt if he wants to come out!

The second uncle saw Zhou Xuejian blocking him again, his whole face turned black!

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