Then they thought of the buildings that Bai Ye had directly circled a few days ago that were no longer for sale.

Instantly understood something.

Some chambers of commerce that originally wanted to buy the building were also very upset at this time.

If I had known earlier, I would have just spent the money to buy that building.

It's no longer for sale there.

Wouldn't it be nice to go directly to the bank?

Fuck, I feel like I missed hundreds of millions.

Those who have already bought the house are excited.

Because the surrounding housing prices have begun to rise.

Liyue Bank's headquarters?

The title alone is worth a fortune.

In the future, maybe this place will become the most prosperous place in Liyue.

Want to save money, you have to get here, right?

And then drop by our chamber of commerce?

Even if there is a transaction, it can be completed directly by running to the next door.

Why isn't this flattering? ?

(Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and rewards.) Shan.

Chapter 185, Beiguo Bank, you have a headache

Many merchants in Liyue Port did not sleep.

Waited until the next day, when it was just dawn.

Many people who got up in the morning saw that some merchants were pulling a cart of goods towards the nearest bank.

Some went directly to Gui Liyuan.

Getting ready to replace the new Mora.

Ningguang also got up early.

After getting up, the first thing she did was to have someone post the announcement.

What should I do after arriving at the bank?

How to save money is clearly written on it.

At the same time, she also started to have her people pull some moras to the bank.

Then personally be the first to save money.

Other Liyue high-level officials went to other streets.

Began to be the leader.

Not only that, many people came to Beiguo Bank early in the morning.

They all held deposit tickets in their hands.

The "[-]" team is ready to withdraw the money stored in Beiguo Bank.

Although the current Beiguo Bank has not yet opened, the entrance and here are already full of people.

The son is inside the bank.

But his complexion is not very good.

He didn't sleep all night last night.

After reporting all these things to Zhidong Kingdom, he has been waiting for news.

However, so far, no news has come.

Therefore, if someone wants to withdraw money now, he can only get Mora to them.

Fortunately, last night he had someone send Mora over quickly from Mondstadt.

By means of fools, they got a lot of Mora here this morning.

Should be able to last for a while.

A no-nonsense disaster.

What is this for?

Here in Liyue, you didn't run any bank before, but what bank do you want to run now?

Just thinking about it gives me a headache.

After sighing, the young master said with a feeling of lovelessness:

"Let someone open the door."

“If anyone needs money, let them do it.”

"It's not stopping at all."

"At the same time, speed up the delivery of Mora from other places."

Fortunately, Liyue Bank is only opened in Liyue territory now.

If you drive directly to other countries, it will be really troublesome.

They Beiguo Bank don't have so many moras for people to withdraw.

Mora as an alchemical material.

Zhidong country is also very much needed.

Often, when there is a need in Zhidong Country, these Mora will be transported back.

but now?

It can only be dispatched from other places first, and then let the domestic side send all the other Mora over.

Prevent others from withdrawing money?

This is simply not possible.

If this is really the case, then their Beiguo Bank really can't even think about it.

Even Liyue Qixing will take action to drive them out completely!

Therefore, this wave is very unsolvable!


Wait until the time is up.

The major banks are also opening their doors.

Some people who wanted to save money also entered Liyue Bank with their own money.

Liyue Bank, just the word Liyue can make Liyue's people recruit unconditionally.

Not to mention, this is the will of the emperor himself.

So everyone trusts this bank very much.

The trained staff also hurried up to greet these people.

Help them open a card.

Then teach them how to use it.

After understanding the function of this card, everyone was shocked.

Is it so convenient?

As long as you have a card, you can know how much money you have.

And it can also be bound to a mobile phone.

You can check whether your money has been used by anyone at any time through your mobile phone.

This time, these people were even more excited.

Mobile phones are now quietly on sale.

Anyone who has a little money chooses to buy a mobile phone.

Especially those who do business.

With this, they will be more convenient.

So no matter how expensive the price is, you have to buy one.

This makes it easier for others to contact you.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't have a mobile phone, you can still use it.

Next, just take good care of the card.

If the card is lost, it will be very troublesome to replace it.

You need to take your identification to the General Affairs Department for confirmation, and then go to the bank.

It can be said to be very cumbersome.

The first people to get bank cards soon appeared.

At the same time, many people have switched to the new Mora.

Looking at the paper-like new Mora in his hand.

Everyone was full of curiosity.

There are many things printed on it.

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