The mountains and rivers of Liyue, and the name of Liyue Bank.

Looking at these new Mora, everyone was pleasantly surprised.

But can this thing really be spent?

Some people just started to try it.

Just take it to some store and start buying stuff 0 .

When they saw someone bringing a new Mora, and after confirming that it was a real New Mora, these stores also directly chose to accept it.

I already said it on the radio yesterday.

Everyone is very clear about this matter.

So there is nothing to refuse now.

Since the material is exactly the same, of course it has to be collected.

And it can be changed to the previous Mora at any time, what is there to say?

It is in this case.

The bank on Liyue's side started up very smoothly.

Many people's bank cards have become their most important thing.

Of course, some people bought a mobile phone after getting a bank card.

It will be more convenient with this.

By the way, even the sales of mobile phones have been brought up.

Ning Guang has been waiting for news at Qunyu Pavilion.

Listening to the report of the subordinates, the lively situation of each branch.

She had a bright smile on her face.

Isn't this a success?

Next, Beiguo Bank will have a headache.

Thinking of this, Ningguang smiled even more happily.

You know, in a short period of time, a lot of money has been collected in the bank.

If she wanted to see how many people had deposited their money, she could do that too.

Just ask someone to check at the bank headquarters.

All the data is transmitted to the headquarters at the first time.

How many people saved money, how much money was collected in total and how many molas were exchanged for it.

It is clearly written on the backstage of the headquarters.

At this moment, Ke Qing was staring at 4.1 at the bank headquarters.

Later, she will pass on the news.

Ningguang, looking forward to this very much.

At noon, Keqing's call came quickly.

When Ningguang finished listening to Keqing's report, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but crazily rise.

You can't hide it no matter how hard you try.


Putting down the phone, Ning Guang was very excited.

In just one morning, more than one billion moras have been saved.

Moreover, some members of the big chamber of commerce are still counting because there are too many Mora, and they have not started to deposit them yet.

Such news undoubtedly made Ningguang very excited.

Liyue Bank has completely stood firm.

With this group of depositors, the next many things will be much more convenient.

Of course she understands the benefits of opening a bank! .

(Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward.).

Chapter 186, The battleship might as well be called Beizhai!

Liyue Bank officially opened.

The new way of saving money has directly attracted many people to save money.

This made the people very satisfied.

By night, the amount deposited in the bank alone was nearly tens of billions of moras.

It is conceivable how rich those businessmen are.

Of course, the new Mora began to circulate gradually.

A lot of people went out of their way to get some new moras.

Some alchemists also started to study with the new Mora.

Then after some research, they found that the new Mora was better to use than the ordinary Mora.

If it is only used for alchemy, the effect will be better.

It is precisely because of this discovery that many people began to use these new Mora with confidence.

At night, Keqing also returned to the manor.

Then he explained to Bai Ye everything that happened at the bank today.

After listening to her words, Bai Ye nodded.

"That's fine."

"The next step is to slowly open the bank to other places."

"There are also some credit card machines that can even be made out."

"If you need to transfer money, just swipe the card directly. 01."

When he said this, Bai Ye touched his chin.

This thing can be made out.

Ke Qing blinked.

"Are you planning to provide it specifically to those big chambers of commerce?"

direct transfer?That's something that only big chambers of commerce can use.

If it is just an ordinary transaction, everyone can just go and get the money.

But in the case of a large chamber of commerce, if any business is done, it needs to go to the bank.

It will no longer be like before, pulling a carload of Mora, or directly giving a check or something.

Bai Ye nodded.


"This is indeed for those merchants."

"It's actually just a gadget."

After saying this, Bai Ye directly got out what he needed on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Ke Qing was stunned for a moment.

Soon, a small machine appeared in Bai Ye's hands.

"How to do this?"

Keqing looked at the thing in Bai Ye's hands curiously.

Hearing what she said, Bai Ye smiled and then explained.

"Very simple."

"In this way, first bind your own card number."

"Then, if someone else wants to make a deal with you, they can just transfer the money directly on the spot."

While saying this, Bai Ye began to operate.

Bind your own card number.

Then Bai Ye signaled Keqing to take out her card.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Ye directly swiped the card on the spot, and then asked her to enter the password, and directly transferred 10 moras from Ke Qing's hand to Bai Ye's card.

Following some operations, Keqing soon received a text message.

Her Kari was transferred out of 10 Mora.

Seeing this, Ke Qing's eyes lit up immediately.

"Not bad!"

"Then get some more out."

"It's time to sell it to those merchants."

This thing is really good.

Very convenient.

Bai Ye directly took out several boxes and put them aside.

Keqing will take these things directly to the bank tomorrow.

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