"As expected of a strong member of the Tianwuyuan Law Enforcement Team, he has actually mastered the killing charm." Ning Feng said in surprise.

"Let's go." The leader didn't care about Ning Feng's flattery. He led a group of people and escorted Ning Feng away in full view of everyone.


Huang Tong was dissatisfied. It was clearly Ye Chenfeng who colluded with powerful people from other worlds in this matter. Why did he arrest Ning Feng without asking any questions?

Dragon Soul stopped Huang Tong, which she and Ning Feng had expected. The next step was the key. "This matter has not yet been decided, so don't make matters worse. Just follow me."

Chu Fengyun and others looked stern. Their team had just been established, and Ning Feng was definitely an indispensable figure. Unexpectedly, this matter had twists and turns, and it seemed that it would not be settled simply.

Chapter 3: It’s Hard to Achieve

Everyone did not go back to Ning Feng's mansion directly, but came to Qin Binli's residence together.The inner courtyard competition ended earlier than the freshman competition. Qin Bingli was in the mansion at this time, and she didn't know that something had happened to Ning Feng.

Qin Bingli is not a person who likes excitement. Originally, she was a little resistant when she saw so many people coming to visit together. However, when Huang Tong said that the matter was urgent, she let them in.

Dragon Soul told Qin Bingli the whole ins and outs. After the latter heard it, he was immediately furious and wanted to rush out of the mansion to rescue Ning Feng.

"Miss Qin, no!" Dragon Soul and the others quickly stopped her.

"Ning Feng was framed, how can you sit back and watch, luckily you are still Ning Feng's confidante!" Qin Bingli was extremely angry. Her temper was already extreme, and now she spoke even more freely.

Tian Huan'er and Long Soul were immediately embarrassed. They didn't expect that they would play such roles in Qin Binli's eyes. For a moment, they didn't know how to explain to her.

"Senior sister, don't worry. Miss Dragon Soul brought us to you just to save the boss. Why don't we listen to what she has to say first." The person present who was most familiar with Qin Binli was none other than Huang Tong.He had paid a lot for Qin Binli back then, but Qin Bingli was not particularly open-minded towards him.

"Okay!" Qin Bingli couldn't bear it and suppressed her anger.

"It is impossible for the Tianwu Academy not to know the truth about this incident. However, what the Tianwu Academy needs to do this time is not to find out the truth, but to quell public anger."

Dragon Soul analyzed: "The top management of Tianwu Academy invested a lot in Ye Chenfeng. His death left them with nothing to lose. Therefore, Tianwu Academy must deal with Ning Feng so that they can calm down."

"How can this be like this?" Huang Tong was puzzled. Good is good and bad is bad. For these things, white things are called black and bad things are said to be good. Isn't this referring to a deer as a horse?

"So, isn't Ning Feng hopeless?" Chu Fengyun frowned.

"No." Dragon Soul said: "Because of this, Ning Feng will be fine. However, at this time, he urgently needs the help of three people."

Dragon Soul's eyes looked at Chu Fengyun, Xiao Yuan and Qin Binli.

"We?" Xiao Yuan was stunned. How could they help Ning Feng get out of his current predicament?

"If you need my help, I have absolutely no problem." Qin Binli agreed without hesitation.

"Tianwuyuan takes a fancy to Ye Chenfeng and places a heavy bet on him simply because he has the ability to establish an emerging force. By then, Tianwuyuan and its senior leaders will have countless benefits."

"But if we can prove that what Ye Chenfeng can do, Ningfeng can do better, and that he can make the Tianwu Academy and the senior executives gain far more benefits than Ye Chenfeng in the future, how do you think they will choose? "

Everyone: "'!..."

"Chu Fengyun, Xiao Yuan, I need you two to come forward and ask your respective family heads to protect Ning Feng. I wonder if you can do it?"

"This..." Chu Fengyun was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized, "That's it, don't worry, this matter will be taken care of by me."

"I understand." Xiao Yuan also nodded. It is not difficult to convince their family leader.

Without further ado, the two of them hugged the crowd and immediately went to find their respective family heads to ask for help.Qin Bingli, however, looked ugly.

She is different from Chu Fengyun and Xiao Yuan. Although Qin Hao is her father and a late-stage daughter-controller, he has always been prejudiced against Ning Feng. He even sent a master to intercept Ning Feng and asked him to help Ning Feng stand up. ,How can this be?

?A sand stick? A stick? A stick to ask for flowers??

What's more, the relationship between himself and his father is about to reach a freezing point after the inner court competition. If he goes to ask for help at this time, even if he is willing to agree, he will definitely ask him to return to the Qin family with him.In this way, she still has to leave.

"Miss Qin, is there any difficulty in this matter?" Dragon Soul asked, seeing Qin Bingli's ugly face.

Qin Bingli was silent.

"This is the only way to save Ning Feng, let the girl decide for herself." Dragon Soul turned around and waved his feather fan to everyone, and retreated with Huang Tong and others.


"Senior sister, she hasn't agreed yet? Why are you leaving?" Huang Tong asked hurriedly after leaving the door.

"Every family has its own sutras that are difficult to recite." Dragon Soul knew this very well and could not force Qin Bingli, otherwise, it would be counterproductive.However, she believed that Qin Bingli's concern for Ning Feng was not a lie, and she would take action.

Now, they have many other things to do. Before getting the support of the three major families, they must defend Ning Feng as much as possible. Otherwise, even if Ning Feng is released and his reputation in Tianwu Academy is ruined, Hard to achieve.

After Longhun and others left, Qin Bingli sat quietly in the courtyard for a long time, motionless like a sculpture.


In order to receive guests from all over the mainland, the inns in Tiandu were already overcrowded.Chu Fengyun came to the place where everyone in the Chu family stayed and met Chu Huaijin, the head of the Chu family.

When Chu Huaijin heard that Chu Fengyun was back, she quickly invited him in.

"You kid, are you finally willing to come back to see me?" Chu Huaijin said with a smile.

"I've met the head of the family." Chu Fengyun saluted the head of the house very politely.

"Okay, there are no outsiders here. If you fart, hurry up." Chu Huaijin interrupted B.

Chapter 3: I’m so angry

Although Chu Fengyun did not get the final first place in the freshman competition, his performance was not bad, especially his swordsmanship, which improved very quickly.It may not be a bad thing for him to experience failure as a freshman.

"When I came back this time, I wanted to ask my father for help with something."

"What's the matter, tell me."

Chu Fengyun explained the incident in detail and asked Chu Huaijin to stand up for Ning Feng.Chu Huaijin was completely stunned after hearing Chu Fengyun's story.

Although he knew that Chu Ziyao and others had indeed had a fight with someone, he didn't have time to ask about the matter. Unexpectedly, the other party was actually a strong man from another world, and this Ning Feng actually initiated this battle.

"At such a young age, with such a mind and heart, I think this boy's talent is also very good. He deserves to be a man from my mainland." Chu Huaijin also admired Ning Feng, as a man from the mainland should be.

"Okay, I will take care of this matter! A mere Zi family wants to kill the genius of my Chu family. I want to see what the Zi family has."

"Are you willing to help?" Chu Fengyun was overjoyed.

"Just take this opportunity to kill the Zi family." Chu Huaijin stroked his beard and said slyly.

After settling the matter with the head of the Chu family, Chu Fengyun felt reassured. Not long after he went out, he happened to meet Xiao Yuan who had returned at the same time, and he quickly stepped forward to ask how his plan was going.

Xiao Yuan nodded. He made Zi Ning'er's actions more exciting and successfully aroused the anger of the Xiao family head. At this moment, the Xiao family head wanted to uproot the Zi family. Ning Feng's small favor, his Xiao family It’s decided.

The heads of the two major families were willing to stand up for Ning Feng, and the two of them immediately felt relieved.


Qin Bingli walked in the Tianwu Courtyard. She walked very slowly, with a look of nostalgia in her eyes.She had walked this road leading to Wu Mansion hundreds of times, but it had never been as good as this time.

"Tianwuyuan has issued a notice."

"What notice?"

"You don't know yet? I heard that new student Ning Feng killed Senior Brother Ye, and the Tianwu Academy decided to put Ning Feng on trial tomorrow."

"public trial?"

"Yes, Senior Brother Ye is so powerful. Many people demand that Ning Feng be severely punished. If the Tianwu Academy doesn't give a fair trial, I'm afraid they won't be able to convince the public."

"What's going on with all this? How could Ning Feng be related to Senior Brother Ye's death?"

"Whatever, can't we find out if we go see it tomorrow?"

Qin Bingli froze when she heard the news about Ning Feng's public trial in Tianwu Academy. This was too fast.She sighed slightly and finally raised her head, her eyes firm, as if she had made some determination.

In an inn somewhere in Tiandu, Qin Hao also received the news. He couldn't believe his eyes. This little guy actually caused such a big thing.So much so that tomorrow, the Tianwu Academy will put him on trial.

"Master, Miss is back."


Qin Hao raised his eyebrows. This girl is coming back at this time. This timing is very intriguing!

Qin Haoping retreated from everyone and sat alone in the room.With a creak, the door was pushed open, and a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

Qin Bingli was silent for a moment and then bowed her hands.

"..." Qin Hao was speechless. When his daughter saw his father, he didn't even want to say hello. How did his relationship with his daughter become like this?

Silence, suffocating silence, although Qin Bingli made up her mind to see her father, but when they actually met, she didn't know how to speak.

"Ahem." Qin Hao couldn't hold it in any longer, so he pretended to clear his throat and coughed twice.

Seeing this, Qin Bingli awkwardly poured a bowl of tea for him and knocked it directly on the table in front of him...

"..." This girl can actually pour tea for herself?Although his movements were a little clumsy and he seemed reluctant, he still fell for himself.

Picking up the tea bowl, Qin Hao took a sip. Although the tea was light, it felt extremely refreshing when he drank it.

"Okay, don't keep a straight face. If we have anything to say between father and daughter, let's just talk about it."

How can a father understand Qin Bingli's temperament?This girl is out of character, she must be asking for something. As for what she wants, is there any need to say?Of course it was for that boy Ning Feng.

It seems that the female students really didn’t get the chance to stay.

"I..." Qin Bingli's words came to her lips, but she really couldn't say them out. She hesitated for a long time, but never said the second word.

"I've convinced you. Don't you just want me to help Ning Feng stand up and make Tianwuyuan think that he has great potential and let him go?"

Qin Hao was furious. His daughter used to be hot-tempered and straightforward. What could she say? Why would she change her personality for a brat?Is that boy really that good?

"Yeah!" Qin Bing1.1 Li nodded, his big eyes flashing brightly.

"I..." As a late-stage daughter-controller, Qin Hao couldn't stand his daughter's offensive. His heart softened and he wanted to agree.

But as he spoke, he suddenly remembered that day at the teahouse, when Ning Feng said something disrespectful, and his anger immediately rose again.

"I can promise you, but I have conditions." Qin Hao said, "I want you not to see Ning Feng again from now on."

"..." Qin Bingli remained motionless. It seemed that she had already been mentally prepared for Qin Hao's conditions. After a long time, she raised her head and looked at her father, and nodded slowly.

Chapter 3: One move and another move

"I want you to follow me back to Qin's house!" Qin Hao pushed further.

"..." nodded again.

"I..." Just as he was about to make other excessive demands, Qin Hao suddenly saw tears welling up in his daughter's big, watery eyes.

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