What am I doing?Why should I force her like this?

No!No, I do it for her own good!

However, if it was for her own good, why was she crying?

Only in this way can we protect her from harm!

But the way she looks now, isn't she already hurt?

Qin Hao's body swayed slightly, and he was caught in the battle between heaven and man. The two voices in his head went back and forth, arguing constantly.

At this time, Qin Bingli stood up, knelt down, and kowtowed to Qin Hao.She leaned down, but refused to get up for a long time, as if she was saying that as long as Qin Hao was willing to help Ning Feng, she would agree to anything.


Qin Hao cursed in his heart, what is so good about this Ning Feng?To actually cause his daughter's temperament to change so drastically?

"That's it, get up." Qin Hao helped his daughter up, "Tell me why you want to help him no matter the cost? What's so good about him?"

"..." Qin Bingli was silent again. This time, Qin Hao did not put any pressure on her. His eyes were calm, like an ordinary old father, waiting for his daughter's answer.

"Only he treats me like a normal person..."


Actually, just for such a simple reason?Qin Hao was completely stunned, and then he looked up to the sky and laughed.

Treat Qin Binli like a normal person!

Qin Hao's mind suddenly became clear at this moment. He finally understood why his daughter was so different to this boy. It was simple to say this, but even as a father, he subconsciously regarded Qin as the same as everyone else. Bingli regarded him as an alien.

Qin Hao poured himself a bowl of tea. As the top powerhouse in the mainland, his hand when pouring tea trembled slightly.It turns out that it was not others who were wrong all along, but myself.

"Daughter, let's talk to dad about your affairs in the academy during this period." Qin Hao decided not to care about anything else. Now he just wants to be an ordinary father.

Qin Bingli was slightly stunned. Qin Hao had never asked her this before.

"Who bullied you?" "Dad, go help you seek justice!" "Just stay at home!"

Qin Hao's words flashed through her mind. How long had it been since the father and daughter had not had an ordinary chat like today?

Time passed quickly, and the people of the Qin family were waiting outside the room, not daring to express their feelings.Everyone knows that although Qin Hao is a daughter-in-law, as long as the father and daughter get together, they can quarrel with each other.

There was a quarrel between their father and daughter, and no one dared to intervene. To pull Qin Hao was to seek death, and to pull Qin Bingli would inevitably result in a scolding from Qin Hao.So every time the father and daughter meet, everyone feels like they are facing a formidable enemy.

Only this time, the room seemed quite peaceful, with one or two hearty laughter coming from time to time.Everyone looked at each other, what is going on?

No one knows what the father and daughter talked about. They only know that when Qin Hao came out again, he was in tears, and the eldest lady, who had always had a bad temper, actually had a smile on her face.

This is hell.


As night fell, Dragon Soul was still writing furiously in front of the desk.

In tomorrow's public trial, Ye Chenfeng's subordinate Bai Hao will be the plaintiff, while Zi Ning'er will be the key witness.You don't need to think about it to know that nothing good will come out of her mouth.

Dragon Soul sorted out Zi Ning'er's possible false testimony one by one, and prepared countermeasures. He didn't put down his pen until the bright moon hung high.

She rubbed her eyes, looking slightly tired.As a Xuanjing warrior, the physical exertion of daily practice and long journeys are far less to her than guessing people's hearts.

Even though she tried her best, there was still no guarantee that everything would go wrong.

Dragon Soul's contact with Zi Ning'er is very limited, but judging from the only contact, this girl does things without considering the consequences.That day she dared to threaten the Chu family and the Xiao family with the Zi family's token, which showed that this woman was short-sighted.

And after Ye Chenfeng died, she took the risk of being killed by Luo Hu and crushed the token in her hand angrily. This reckless and stupid behavior made Dragon Soul completely unable to predict what she would do tomorrow. move.

Any preparation is in vain when facing a madman.

"White Boat."

"Miss Dragon Soul, what are your orders?"

Dragon Soul held the information collected by Bai Zhou about Ye Chenfeng and his group, and suddenly an idea flashed: "Do me a favor..."

"you say"


At dawn, Longhun put down his pen again and unknowingly had stayed up all night.Ning Feng's public trial will start early in the morning. Although she has arranged an unexpected move, there is no guarantee that it will be effective.

I can only hope that everything will go well, God will follow people's wishes, and Dragon Soul prays silently in his heart.

Ning Feng's public trial was arranged to be held in Xiuxue Building.During the competition in the inner courtyard, although the Xiuxue Building was damaged, it has been repaired and it can be said to be brand new.

Early in the morning, the Xiuxue Building was packed with students from the Tianwu Academy. Today's public trial was an unprecedented event.Everyone is curious about what happened to Ye Chenfeng's death and what role Ning Feng played in it.

Chapter 311 Is there any real evidence?

Bai Hao has been waiting in the Xiuxue Tower early. Today he is participating in the public trial as the plaintiff. He has only one demand, that Ning Feng be expelled from the Tianwu Academy.

Once Ning Feng is expelled and killed, it will not be considered as killing a fellow sect member, and Ning Feng will no longer be protected by the Tianwu Academy. At that time, he can legitimately take revenge.

Zi Ning'er was sitting in the front row, with a look of pride on her face. She was the protagonist today, and Ning Feng would definitely pay the price for what he had done.


Elder Xuan and the other four elders came to Xiuxue Tower and took the seat of the presiding judge.All the students in the Tianwu Academy were very curious. Why did Elder Xuan come forward for such a big matter? Why did the acting dean go?

Elder Xuan was also quite helpless. Everyone at the top of the Tianwu Academy knew that Tianjizi had a close relationship with Ning Feng, so in order to appear fair in this public trial, Tianjizi could only avoid it.

Elder Xuan was naturally pushed into this position. In fact, he himself did not want to do such a thankless job.

He was found guilty and expelled from the academy. It was difficult to explain to Tianjizi. However, he was found not guilty. The other senior officials of Tianwu Academy must also be dissatisfied with him. It can be said that he is not a human being inside and outside.

No, in order to ensure that he would not "make mistakes", Tianwuyuan also arranged for four other elders to "assist" him in the public trial of the case.

After the five elders took their seats, the entire Xiuxue Tower became quiet.

"Take Ning Feng."

Elder Xuan's gavel fell, and a team of law enforcement teams escorted Ning Feng up.

"He is Ning Feng...!"

"With your cultivation in the Xuan Realm, how could it be possible to kill Senior Brother Ye, Senior Brother Long, and Senior Brother Yun?"

"Haven't you heard? This Ning Feng is colluding with powerful people from other worlds!"

"What? You actually colluded with outsiders and harmed your fellow disciples, how can you tolerate this!"


Ning Feng's appearance caused a small commotion in Xiu Xue Tower. Elder Xuan slapped the table to calm everyone down.

Ning Feng sat down. At this moment, he was wearing special shackles, and he couldn't use any of his true energy and strength.He looked back at Dragon Soul, whose eyes were bloodshot and looked tired. He must have stayed up all night yesterday.

Ning Feng, you also have today!Zi Ning'er looked at Ning Feng in the dock and gritted her teeth with hatred. This man not only killed her dream, but also directly caused Ye Chenfeng's death, and even made herself punished by the head of the family. Zi Ning'er and Ning Feng , irreconcilable.

Wait, Zi Ning'er's eyes swept across, and there were only Long Soul and Huang Tong beside Ning Feng. Where were the others?

An ominous feeling arose in Zi Ning'er's heart. With her brain, she could not think of Ning Feng's back-up plan. She just instinctively felt that this public trial might not go smoothly.

"Okay, regarding the case of Ning Feng's murder of his fellow disciples, resulting in the death of three Tianwu Academy disciples Ye Chenfeng, Long Yu, and Yun Tianze, the public trial will begin now. Plaintiff, are you ready?"

"Ready." Bai Hao stood up and said.

"Where's the defendant?"

"We are also ready." Dragon Soul stood up and replied.

"Now, please, the plaintiff, please start your statement, and the defendant, please don't make any sound before I allow you to speak."

Elder Xuan's gavel fell, and the public trial officially began!

"Elders and fellow practitioners." Next to Bai Hao, a young man who looked polite and polite, holding a folding fan in his hand, stood up, came to the crowd, and began his performance, "This is a shocking incident. Premeditated and cold-blooded murder!”

Eloquent and vivid, tens of thousands of people were seated in the entire Xiuxue Building, but the young man did not have any stage fright. Instead, he became more and more excited as he spoke, bursting into tears, and threw all the blame and accusations at Ning Feng in the dock.

"Who is this person?" Dragon Soul frowned. The other party started with all firepower and was obviously very well prepared. But on his side, it was not until the public trial began that he knew that there was such an eloquent person among the other party. , which put this public trial into an unfavorable situation from the beginning.

"?? This person's name is Xi Mo. His cultivation level is mediocre and his talent is average. The reason why Ye Chenfeng took him under his command back then was because he was sharp-tongued and good at speaking. This mouth also made many miracles for Ye Chenfeng. Gong." Bai Zhou's intelligence department had already investigated all the information about Ye Chenfeng and his men.

"Such a treacherous and unethical person is really the anger of both humans and gods. How can the Tianwu Academy accommodate such a wolf-hearted person!" He Ximo's impassioned speech quickly aroused the resonance of many people. In the Xiuxue Tower, Criticisms against Ning Feng continued one after another.

(Hello Nono) "It seems that Ye Chenfeng's men are really talented." Ning Feng said with a bitter smile.

"Plaintiff, do you have any real evidence for what you just said?" Elder Xuan asked.

"Of course, next, I want to ask a witness to come forward." He Ximo said.

Elder Xuan nodded and signaled the witness to come forward.Under the gaze of everyone, Zi Ning'er stood up, held her head high, and walked arrogantly to the center of Elder Xuan, the defendant's dock, and the plaintiff's dock.

"Junior sister, what is your name?" He Ximo asked deliberately.

"Zi family, Zi Ning'er."

"The Zi family? Is it the Zi family we all know?" He Ximo said with a smile.

"Exactly." Zi Ning'er nodded proudly.

Chapter 312 Two Hundred Steps Distance

There is no doubt that He Ximo wanted to use the Zi family's status to add credibility to what Zi Ning'er said.People may not believe what an ordinary person says, but people may believe it much more than what a Zi family genius says.

"Junior sister, what is your relationship with Senior Brother Ye?"

"It doesn't matter." Zi Ning'er replied: "I originally wanted to join Senior Brother Ye's team, but unfortunately, before I could do so, Senior Brother Ye died."

"So, how did Senior Brother Ye die? Who was the murderer?"

"Senior Brother Ye was killed by someone, and he was the murderer!" Zi Ning'er turned her head and pointed at Ning Feng angrily, "This is the person!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire Xiuxue Tower began to commotion again.Although everyone knew that Ning Feng became the defendant because of suspicion, now that people from the Zi family personally testified, many people began to truly believe that Ning Feng 993 was the real culprit who killed Ye Chenfeng.

"But, he is just a new student in the Xuan Realm, and Senior Brother Ye is a powerful Holy Master. What's more, he has Long Yu and Yun Tianze beside him. He is only in the Xuan Realm. What should he do to kill Senior Brother Ye? "He Ximo was not impatient and asked questions step by step.

Longhun's frown deepened. He Ximo's logic was clear and progressive, and he soon got everyone involved. It can be imagined that after the prosecution finished asking, most people in the entire academy will believe what they say.

"This man was so ambitious that he colluded with strong men from other worlds." Zi Ning'er replied, "Even if the three senior brothers died at the hands of strong men from other worlds, it was he who personally ordered the killing of senior brother Ye."

"How come we are related to a powerful person from another world?" He Ximo paced back and forth, guiding Zi Ning'er to slowly tell the story she made up to everyone.

"Ning Feng comes from Jiangnan, but the people who come into contact with him, whether they are Huang Tong, Qin Bingli, Zhang Sanfeng, or Chu Fengyun, have greatly increased their strength in a short period of time. Isn't this suspicious? Senior Brother Ye must feel suspicious. Only then will Ning Feng be investigated.

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