"ten years!"

Tianming was a little disappointed: "Is there anyone who can become very good very quickly? It seems like three to five years."


Genie said.

"How powerful?"

Tianming asked curiously.

"As good as me."

Genie said.

"who is it?"

Tianming was even more curious: "Isn't it you, uncle?"

"Thirteenth Young Master, Ying Fu Che. It only took him three years to fight with me in more than a hundred moves without losing. His current martial arts skills are definitely not inferior to mine."

Gai Nie said seriously.

"Huh? Is he the bad guy who is chasing us?"

Tian Ming said a little unconvinced: "In my opinion, he can't even catch one of uncle's moves, that is, the Hundred-Step Flying Sword!"

Gai Nie looked deeply at Tianming in front of him.

Suddenly he grabbed the young man's shoulder, his face serious.

"Tianming, I have something to tell you."

Ge Nie said in a low voice.

"What's the matter, uncle?"

Tianming asked.

"You look at me."

Ganie continued.


Tianming said seriously: "You tell me, uncle."

Gai Nie looked at Tianming, and then said seriously: "Tianming, if one day I am no longer by your side and you are unable to protect yourself, you go find him."

Tianming asked: "Uncle, why aren't you with me?"

Gainie said: "Our enemies are more terrifying than imagined, and my power is too small in front of them, and that person is the only one who can fight them."

"Then...who is this person?"

Tian Ming still doesn't understand. The enemy... they...

"If the Thirteenth Young Master wins Fu Che, you go find him."

Gai Nie said to Tianming: "Did you hear what I said?"

"Uncle, why did you ask me to find that bad guy? Because he Yue'er and that weird woman almost died."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

Tianming was very puzzled.

"Maybe he is a bad person to other people, but he has no ill intentions towards you, and..."

Gai Nie didn't finish his words, and finally just said: "Remember what I said."

"Okay, uncle."

Tianming said angrily.

I still don't understand why he was asked to find the bad guy.

That bad guy was still hunting them yesterday.

Gai Nie patted Tianming on the shoulder: "Go to rest early, you are tired too."

"Oh, good night, uncle."

Tianming regained his composure and said with a smile.

"Good night."

Gaine replied.


Just as Gai Nie lay down, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Mr. Gai, Master Ben asked me to invite you to discuss matters."

The voices of Mohist disciples came from outside the door.


Gai Nie stood up, held Yuan Hong and walked out.

At this time, Tianming was already asleep, not sleeping at all.

Following the Mohist disciple, Gai Nie soon entered a secret room.

All the leaders of the Mohist family are here, as well as Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng of the Xiang clan of Western Chu who are here as guests.

When Gai Nie appeared, the temperature in the room dropped instantly.

A young man with a handsome and fair face looked at Gai Nie with eyes full of hostility.

"Xiao Gao."

Master Ben spoke.

The young man known as Xiao Gao stopped looking at Gai Nie.

Gai Nie came and sat down next to Duan Murong.

At this time, Master Ban said: "I have summoned you all late at night to report something. The Mohist disciples came to report that there were abnormal movements of the imperial army in the surrounding areas. They were large in number, at least 1 people, and there were a large number of men in black moving around, which was the same as that day. Mr. Gai and Miss Duanmu encountered the same Black Tiger Guards, I suspect that the empire will take action against the government city!"

The atmosphere in the room instantly became solemn.

Chapter 20 Bronze opens his mouth and asks Gongshu

"1 people? The mountains and forests outside the government city are full of government agencies. The interior of the government city is also layered with defenses. Even if there are really [-] Qin troops attacking, we will not be afraid at all."

An extremely tall and strong man said: "Let these lackeys of Ying Zheng come."

"Don't be careless with a big hammer."

Master Ban said: "This time the empire is obviously prepared. We must be careful."

"I have sent additional disciples to patrol. The number is twice as many as usual. We will set up defenses everywhere in the city."

The young man known as Xiao Gao said: "It's just that I'm still a little uneasy. This time the empire has mobilized so much power, it is obvious that it is bound to win."

"Not only is there the power of the empire, but also the participation of Quicksand."

Duan Murong, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "Weizhuang."


Everyone was shocked.

"Wei Zhuang! This bastard, we have been looking for him for so many years, and he still dares to show up!"

The big, strong man stood up and said angrily: "This time, let him never come back!"

The six-fingered black man, a giant of the Mohist family in the previous generation, died at the hands of Wei Zhuang.This account is a mortal feud between the Mo family and Liusha.

"This time, Wei Zhuang's quicksand is cooperating with the empire, and it's no small matter that it's so powerful."

Master Ban said: "Everyone, be careful to prepare for war after you go back. I have put four white tigers in the agency city on standby. Although the external defense of the agency city can be said to be impregnable, we must also strictly guard against possible enemy infiltration.

"Mr. Guy, do you have anything to say?"

Master Ban asked Ganie.

Gai Nie's eyes swept over everyone present, and then said in a deep voice: "Whether it is Wei Zhuang or the Thirteenth Young Master Ying Fu Che, they are all top-notch masters in the world. Whether it is martial arts or strategic methods, they cannot be underestimated. Look, you may be facing the strongest enemy in your life, so don’t take any chances.”

"Thirteenth Young Master wins Fu Che?"

The young man known as Xiao Gao suddenly asked: "You seem to care about this person very much?"


"Got to go?"

Under the moonlight, Fu Che asked Young Siming.

The latter just nodded.

Regarding the actions of the Mohist government in the city, the Yin and Yang family naturally participated.

Fu Che was not surprised that Shao Siming left at this time.

"be careful."

Fu Che said: "Don't push yourself too hard, your injury hasn't fully healed yet."

Shao Siming didn't speak, he just turned around, his movements were extremely fast, and he disappeared into the darkness in just a few breaths.

Fu Che stood alone on the eaves, looking at the waning moon hanging in the sky.

But my heart gradually became heavier.

At present, all military deployments for the Mohist government city have been put in place.

Five hundred Black Tiger Guards and [-] field elites will directly participate in the offensive operations against the government city.

On the periphery, [-] Lantai tiger troops have arrived and are stationed at various traffic hubs.

Based on Fu Che's understanding of the main drama, this arrangement can now be considered foolproof.

But he still felt that it was not enough, but he didn't know where to strengthen.

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