Fu Che had already done everything he could, and all that was left was to adapt to circumstances.

"Young master, all the deployments have been completed. Why haven't you launched an attack on the Mohist government city yet?"

Peng Yue asked curiously from behind Fu Che.

"I'm waiting for someone."

Fu Che said seriously: "I will not launch an attack unless this person is available. Besides, the deployment at Wei Zhuang will also take time."

"Who is it?"

Peng Yue was a little curious.

Fu Che sneered: "A person who is as good as the founder of the Mo family in terms of his attainments in mechanism arts."

"Bronze opened his mouth and wanted to ask Gongshu, Gongshu's family?"

Peng Yue was able to command the Xuanhu Guard under Fu Che, so he was certainly not a mediocre person.

"Indeed, the Mohist government city is a fortress built by the Mohists for hundreds of years. It has countless internal defense mechanisms. If there are no people who are familiar with the mechanism skills, our army will definitely suffer heavy casualties in the attack."

Peng Yue quickly figured out the key.

"Okay, the quicksand people are still waiting for us, let's go."

Fu Che glanced at the direction that Shao Siming left: "What's supposed to come is coming, and what's not supposed to come is coming too. This game is getting more and more interesting."


The screams still kept coming from the dense forest.

Nearly half of the seven hundred death row prisoners have died tragically in this cannibalistic jungle.

There are all kinds of strange ways of death and all kinds of unexpected traps.

Of course, the deaths of these people gradually moved towards the government city, and countless traps were cleared.

"You have a lot of ideas."

Wei Zhuang listened to the screams in the dense forest and said to Fu Che: "Using death row prisoners to make the journey is cruel but very efficient."

Fu Che sneered: "They are sinners of the empire, and they naturally have to atone for their previous actions.


Wei Zhuang said lightly.

At this time, Chi Lian noticed something and asked Fu Che: "Master, where is the little sister who was following you before?"

"She has her own business."

Fu Che said helplessly.

Chi Lian had a half-smile expression on his face, and when he was about to speak, he was interrupted by a strange voice.


An earth-shaking beast roar came.

Countless birds sprang up in the woods.

Then the earth shook, and soon a huge machine beast jumped out of the woods.

The earth-shaking roar came from the mouth of the giant white machine beast.

Compared with the previous machine beast that was more than three feet tall, this machine beast is even taller now.

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The height is close to ten feet, with four feet on the ground, and the length of the body is more than twenty feet.

Every person or object that stood in front of this thing was knocked away.

Under this behemoth of a machine, even the elite Black Tiger Guards seemed so insignificant.

Fu Che looked at the giant machine beast in front of him. Even in the main drama in his previous life, he knew that the Mo family's machine beast was very big and powerful.

But now with real contact, it is still very shocking.

"The White Tiger, one of the four spiritual beasts of the Mo family."

Fu Che said calmly.

"The Mo family has really made some very interesting toys."

Wei Zhuang said with a sneer.

"What are the four spiritual beasts that control the gate?"

Chi Lian sneered, and his hand was already on the hilt of the chain sword at his waist.

Seeing that Chi Lian was about to take action.

But Wei Zhuang stopped him: "You are no match for it."

After saying that, the shark teeth have been unsheathed.

The mechanism white tiger roared angrily, and then pounced on Fu Che and Wei Zhuang.


Wei Zhuang snorted coldly.

And Fu Che's hand was also placed on the hilt of the sword.

Although White Tiger is very strong, compared to the people at the top of the world's martial arts, he may not be able to defeat him.

But at this time.

Suddenly another machine beast rushed out.

The long body directly blocked Fu Che and Wei Zhuang.

The mechanism white tiger collided with the mechanism beast's long body, and was then thrown directly away.

"Thirteenth Young Master, Mr. Wei Zhuang, please forgive me for being late! Please forgive me!"

An old and gloomy voice came.

Chapter 21 The moon is dark and the wind is cold, the life is invisible, the changes are inexplicable, the black jade unicorn


The mechanism white tiger let out a beastly roar.

In the cockpit of Baihu, the two Mohist disciples also showed shocked expressions at this time.

The white tiger is ten feet tall and more than twenty feet long. Its whole body is made of hard wood and bronze. It can be regarded as a rare behemoth in the world.

But what appeared in front of them at this time was even bigger.

A hundred-foot-long mechanism snake blocked the white tiger's attack and easily repelled the white tiger.

Under the giant snake of the mechanism, everyone seems very small.

The two Mohist disciples who controlled the White Tiger hesitated for a moment, then directly controlled the White Tiger to turn around and leave.

At this time, the tall snake head of the giant mechanism snake lowered, and an old man with a stooped figure and a cane stepped down from the snake head.

"I have lost my revenge and met His Highness the Thirteenth Young Master, Mr. Wei Zhuang."

The old man raised his hands to Fu Che and Wei Zhuang and said.

One of his hands is completely a machine arm, and the whole person does not look like a good guy at all, a standard villain look.

"It's better to come early than to come by coincidence."

Wei Zhuang sneered and said, "You came at the right time."

"Some things have been delayed for a while, please don't blame Mr. Wei Zhuang."

Gong lost Qiu said.

Fu Che looked at Gongshu Chou: "How many of your Gongshu family are here?"

"Information to the Thirteenth Young Master, after receiving the Young Master's order, I did not dare to neglect, and overnight selected the 30 most talented and insightful people in the art of mechanism among the younger generations of the family, to follow me. Don't worry, Your Highness, These younger generations will definitely help the army enter the government city smoothly."

Gong Shuqiu said respectfully to Fu Che, a little more fearful than when he faced Wei Zhuang.

"Very good, go ahead and prepare. As long as you do well, I will do what I promised you."

Fu Che smiled slightly.

"Yes, the old man will leave."

Gong Shuqiu said to Fu Che.

After saying that, he stepped onto the huge snake head again, and then disappeared without a trace after a roar.

"This old thing seems to be afraid of you."

Chi Lian asked Fu Che.

"if not?"

Fu Che looked at Chi Lian: "Are you afraid of you?"

"Hehehe, I don't have that much ability."

Chi Lian said: "I'm just curious. This old guy is at least a figure in the world. The Gongshu family helped your Qin State capture cities and territories and contributed a lot to unifying the world. But why are you so afraid?"

Fu Che smiled slightly: "Do you know what the crime of rebellion is in our Great Qin?"

Chi Lian was stunned, but he didn't understand what Fu Che meant.

"Three tribes of Yi."

Wei Zhuang on the side said calmly: "A person may not be afraid of death, but what about an entire family? I really admire you, Your Highness."

"Ha ha……"

Fu Che smiled and said: "Mr. Wei Zhuang is ridiculous, it's just a way to make the slave work well."

Wei Zhuang sneered.

Chi Lian looked at the two people in front of him.

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