
The leader of the army drew his sword and pointed it at the Mo family.


Hundreds of heavy armored soldiers shouted in unison, and there were more heavy armored soldiers in the passage.

No matter these people are the strongest.

After all, it is difficult to be the opponent of the army.

Although Gai Nie could kill three hundred dragon and tiger cavalry with one person.

But what about three thousand?

A big battle broke out in the central hall.

Under the protection of many soldiers, Fu Che, Shao Siming, Wei Zhuang and others slowly retreated.

After all, both Fu Che and Wei Zhuang were injured.

The rest can be left to the army.

When retreating into the passage, Fu Che suddenly discovered that Tianming was no longer there.

I sighed under my heart.

The child ran away after all.


The army is not as vulnerable to martial arts people as most people imagine.

In fact, the military is the most powerful armed group in the world.

One or two soldiers who have received rigorous training may be no different to a master of martial arts.

But what about dozens?What about hundreds?Or even thousands?

Especially these soldiers formed a tight battle formation.

The biggest difference between the army and the Jianghu people is that they are highly organized. Looking at the world, the Great Qin Ruins are the most organized.

The central hall is spacious enough.

Heavy armored soldiers formed a battle formation.

The shield bearer is in front, the spear bearer behind.

Interspersed with crossbowmen.

Step by step, he crushed the people in the world led by the Mohist family.





One after another, they shouted to take a step forward, and each one was like a heavy hammer hitting the hearts of these people in the world.

"Ah! Fight with them!"

Finally, someone endured the strong pressure from the subsidy and rushed towards the enemy in front of him.

Where there is the first, there is the second, even the third and more.

Suddenly, many people from the martial arts community rushed forward to meet the formation of heavily armored soldiers.

All of these people are masters of the martial arts world, and many of them are simply famous heroes.


Following the order from the leading military commander, the crossbowmen took the lead in attacking.

Powerful crossbow arrows were fired at everyone.

Then came a series of screams.

The Qin's crossbows and infantry are invincible in the world, ranking first among the six countries.

The power of the strong bow and crossbow was fully demonstrated at this moment.

Following a volley of powerful crossbows, all the people who rushed up fell to the ground.

However, the area of ​​the central hall is limited after all.

It also doesn't give the crossbowman a chance to fire a second round.


The leader of the army, the Marquis, gave a loud shout.

A soldier at the front immediately attacked the charging enemy.


The screams continued.

The Jianghu people who rushed to the front were blocked by the shield men who robbed the house.

Then the spearmen in the rear quickly stabbed the enemy with their halberds.

All of a sudden, people in the arena suffered heavy losses, but no one was killed.

Everyone in the Mo family saw that the situation took a turn for the worse.

If masters like Yan Dan, Gai Nie, Gao Jianli, and Xiaoyaozi are all in full condition at this time.

There is even a way to break the formation.

But now Yan Dan, Gai Nie and Gao Jianli are seriously injured.

The central hall is still very narrow, so it is difficult for everyone to take advantage of the Jianghu people.

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On the contrary, it made the dense formation of heavy armored soldiers more invulnerable.

Under the pressure of the heavily armored soldiers, the Jianghu people suffered heavy losses and had even fewer footholds.

Even though there were a few masters who broke through the first layer of shield bearers' defense and rushed into the military formation.

However, the military formation was densely populated, and it was difficult for these masters of martial arts to perform, and they were soon besieged and died.

From all directions, more heavy armored soldiers arrived.

In a short period of time, there were hundreds of corpses on the ground.

"What should we do? If we continue like this, we will be trapped and die here."

The snow girl herself was injured. Even if she was not injured, the ribbon she used as a weapon would be of no use to the tortoise formation in front of her.

"Even if I die, I will kill a few more Qin's lackeys today!"

Gao Jianli said simply.

At this time, Tianming was holding the unconscious Gai Nie and preparing to run out.

A sense of desperation spread.

But at this moment, a strange roar suddenly filled everyone's ears.


The roar shook the heavens and the earth.

Not the roar of a white tiger.

But it is more intimidating than the white tiger.

At the same time, violent vibrations began to occur.

In an instant, the earth shook and the mountains shook.

There were actually many places in the originally extremely solid organ city that began to crack.


Fu Che, who had retreated to a safe place at this time, slowly spoke.

He knew that the goal of surrounding all these rebels here would be impossible to achieve.

If we continue to attack.

Then the thousands of heavily armored soldiers who invaded the city must be accounted for here.


Fu Che issued the military order to retreat.

At least the organ city was destroyed, and a large number of rebels died in this organ city.

It can also be regarded as a harvest.

This battle has greatly weakened the anti-Qin forces.

Chapter 37 Fu Che: "I give you a hug, the wound won't hurt so much."

Of course, if it ends like this, this is definitely not his character.

From the beginning, he had already thought of the worst.

Even if they can't catch all these rebels in the government city.

But it is not that simple for them to escape the dragnet Fu Che has weaved for them this time.

At various traffic arteries within a hundred miles of Guancheng City, Thirty Thousand Land Tigers are already ready for action.

It is not easy to break through the encirclement and suppression of the [-] warriors on the outside.

Even if the Mo family doesn't die, they will definitely suffer heavy losses.

Orders and prohibitions are the most basic requirements for every soldier.

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