At this time, the ground is shaking.

Even the army's formation began to show flaws.

Now is by no means the time to fight head-on.

The walls were cracking, and from time to time rocks fell from the dome above.

The destruction of the government city is already imminent.

Every now and then someone gets hit.

Under the command of the military princes and officers at all levels, the Qin army began to retreat in an orderly manner. Although the speed was not fast, chaos was avoided.

And the Mo family here.

Yan Dan frowned, the destruction of the city at this moment made him heartbroken.

But in order to keep the secrets in the agency city, activating Qinglong is the only option.

"Master Ben, lead everyone to evacuate!"

Yan Dan shouted.

"Everyone come with me!"

The situation was urgent, but Master Ban did not hesitate at all and quickly led everyone to evacuate.

As one of the eldest disciples of the Mo family, Master Ban is extremely familiar with everything in the city.

He led everyone to evacuate faster than the Qin army.

At this time, outside the organ city, countless birds flew into the sky with loud noises.

The earth is also shaking.

On a cliff in the distance.

Luna and Da Siming looked at the mountain peak where the government city was located.

The entire mountain is crumbling fast.

The machine city that took hundreds of years to be excavated, the machine city that is called the paradise, is being destroyed at this moment.


The roar of the Mohist machine beast Qinglong shook the heavens and the earth.

A huge figure wreaked havoc among the mountains.

"The Mo family is indeed worthy of its reputation."

Moon God sighed: "It's a pity that I don't know the current affairs."

"Faced with an empire that seems to dominate the world, people like the Mohists and Taoists are really like a mantis."

Da Siming also said at this time: "That Mohist giant will not live long."


The mountains and rivers are collapsing and the earth is shaking.

Fu Che looked at the collapsing mountains not far away.

Marvel at the power of Mohism's organ skills. '

In the huge smoke and dust, a huge figure is advancing quickly.

It's not something they can stop now.

"Send an order to the intercepting troops to open the passage, so as not to increase casualties."

Fu Che said to the returning military lord.


The military lord took the order.


The supreme mechanism beast of Mohism.

The power was beyond Fu Che's imagination.

At this moment, according to the intelligence brought by Bai Feng, those people are now in Qinglong's body, controlling Qinglong to break out.

Although Fu Che had [-] troops and horses, in order to arrive as quickly as possible, he did not bring heavy weapons to attack the enemy.

If you want to stop Qinglong, regardless of whether you can stop it, you will inevitably suffer huge casualties.

This is something Fu Che absolutely doesn't want to see.

"The game seems to be over."

Wei Zhuang said calmly from the side.

At this time, the injuries of Fu Che and Wei Zhuang had been treated, and both of them looked much better.

"Yeah, it's over. It seems like a pity that we couldn't keep all these people."

Fu Che said somewhat sadly.

This time, although Fu Che severely damaged the Mohist family and the anti-Qin forces.

But the losses suffered by his subordinates were not small.

Seven Xuanhu Guards were killed and 16 wounded.

This little loss is not bad.

The losses of the heavy armored soldiers were relatively large.

The total losses amounted to nearly a thousand people.

Even in Fu Che's view, this loss was nothing compared to the results of the battle, but after all, anyone killed in battle was a loss to the empire.

"Whether he failed to stay or was exiled on purpose, you know best in your heart."

Wei Zhuang said to Fu Che, "Don't forget the deal between you and me, and what you promised me."

"Of course I will not forget my promise to Mr. Wei Zhuang, and please Mr. Wei Zhuang remember his promise to me."

Fu Che looked at Wei Zhuang: "We... cooperate happily."


Wei Zhuang snorted coldly.

"let's go!"

After greeting Chi Lian Bai Feng and others, Liu Sha slowly left.

Shao Siming stood on the edge of the cliff supporting Fu Che, his face still expressionless, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his heart.

"Young Master, I will ask you boldly, did you make any deal with Wei Zhuang?"

Peng Yue asked Fu Che respectfully.

Fu Che glanced at Peng Yue.

This person is Fu Che's most trustworthy subordinate.

Although his martial arts skills are not as good as Guigu Zongheng's, he is no worse than Luo Wang's Tianzi Yi.

And he is smart and strategic in doing things, knows how to assess the situation, and is quite courageous.

This person can rest assured that he will lead the Xuanhu Guards and help Che.

In history, Peng Yue is also famous.

He was one of the greatest founding heroes of the Han Dynasty. Peng Yue had a direct share of the credit for Xiang Yu's defeat.

Together with Han Xin and Ying Bu, they were called the three generals of the early Han Dynasty.

Together they split the earth and sealed the throne.

Of course, the final outcome is equally tragic.

"It's not a deal, it's just a consensus."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

Fu Che looked at Peng Yue and said slowly: "We have a common enemy, so we can be regarded as more or less comrades-in-arms."

Although Fu Che didn't say it clearly.

But Peng Yue already understood.


Feeling the pain in his shoulder, Fu Che smiled bitterly: "I was really careless today."

Fu Che's injury was not serious.

A force of Mohist power has entered Fu Che's body and can only be seen wandering in the meridians.

It takes a lot of effort to clear it out.


within the military tent.

Fu Che's upper body was naked.

The strong and solid muscles on his body, although not particularly exaggerated, are undoubtedly extremely explosive.

A hideous wound on his left shoulder was exposed to the air.

It was injured by Mo Mei's sword energy.

Shao Si's destiny turned to internal strength, the injured light green zhenqi circulated, and his fingers kept wandering over Fu Che's muscles.

"It's a little itchy, please slow down."

Fu Che said helplessly.

Shao Siming didn't react at all.

Still minding his own business.

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