But Fu Che could clearly feel that the wound was heating up, and the Mo family's true energy that invaded the meridians began to become thinner and thinner, slowly disappearing bit by bit.

After about half an hour.

Shao Siming stopped what he was doing.

Fu Che could hear the beauty's slightly rapid breathing behind him.

He turned around and looked at Shao Siming.

Her forehead was already covered with sweat, obviously she had spent a lot of time.

"Take a break."

Fu Che said softly to Young Siming: "Thank you for your hard work today."

Shao Siming just shook his head and said nothing.

Close your eyes and start exercising and regulating your breath.

Look at the person in front of you.

Fu Che felt a little more doubtful in his heart.

Who is Shao Siming?

What kind of stories does she have in the past?

He stretched out his hand and slowly took Shao Siming into his arms.

"I give you a hug, and the wound won't hurt so much anymore."

Fu Che said in Shao Siming's ear.

Chapter 38 Fu Che: "Except for my wife, I'll kill them all!"

The night is dark.

Except for the footsteps of the patrolling sergeants, everything in the military camp seemed so quiet.

Inside the big tent.

Fu Che was writing the military report to Xianyang in front of the document.

In the battle of Guancheng, the empire used nearly [-] troops and a large amount of supplies.

Consumption is not small.

Although the results were good, the rebellious forces headed by the Mohist family were severely damaged.

Destroyed the organ city.

But the ultimate goal of annihilating the Mohists and many representatives of the rebel forces was not achieved.

Fu Che admitted that he underestimated the Mo family, and also underestimated the half-covered Qinglong in the main plot of the drama.

If some powerful machine beasts from the Gongshu family could be prepared in advance and deployed in advance, maybe those people from the Mo family could stay.

Fortunately, the victory was fruitful and the empire suffered little loss.

Even if it doesn't make sense.

My father probably won't be too harsh on him.

Write a military report and submit it to Xianyang. How to deal with it later is beyond Fu Che's control.

Of course, Fu Che's military report was not just about reporting the final results.

There is also a next action plan.

"Everything in the land, Shennong is immortal..."

Fu Che said slowly.

The largest sect among the hundreds of peasant families, with a hundred thousand disciples, is huge, and there are many masters in the sect, although it is now a mess.

But once gathered together, it is definitely a force that cannot be underestimated.

The next target of the snare is the farmer.

To this day, Fu Che still hasn't figured out what is the ultimate purpose of Luo Wang, an organization that has existed longer than the Qin State?

But this does not hinder Fu Che's next plan.

The farmer's family once had a great relationship with Fu Che's uncle Changping Jun Miqi.

When Lord Changping rebelled against the Qin Dynasty, according to the information obtained by Fu Che and the plot of the drama, Tian Guang, the new leader of the peasant family, was an important driving force.

And the so-called Blue Dragon Plan, formulated by Lord Changping in an attempt to overthrow the imperial rule, is also closely related to the peasant family.

No matter what the plan was, although Fu Che didn't think it could really influence the empire's rule, he had to guard against it.

It is precisely because Changping Jun Mi Qi has a close relationship with the farmhouse that the existence of the farmhouse has been a target for evil spirits to attack the two brothers Fusu and Fuche for a long time.

"My eldest brother and I really have a good uncle."

Fu Che sighed helplessly.

As for the other part of the military report, Fu Che's purpose was also very simple.

Deploy another [-] troops from the Lantai camp and join them with the [-] troops and horses currently in hand.

A total of [-] troops.

The farmer must not let Luo Sheng get it, but Fuche doesn't intend to use his relationship with Lord Changping to surrender or use him as his own.

Those people in the farmhouse are a ticking time bomb.

It makes me panic if I put it under anyone's butt.

Just do one thing and two without rest. One hundred thousand heads is a big achievement.

Fu Che slowly put away the military report he had written and locked it in the mechanism scroll.

He said nothing and walked out of the tent as quietly as possible.

"Come on!"

Outside the tent, Fu Che spoke.

A sergeant quickly came to Fu Che.

Fu Che handed the scroll in his hand to the sergeant: "Send to Xianyang quickly and present it directly to His Majesty."


The sergeant led the way.

Fu Che raised his head and looked at the sky.

The moon is bright tonight and the stars are sparse. It seems to be a good weather.

But the chill of the night was still unsettling.

Fu Che looked at the surrounding mountains and forests. With such a big move, he was sure that Luo Wang's eyes must be nearby.


Fu Che called out again.

The voice fell.

More than ten Xuanhu Guards appeared in front of Fu Che.

"My wife is resting in the tent. You go and clean up the flies around so that they don't leave any traces."

Fu Che said slowly.


The leading Xuanhu Guard took the order.

Move your injured shoulder.

It's much more comfortable than before.

Turn around and return to the tent.

Young Siming was sleeping soundly on the couch.

Perhaps it was because he spent so much time healing Fu Che today that he slept very deeply.

She wears a veil even when sleeping.

Covered with a quilt and breathing evenly, Shao Siming was as calm as the Sleeping Beauty in the fairy tale.

Fu Che sat cross-legged on the couch and began to exercise and adjust his breathing.

Although the external injuries were not harmful, the internal injuries still required Fu Che to perform exercises on his own.

Just because of Shao Siming's help, everything seems to be easier with half the effort, but it still takes some time to fully recover.

Time passed little by little.

There was a killing going on in the woods outside the military camp.

All members of the Xuanhu Guard are elite members of the army who have experienced hundreds of battles and have undergone the most rigorous training.

The combat power is even higher than that of the Shadow Guards, the First Emperor's personal bodyguard.

In the main drama, the combat power of ordinary members of the Shadow Guard is still higher than that of Luowen's ground-level killers.

Nowadays, the Xuanhu Guard is hunting these snare killers in the woods, so it's no problem.

Screams kept coming from the woods.

Many people had their chests pierced by crossbow bolts before they even had time to react.

Or maybe his neck was wiped with a machete.

Corpses and blood became the mainstream in the woods.

Then one body after another was thrown into the dug pit and buried.


The whereabouts of these people will never be known.

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