Fu Che couldn't help but deal with it carelessly.

The next day...

My master, there is more to come in this chapter, please click on the next page to continue reading, the next part will be more exciting!

Fu Che rarely appeared in court.

But after all, he is a general who leads the army, and he is fully qualified to appear in the court with Fu Che's identity and status.

Standing among the ranks of the clan's courtiers, Fu Che looked up at Ying Zheng, who was sitting upright.

At this moment, Ying Zheng was holding the battle report in his hand and his face was ashen.

Half an hour ago, a seriously injured messenger fainted in front of the gate of Xianyang Palace. He passed away after delivering the message to the palace guards.

Of course Fu Che knew that this was news from the Waning Moon Valley.

Ge Nie killed three hundred dragon and tiger cavalry and took the child away.

At this time, all the courtiers did not even dare to express their anger.

Everyone knew that the First Emperor was in a rage.

"The three hundred cavalry of the Qin Dynasty failed to stop an adult or a child, and the whole army was wiped out."

Ying Zheng stood up from the dragon chair with an angry look on his face: "My lords, don't you think it's ridiculous!"

The bamboo slips on which the battle report was written were thrown down the steps.

Fu Che could understand Ying Zheng's anger.

The millions of warriors of the Qin Dynasty were invincible in every attack, and they were invincible in all battles. They wiped out the six kingdoms as if they were dry and dry.

But now all three hundred cavalry were killed by two people. Even if one of them is the best swordsman in the world and Ying Zheng clearly understands the opponent's strength, such a battle report is still unacceptable.

Those were three hundred powerful dragon and tiger cavalry, not three hundred pigs. Even if it were three hundred pigs, it would take a lot of effort for Genie to kill them all.

Ying Zheng's face was cold and handsome: "Think back when Great Qin attacked Chu and returned with a great defeat. The next year I sent 65 troops. Even Chu has now been incorporated into our territory of Great Qin."

Ying Zheng took a deep breath: "We can't catch 300 people..."

"3000 people!"

"3 people!"

"30 million!"

Ying Zheng's angry shouts resounded throughout the Zhangtai Palace.

Fu Che raised his eyebrows in the audience.

He just likes the domineering side of his father.

Chapter 5 Li Si, opportunist!

Genie's defection was a beginning.

Also a sign.

Since Genie's defection, the empire has truly entered a troubled period.

After the demise of the Six Kingdoms, many anti-Qin forces that had been dormant began to spring up like mushrooms after a rain for various reasons.

Mohists, Taoists, farmers, and those pretenders from Chu State.

In short, all kinds of demons and monsters are vying to make their debut.

It can even be said that the disintegration of the empire began from this moment, but this process seemed very slow, even almost stagnant, when Ying Zheng was alive.

But after the death of the First Emperor.

This process was significantly accelerated under further tyranny.

In the end, Dazexiang's words "Princes, generals and ministers would rather have their own kind" started the countdown to the empire's demise.

As Ying Zheng shouted angrily, the entire hall fell silent.

At this time, only Prime Minister Li Si stood up.

"Your Majesty, please calm down."

Li Si walked out from the head of the group of ministers: "Our Great Qin warriors are good at charging into battles and attacking cities, but they are not good at dealing with martial arts masters like Gai Nie."


Ying Zheng's eyes were sharp: "What do you think of Prime Minister?"

Li Si said: "Gai Nie was once the best swordsman in the Qin Dynasty, and he used to accompany His Majesty for a long time. Now according to the information I have, Gai Nie's rebellion this time is not an independent incident. The remnants of the Six Kingdoms have always intended to overthrow the Qin Dynasty. Now, Now Gaine's rebellion must be involved, and so is the child."

"Is that so..."

On the high platform, Ying Zheng had even more murderous intentions in his heart.

"And if we want to eradicate such Jianghu forces, our Daqin regular army may not be able to do the job. We must fight fire with fire."

Li Si said coldly.


I have to say that what Li Si said makes sense.

Ying Zheng's anger was also calmed down.

Since Qi's forced landing, there has been no war within the empire for five years.

Although the encirclement and suppression of the restoration forces of the Six Nations have been ongoing, the results are not ideal.

At this time, Li Si's strategy of "fighting poison with poison" gave Ying Zheng new ideas.

But Fu Che didn't have a good impression of Li Si.

It is true that Li Si is indeed a great talent, comparable to Guan Zhong Leyi in ancient times.

But just such a person, together with the traitorous ministers and traitors, tampered with the imperial edict of the First Emperor, directly changing the fate of an empire.

It is nonsense to say that the Great Qin Empire lasted for generations, but if it were not Hu Hai but Fu Su who came to the throne, he could recuperate, rest with the people, and enrich the country and strengthen the army.

The inheritance of Da Qin for one to two hundred years, or even three to four hundred years is not a problem in itself.

But just because of a few speculators, the national destiny of the entire empire was ruined, and the hundreds of years of hard work of the Old Qin people were ruined.

Speculator, Li Si is such a person.

So Fu Che was not interested in people like Li Si.

At this time, Li Si had already finished explaining his countermeasures.

Just like Fu Che knew.

The only person who can deal with the Descendants of Guigu is the Descendants of Guigu.

Li Si immediately thought of Wei Zhuang.

Wei Zhuang, Gai Nie's junior brother.

Lianheng among the ghost valleys.

The leader of the Quicksand Assassin Group once became the general of South Korea after assassinating Ji Wuye, and killed Han Wangan when Da Qin attacked South Korea.

After that, he took the Quicksand Organization under his command and wandered around the world, eventually becoming a notorious assassin group.

Wei Zhuang's own martial arts cultivation is unfathomable.

His strength is not inferior to that of fellow senior brother Gai Nie.

Fu Che was familiar with the plot of Qin Shi Mingyue. After the battle between Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie in the Guan City, both of them were seriously injured. However, in the subsequent plot, these two people were left with their remaining blood wandering around.

Everywhere he went, they drew their swords at each other over disagreements, but never failed. Even Ganie shocked everyone in the farmhouse with a wooden sword.

Of course these are later stories.

"Fu Che."

Ying Zheng opened his mouth.

"My son is here."

Fu Che walked out from the clan ministers named Ying.

"You go with Li Si, find the person Xiang Guo mentioned, and let him serve the empire."

Ying Zheng said lightly.

"My son takes orders."

Fu Che did not refuse.

As one of the ceilings of combat power in the Mingyue World of Qin Dynasty, Wei Zhuang was absolutely terrifying.

If Shao Siming is the anime goddess who supports Che.

Then Wei Zhuang is Fu Che's anime god, and even his favorite male character in the entire Qin Shi Mingyue.

He has strong martial arts skills and a ruthless but distinct style.

Compared with Ge Nie's idealism, Wei Zhuang's realism is more appealing to Fu Che.

Fu Che really wanted to see what this quicksand owner would be like in reality.


The city gates of Xianyang opened.

Two luxurious carriages were galloping eastward, escorted by three hundred elite cavalry.

Fu Che sat in the carriage behind him, with his sword at hand.

The destination of this trip is Xinzheng, the old capital of South Korea.

According to the information Li Si had, the quicksand was in a forest on the outskirts of Xinzheng.

Of course that place is very secretive.

Fu Che went with Li Si this time.

On the one hand, it was to protect Li Si's safety. On the other hand, according to the news that Ying Zheng passed after he went to court, he was participating in the hunt for Ge Nie, especially the child.

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