It doesn't matter whether Gai Nie dies or not.

Even though Ying Zheng and Gai Nie had a relationship of monarch and minister for more than ten years.

But for the emperor, the only fate for traitors is death.

The reason why Fu Che was involved was to find the child.

The child that the Yin Yang family said was related to the rise and fall of the empire.

Bring it back to Xianyang.

"That kid..."

Fu Che looked out the car window.

A person could not help but appear in his mind, the woman who died in a turmoil in Xianyang Palace a few years ago.


Fu Che sighed.


A hundred miles away from this.

War drums, war drums beat.

The horn is melodious.

Tens of thousands of black-armored warriors lined up neatly on the school field.

The war horses neighed, and thousands of cavalry took the lead in galloping out of the camp.

Thirty thousand infantry followed.

The army passed by with great momentum.

It's still the same hill.

Watching the endless military formation moving towards the east.

The short, fat old man with white hair and beard twitched his eyes a few times: "There are no less than [-] to [-] infantrymen and less than [-] cavalry. The big man's worries have come true. The Lantai Army has indeed been dispatched."

"Judging from the marching direction, it is towards Hangu Pass. Where will this unit be transferred?"

A handsome young man behind the old man frowned slightly and said in a low voice: "We need to inform the master of this matter as soon as possible."

"I will tell you, Xiao Gao, you'd better go with Xue Nu to do what you asked."

The old man said: "Then return to the machine city. The giant wants you to meet someone."


Xiao Gao was puzzled.

"A person who is very important to you, and even to the entire Mo family."

The old man said leisurely.

Chapter 6: The empire is worried and the people are exhausted!

The wind of the wilderness blew on Fu Che's face through the car window.

After leaving Hangu Pass, we left the hometown of the old Qin people.

Now five or six years have passed since the empire wiped out the six countries, but the world outside the pass is still desolate.

More than 700 years have passed since the Western Zhou Dynasty established the feudal state, when the princes split the land and granted nobility, until the Qin Dynasty unified the world.

Over the past 700 years, there have been constant attacks on each other, and annexations and being annexed have been going on all the time.

War seems to have become an eternal theme in this land.

As a result, all the people in the world are exhausted and all industries wither.

Especially in the last two to three hundred years, the scale of war has further expanded, with millions of dead bones gathering on the battlefield alone, not counting the collateral losses behind it.

Until the Qin Dynasty unified the world.

Except for the powerful Qin State with super strong national power and the Qi State that surrendered without a fight, the homelands of the five kingdoms of Zhao, Wei, Han, Yan and Chu were almost in ruins under the iron heel of the Qin Dynasty. The people were displaced and the people's livelihood was in ruins.

Even so, the world was at peace at that time.

Logically speaking, the world should be allowed to rest and recuperate, the people of the six kingdoms of Shandong should be divided and co-opted, the influence of the old aristocrats of the six kingdoms should be weakened, and the people of the world should be allowed to recover from the war that lasted for hundreds of years.

It can be summed up in eight words: post-war reconstruction and resumption of production.

After all, the world has been divided for hundreds of years, and various vassal states have already formed a considerable sense of family and country.

Within ten years, the Qin Dynasty annexed the six kingdoms and forcibly kneaded the world together, but the resentment in the hearts of the people of the six kingdoms over the destruction of their home and country could not be eliminated overnight.

It can only be done subtly and with kindness.

But the current national policy made Fu Che full of worry.

The road to Xinzheng is desolate.

The fields are barren, with few lush farmlands, and most of the villages and towns we pass by are sparsely populated. Only when we pass through some big cities can we see some of the prosperity of the past.

As a time traveler, Fu Che certainly knows the basic process of history, and also understands the fundamental reason for the death of Great Qin II.

But there are some things that cannot be changed by Fu Che now.


Xinzheng is the capital of South Korea.

As the weakest country among the six countries in Shandong at that time, it was the first to be destroyed by the Qin Dynasty.

Fu Che has never been to South Korea.

Previously, he followed Ying Zheng on his eastward tour and visited Chu and Qi.

I was deeply impressed by the vast territory and rich resources of the hometown of Chu State and the hometown of Qi State where the literary and sage style prevailed.

Compared with these two big countries, South Korea's presence is much smaller.

And Wei Zhuang is Korean.

In other words, it is inextricably linked to South Korea.

In fact, most of the top masters in Wei Zhuang's assassin group were once masters in the Korean Forbidden Army.

The carriage has stopped.

"Son, we are here."

The military attaché leading the cavalry escort outside said to Fu Che.


Fu Che responded.

Naturally, there was a sergeant outside who opened the curtain.

Help Che out of the car.

At this time Li Si also got off the carriage.


When Li Si saw Fu Che, he was the first to salute.

"This operation is led by the Prime Minister. I am only responsible for accompanying the escort. You can adapt to the situation."

Fu Che said to Li Si.

"That's it, I'm here to help you, sir."

Li Si said in a deep voice: "Weizhuang has a weird personality, so we should keep a low profile."

"Su Jiong!"

Fu Che said to a commander not far away.

"The end is here."

Su Jiong responded.

"Take ten people to follow me and the Prime Minister, and the rest will stay here."

Fu Che said.


Su Jiong took the order.

Soon Su Jiong selected ten people from the three hundred accompanying cavalry to follow Fu Che and Li Si.

"Sir, please."

Li Si said to Fu Che.

"Master Xiangguo, please invite me first. The emperor's orders are on your side, so don't waste time on these common rituals."

Fu Che said quietly.


Li Si said nothing more.

First lead everyone towards the woods.

The wind at this time was a little hot.

But when everyone walked into the woods, they still felt a coldness lingering around them.

It was eerily quiet in the woods, but there was also a feeling of being spied on at any moment.

Fu Che followed Li Si, his eyes narrowed.

The surrounding light is relatively dim, but the feeling of being spied on can be clearly felt from the first step into the woods.

Su Jiong and the ten guards were instantly alert.

His hands were already on the sword at his waist, feeling very uneasy.

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