"Didn't I tell you that you don't have to wait for me?"

Fu Che came to Shao Siming and asked, "Or are you missing me so soon?"

Shao Siming looked at Fu Che.

Her eyes were always on him.

The smile on Fu Che's lips faded and he said, "Have you guessed the purpose of my coming?"

Shao Siming nodded slowly.

My master, there is more to come in this chapter, please click on the next page to continue reading, the next part will be more exciting!


Fu Che asked.

Shao Si Ming shook his head.

Fu Che stretched out his hand and touched Shao Siming's face: "This matter has nothing to do with you, right?"


Shao Siming responded.

"Then there's no reason to be afraid."

Fu Che smiled slightly: "From the moment my father gave you a marriage to me, you are mine. No one dares to touch you while I am here, no one can."


Shao Siming responded.


With a smile on his face, Fu Che reached out and took Shao Siming into his arms.

He raised his head and glanced at the sky: "The weather is nice today, let's go eat something delicious?"

Shao Siming looked up at Fu Che.

Blinking: "Okay."

Holding a beauty in his arms.

Feeling the tenderness of the person in your arms.

"The Yin Yang Family is not a place for you to stay for a long time. If you want to leave the Yin Yang Family, I will help you."

Fu Che whispered in Young Siming's ear: "You are my fiancée. After you and I get married in a while, no one can restrict you."


Shao Siming responded.

"Let's go, I'll take you to eat delicious food."

Fu Che let go of the beauty in his arms.

Holding Shao Siming's hand, he walked out.

Along the way, everyone in the Yin Yang family looked at the two people holding hands, wondering what they were thinking.

But Fu Che's purpose is simple.

Shao Siming is his man.

Let everyone know this.


On the other side, a goshawk flew out of Xianyang and flew directly to the east.

Chapter 66 Ying Zheng: "My enemy is Heaven!"

"The dragon's veins are severed..."

The chess piece fell from Ying Zheng's hand.

In the chess game in front of them, the fighting was fierce and blood flowed.


Wei Liao held the white chess piece in his hand: "That night, the stars showed the sign of a group of tigers eating a dragon."

After the words fell, Wei Liao said: "There are some matters for which Your Majesty needs to make a decision."

Ying Zheng didn't speak.

There is no move either.

The pavilion in the garden was immersed in an eerie silence.

"When I came to the throne, I had thought about who my enemy would be..."

Yingzheng Luozi: "At first I thought it was Huayang's grandmother, but later when Lao Ai caused trouble, I thought it was Lao Ai. After Lao Ai was removed, Prime Minister Lu took over the power, and I removed Prime Minister Lu's power. After that, there were six kingdoms, and I launched six armies. It took the country ten years to wipe out the six countries, but now..."

"And now, Your Majesty knows who his real enemy is?"

Wei Liao has a sharp chess style.


Ying Zheng looked at the chessboard: "It's God... It's hard to disobey God's will... I never thought that one day I would have to fight with heaven and earth."

"It is beyond human power to fight against heaven and earth, but there are people who say that they can defeat heaven."

Wei Liao said: "It all depends on how your Majesty plans and operates it, but your Majesty doesn't have much time."

"Cough cough..."

Ying Zheng coughed a few times, but his expression remained as usual: "Yes, time is running out, but the children have not fully grown up yet."

Wei Liao was silent.

"Che'er, can you really pacify Baiyue?"

Ying Zheng suddenly asked.

"As long as you see the essence of Baiyue, you can."

Wei Liao said: "Baiyue is not a serious concern of the Qin Dynasty. The reason why the old minister recommended the Thirteenth Young Master must be very clear to your Majesty."

"The widow understands."

Ying Zheng said: "Although Che'er is a noble son and has strong martial arts skills and a large number of soldiers, he is still young and lacks dignity and military merit. If he can pacify Baiyue, it will be logical for him to be promoted in the future."

"Yes, the Thirteenth Young Master is definitely not as talented as Your Majesty."

Wei Liao said: "In the future, if Your Majesty... If the Thirteenth Young Master can hold great power by then, it will be extremely important for stabilizing the situation in the empire."

"Sir, if..."

Ying Zheng looked serious: "What if I pass the throne to Che'er and make Che'er the crown prince?"

"Absolutely not!"

Wei Liao made it clear: "The world's dragon veins have been cut off, and the empire's destiny is declining day by day. The crown prince is the foundation of the country. Once he is tainted, both the Thirteenth Young Master and the empire will be in catastrophe."

"But Fusu's character..."

Ying Zheng sighed: "I'll think about it some more."

"Your Majesty is still here, so they don't dare to move. However, the forces of all parties are intertwined, and there are threats from heaven. Your Majesty must make preparations in advance."

Wei Liao made another move.

The chess game began to change.

Ying Zheng thought for a long time and finally said: "Sir, you said that Che'er is not worthy of being the crown prince, so why not settle for the next best thing?"

"What does His Majesty mean?"

Wei Liao.Frowning: "Could it be..."

"Whether you can afford this honor depends on Che'er yourself."

Ying Zheng took up the black chess piece and then made a move.

"Just like this chess game, it looks like you have the upper hand, but in fact, you are surrounded by murderous intentions."

Ying Zheng smiled.

Wei Liao looked at the chessboard: "Old minister... lost."


The bamboo slips were placed in front of Fu Che.

An oil lamp was lit in the room.

Fu Che sat alone in front of the document.

On the couch, Shao Siming was sleeping deeply.

A white goshawk was standing in front of the window. It was two times thicker than Xiaobai who had been here before.

Xiaohei is the name of this goshawk.

The flight speed is extremely fast, and it is not a problem to fly thousands of miles in one day.

Xiao Hei arrived today and brought two things to Fu Che.

A military report and a letter.

The content of the military report is very simple. Baiyue was defeated and Qin lost nearly half of its 50-strong army.

As for the letter, it was written by the teacher Wei Liao himself, with only a few words.

"The dragon's veins are cut off, and the tigers eat the dragon."

Two things, both important.

So after coaxing Shao Siming to sleep, he helped Che get up and meditated for a long time in front of the document.

Compared with Baiyue's defeat, Fu Che was more concerned about the words that the dragon's veins were cut off and the tigers devoured the dragon.

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