He is very clear about his teacher's abilities.

Dragon Veins, the destiny of a country.

Although it sounds very metaphysical, after all, it means something like this.

During the six generations of the Great Qin Dynasty, the country's destiny was surging. After all, my father's generation unified the world and created unprecedented great achievements.

However, the sudden death of the Second Emperor of Qin Dynasty was unprecedented.

But now that the dragon vein is cut off, everything seems to have a reasonable explanation.

The fate of the Qin Dynasty was ended, and tigers devoured dragons...

Baiyue's defeat seems to be one of the explanations for the tigers devouring the dragon.

In other words, it is one of the consequences of tigers devouring dragons.

This is true for Baiyue, but what about the north?What about Southwest?What about even above the East China Sea?

If Fu Che remembers correctly and there is no major historical deviation in this time and space, a future hero has appeared on the northern grasslands.

That is an existence that can make even the emperor of the Han family fear him.

Even in the West, a powerful empire has also embarked on its own journey to the east.

But today's Great Qin is in a state of turmoil.

However, the most important issue currently facing Fu Che is the war against Baiyue.

Able to submit the general report to myself.

Although the letter did not say anything, there was nothing else, it was just a military report.

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But the meaning is already obvious.

At present, the empire's generals are in decline.

Most of the older generation of powerful generals are either old and sick or have passed away. Among the young generals, there are very few who can stand alone.

There are no generals available in the court.

You can only make someone taller among the short ones.

His father wanted him to take command and pacify Baiyue.

As for whether he can use himself, it all depends on whether he can deliver a plan that satisfies him.

How to fight Baiyue?

Baiyue is a large country with high mountains and dense forests, and its population is relatively sparse.

There are only a few gathering areas, and most of them are barren mountains and rivers, typical barren land.

And because the terrain is mountainous and there are few roads, it is difficult for the imperial army to march, and the supply of food and grass is also very difficult.

Whether it is combat or confrontation, it is a huge trouble.

What's even more terrible is that Baiyue is full of miasma, mosquitoes, and the weather is extremely hot and humid.

As a result, although the imperial army, which is mostly composed of northerners, is not afraid of frontal combat, it has been fighting in this environment for a long time. Many soldiers are not accustomed to the climate and the plague is rampant.

Fifty-sixths of a person's combat power had already gone before the war started.

In Fu Che's view, before this battle and during the confrontation, the number of people who died in the army due to plague and acclimatization far exceeded the number killed in action.

Rather than saying that the imperial army was defeated by the Baiyue tribal coalition, it was better to say that it was dragged down by the water, soil and climate there.

So if you want to win this battle.

At this moment, Fu Che's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Strengthen the walls and clear the fields, set the mountains on fire!"

Eight words were all of Fu Che's plan.

Fu Che seemed to feel something.

Turn around and look behind you.

I saw Shao Siming lying on the couch, his big eyes looking at him unblinkingly.

"Did I wake you up?"

Fu Che asked with a smile.

Shao Siming shook his head: "No."

"Then, why are you awake?"

Fu Che was puzzled.


Shao Siming stretched out his hand to Fu Che.

Chapter 67 Haiyue Xiaozhu, shark’s fin cooks bear’s paw!

Shao Siming was sleeping soundly on Fu Che's chest.

The calm sleeping face makes people feel affectionate.

Except for the sound of the wind blowing the treetops outside the window, there was no other sound in the silent room.

It was as if everything between heaven and earth was completely quiet at this moment.

Fu Che knew that he didn't have much time.

Baiyue was newly defeated. Considering the character of his father and the stability of the entire empire, it was almost certain that he would continue to attack Baiyue.

If his eight words could satisfy his father, then it would be inevitable for Fu Che to lead the troops and attack Baiyue.

This time will definitely not be long.

Before going on the expedition, Songhai's affairs must come to an end.

However, the most troublesome thing for Fu Che now is.

The original timeline of the storyline in the main drama was very confusing, with many unreasonable places.

In animation, the audience can make do with it, after all, time folding is basically a standard feature of animation.

But in reality, it's completely different.

The advantage of knowing the plot well can be said to have disappeared now. Even if something can happen, the time is not sure.

But one thing can be confirmed.

The enemy will not stop.

This is a good thing for Fu Che. As long as they don't stop, they will give Fu Che an opportunity to take advantage of.

"Zhao Gao..."

Fu Che lay flat on the couch, looked at the roof, and whispered to himself.

The quilt moved.

Fu Che looked around and saw Shao Siming looking at him with sleepy eyes.

"Did I wake you up again?"

Fu Che asked.

Shao Siming shook his head with sleepy eyes open.

Then he stretched out a hand and forced Fu Che's eyes shut.


The voice is faint.

"Okay, go to sleep and don't think about these troubles anymore."

Fu Che said softly.


Shao Siming nuzzled into Fu Che's arms.


Take a long breath.


Late at night, the cook yawned and prepared to close the shop.

The streets were full of imperial troops these days. Although nothing happened, some people were still panicking, which made business a lot worse.

So today's business is okay.

As a result, closing time was a little late.

"Sleep, sleep, hope tomorrow will be good business again."

The cook is preparing to close the shop.

But at this moment, a cold aura suddenly locked onto Cook Ding.

Chef Ding frowned for a moment.

Even though he is a fat man, he is actually a very skilled cook.

Although he is not as good as the top masters in the world, it does not mean that he is weak.

However, the next second, that aura appeared in front of Cook Ding.

When he saw the people in front of him, his whole aura instantly dropped.

The wind seemed very cold at this moment.

Zhao Gao was followed by Six Sword Slave, looking at the Cook Ding in front of him like this.

"you are?"

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