There are many figures in the mountains and forests.

The war drums were louder.

Countless people rushed down from the mountain forest.

Fighting with the Lantai Army.

The Lantai Army was formed by the elite sons of Guanzhong after the Qin Dynasty unified the six kingdoms. It was a new army and had not participated in the war.

The victory lies in the fact that it is not engaged in production, has been specially trained for several years, and has strict military discipline.

The combat power is naturally strong.

And those people in the mountains and forests.

The leading general saw clearly.

Those people were dressed in different styles, but they were very brave. Although they looked like a group of stragglers, they gave the impression that they were equally well-organized.

Although the equipment is not as good as Lantai Huben.

But this kind of bravery is obviously beyond the reach of ordinary gangsters.

The most important thing is that there are so many of these people, they are spread all over the mountains and plains, and it is impossible to count them.

In addition, the enemy occupies the terrain advantage.

It will not be easy for this Ten Thousand Lantai Tiger Camp to control the situation in a short period of time.

Bodies continued to roll down the hillsides on both sides.

Lantai Hu Ben was a feint attack. Although there were a large number of archers and crossbowmen behind them to provide fire cover, the battle was still extremely fierce.

People kept falling every minute and every second.

Blood flowed down the hillside.

The young general frowned,

But suddenly he thought of something.

Quickly judge the wind direction.

The brows stretched at this moment...

"Stop the attack, the crossbowmen fire rockets at the mountain!"

The general shouted!


In front of the gate of Xiaoshengxian Village.

"The Huben Battalion led by General Luan Bu was ambushed in the First Line Valley and is currently engaged in a fierce battle."

A shadow secret guard whispered in Fu Che's ear.

"I understand, please report to me at any time."

Fu Che said calmly.

The Shadow Guard retreated.

At this time, Fu Che was still a little surprised.

That was Huben Camp, with a total of 1 people.

There were 2000 people composed of a mixture of chariots, cavalry and infantry, with only [-] crossbowmen and Luan Bu leading them. Now someone actually dared to ambush this unit.

The enemy's madness really exceeded Fu Che's expectations.

Obviously the other party came prepared.

The power mobilized has far exceeded what was shown in the snare in the original work.

Surprised though.

But there was no panic.

No matter how carefully you plan in advance, mistakes will always appear when a huge plan is implemented.

These are all normal things.

At this time, Fusu said goodbye to Fu Nian.

"My eldest brother will leave it to you."

Fu Che whispered to the young Siming beside him.


Shao Siming nodded slowly.

Then moved his steps.

I followed Fusu and got into the same car.

At this moment, Fu Che looked at Zhao Gao.

At this time, Zhao Gao was also looking at Fu Che.

Both sides are well aware.

When Fusu leaves, it's time for a showdown.

In the dense forest surrounding Little Saint Xian Manor, a fight was already going on.

Arrows, sword flashes, despair before death

It continues today in Songhai.

Whether it is the Black Tiger Guard, the Shadow Secret Guard, or Luo Sheng, they will all pay a very heavy price today.


The battle in the Tooth-gnawing Prison is coming to an end.

The strong smell of blood makes people's eyes feel numb.

Shejian looked at the corpse on the ground with a stern expression.

At least 3000 people died in the Tooth-gnawing Prison today, including both our own people and enemies.

But it’s still a big gain.

The man in black who led the snare to attack the Tooth-gnawing Prison was currently lying on the ground.

He was seriously injured, half of his left arm had been chopped off, and there were many deep wounds on his body that showed bone.

But Zhang Han and Peng Yue also paid a price.

Zhang Han was hit by a sword on his left shoulder, but he was fine.

But Peng Yue was seriously injured.

"I've caught you. It won't take long for me to dig out more secrets about the snare."

Zhang Han looked at the seriously injured man in black in front of him.

"Secret? The secrets I know can scare you to death, but do you think I will tell you?"

The man in black smiled, showing his teeth covered in blood.


Zhang Han sneered: "Guess, should I guess?"

"Ha ha……"

The man in black laughed, and originally wanted to continue saying something, but his laughter hurt his wound and showed pain on his face.

"Stop talking nonsense, take this man away and keep him under strict supervision, and then find the best doctor. Don't let him die!"

General Wataru said loudly.

This chapter is not over, please click the next page to continue reading!


At this time, there was a sea of ​​fire on the hillsides on both sides, and the wind increased the intensity of the fire.

Screams kept coming from the flames.

Like an evil ghost, constantly struggling in the flames of hell.

Although there were nearly 500 casualties in the fierce battle just now, when the fire is extinguished, there will definitely be countless heads worth harvesting.

"The whole army passes quickly!"

Luan Bu shouted loudly.


The wind in Songhai carries a salty smell.

Fu Che didn't like it very much.

At this time, the car stopped on the mountain road where it came from.

Not far away, Zhao Gao's carriage and horses had also stopped.

Li Si and others had followed Fusu away.

And then comes the serious business of today.

Fu Che thought that Zhao Gao might run away.

And chase it yourself.

It's a game of cat and mouse.

The key is how to prevent the mouse from escaping from your grasp.

But now.

Zhao Gao didn't run away, and Fu Che didn't need to chase him.

What was originally a cat and mouse game has turned into a battle between two tigers.

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