This may also be a good choice.

A lot less trouble and a little more direct.

People from both sides were gathering in the forest, and everything was going on quietly.


The earth is shaking, and seven thousand knights are galloping quickly.

This is the sharpest spear in the Lantai army.

All of them are the most elite cavalry, and they are worthy of the title "Xiaoqi".

They are fast.

The general at the head was tall and strong, holding a spear and wearing heavy armor, giving him a strong sense of oppression.

But he is a veteran.


A long horn sounded.

Suddenly, a large group of cavalry appeared on the horizon ahead, and they were so numerous that they were overwhelming.

At this time, there was a bit of surprise and disbelief in the veteran's eyes.


The veteran spoke.

His eyesight is excellent.

Those cavalrymen were tough and fierce, and they howled like wolf cubs.

Both the attire and the saber in hand are very different from those in the Central Plains.

"Hu cavalry, how is it possible?"

Although the veteran was horrified, he had been in the military for 20 years after all.

Although surprised, there was no panic.

"The whole army, let's fight!"

the veteran shouted.

Chapter 83: Simplify the complex, it’s a fire merger!

How could there be a large group of barbarian cavalry here?

Qiangxu didn't know the reason.

But this is the land of Great Qin.

Although it is the hometown of Qi State, but now that the world is unified, there is no room for these barbarians to act recklessly.


Qiang Yu pointed the spear in his hand.

Although he is a veteran, his calm temperament at this moment is not comparable to that of a young general.

Not to mention it is just a knight camp.

Even if there are hundreds of thousands of tigers in Lantai.

Although Fu Che was nominally in charge of the entire army, in the first few years of construction, because Fu Che was young, it was almost entirely Qiang Xu who built it.

One hundred thousand people were trained and trained almost by Qiang Su.

While Fu Che was away, Qiang Yu was in charge of the entire army.

At this moment, the veteran seemed to see his former glory again.


7000 people shouted in unison.

This is an encounter.

The number of those barbarians was far greater than that of the Xiaoqi camp, at least [-].

Such a huge cavalry regiment actually penetrated deep into the territory of Daqin.

But there was no trouble.

Hu Qi seized the border and went deep into the interior. So why didn't the garrison at the border return anything?

Suddenly, countless question marks appeared in Qiang Yu's mind.

But right now, the most important thing is to deal with the enemies in front of you.

The two sides are approaching quickly,

The cavalry is extremely fast.


Without any communication, the cavalry from both sides collided fiercely in the wilderness. Hundreds of casualties appeared in just one encounter.

People screamed, horses neighed, spears penetrated armor and tore flesh, limbs were broken, and blood flew everywhere.

Thousands of horses collided with each other.

Anyone who falls off his horse has no chance of survival.


The attendant lifted up the carriage curtain.

Fu Che slowly stepped out of the carriage.

Zhao Gao, who was in the distance, also walked down under the guard of Six Sword Slaves.

Fu Che was looking at Zhao Gao, and Zhao Gao was looking at Fu Che.

At this moment, the surroundings were extremely quiet.

No one spoke, and even the sound of the wind seemed to have disappeared.

"Thirteen sons."

Zhao Gao was the first to speak to Fu Che: "This doesn't seem like a good place to talk."

"Yeah, it's really not a good place to chat."

Fu Che said with a smile: "But it's a good place to be buried, isn't it?"


Zhao Gao smiled.

He glanced around: "With beautiful mountains and clear waters, facing the sea, it is indeed a good place to be buried. It's a pity that it won't be me, Zhao Gao, who is buried here today."

"Ha ha……"

Fu Che said with a smile: "Zhao Fu Ling is joking. It's not you who is buried here today. How can it be my son?"

"Perhaps he is the young master?"

Zhao Gao looked at Fu Che: "Young Master has a noble status and holds great power. Luo Wang has killed many people like the Young Master, and what they have in common is - disobedience!"

"My father is as disobedient as I am. Do you still want to kill the king?"

Fu Che asked with a smile.

"His Majesty the First Emperor is an unprecedented king. Naturally, those of us who serve as ministers dare not commit regicide and disobedience. But how long can His Majesty the First Emperor's dragon body hold on? As long as you, the Thirteenth Young Master, are allowed to disappear, then the future will be bright. They are all under the control of the snare.”

Zhao Gao smiled and said: "Thirteenth Young Master, please go on your journey with peace of mind. Every year on this day, Zhao Gao will personally toast a glass of sacrificial wine to the Young Master in front of the Young Master's tomb."

"Then you should keep the sacrificial wine for yourself."

Fu Che said: "I know that Luo Wang used a lot of force this time, but do you think they can really stop Lantai Tiger Ben?"

"The fierce tiger is a ferocious tiger that cannot be stopped by human beings."

Zhao Gao said: "It will take time for the evil tiger to eat people. It cannot stop the ferocious tiger in Lantai, but the time gained is enough for the young master to rest here."

Zhao Gao finished speaking.

However, his figure gradually retreated.

Six Sword Slaves stood in front of Zhao Gao.

No one in this world can face the six sword slaves' alliance with one person.

Gai Nie can't do it, Wei Zhuang can't do it, and Fu Che can't do it either.

There was a rustling sound in the woods where they were walking, and soon countless snare killers rushed out of the woods. They were so numerous and dense that they seemed to be everywhere.

"these people?"

Fu Che asked: "You just want to kill me?"

Fu Che raised his hand.


The horn sounded.

The Black Tiger Guards walked out of the surrounding woods one after another.

Although the number is small, the momentum is stronger.

"It seems like today will be a fierce battle."

Zhao Gao said coldly.

"A war of fire is a war of fire. There is nothing to fight without fighting."

Fu Che didn't take it seriously, but then he shouted to the people around him: "The real master is here, why don't you two come out?"

Zhao Gao's brows wrinkled at this moment.

At this moment, all the strength Fu Che used to deal with the snare should have been held back, or his pace was delayed.

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