"Just now you said it yourself. When Gu Changsheng sold the jade bracelet, he said clearly and clearly that the jade bracelet lost all spirituality and magic power. It only slightly increased the probability of comprehension and inheritance. It is your grandson's decision. I bought it, so what does it have to do with others?" Qin Wuyi said lightly.

Everyone knew that Gu Changsheng was marked by Qin Wuyi, and they were not so much discussing how to deal with Gu Changsheng, but rather testing Qin Wuyi's attitude.

The Supreme Elders: "..."

Let's talk, can't afford personal attacks!

"Elder Qin, you and I both know very well that the inheritance of the Sixth Peak is impossible to appear in such a ridiculous place. Do you have any personal relationship in protecting that disciple?"

The two elders, Xie Qingyi and Huang Dingtian, drank tea silently, not intending to participate in the discussion on this topic at all.Qin Wuyi gently put down the teacup in his hand, his phoenix eyes coldly glanced at everyone present, and calmly said:

The Leek Family Alliance below immediately shifted their attention to the two Supreme Elders. They had tested the attitude of the Supreme Elders before the meeting, so the two Supreme Elders paused, and one of them spoke slowly. road:

"Gu Changsheng, a disciple of the Sixth Peak, who uses the banner of the Sixth Peak for personal gain, is indeed against the law. However, it is a bit too much for the people in the sword hall to go to war. It is better to discuss with him and return part of the illegal gains and hand over part of the money. , and then send an elder to teach him a few words."

The elders of each sword hall: "..."

But when you think about it, it seems to be true... Gu Changsheng, the master leek harvester, basically cuts the leek root with a knife, and the harvesting users are very clear. Sixth Peak whores for nothing.

"Elder Qin, what do you think of this arrangement?"

"He only said that it can increase the probability, did he say that he can definitely comprehend success?"

Obviously, the elder Taishang did not agree to the proposal of involving the violent law enforcement agency Zhijiantang, but changed it to a milder confiscation and verbal warning, obviously trying to sell Qin Wuyi's face.

Everyone could see that Qin Wuyi was determined to protect Gu Changsheng, and the atmosphere was silent for a while. At this time, Huang Dingtian, who had been smiling all the time, stood up to smooth things over and said:

"There's no need for everyone to do this. Zongmen disciples rely on their business intelligence to earn a little pocket money. We old guys can't always hold a negative attitude."

Although his name was Dingtian, the demeanor of this middle-aged man in the yellow shirt seemed a bit harmless, like a smiling peacemaker.He set the tone for this matter out loud: "Anyway, it's always wrong for Gu Changsheng to use the banner of the Sixth Peak to make money. After all, we all know that the inheritance of the Sixth Peak cannot appear there."

"So in my opinion, the sect should explain this matter clearly, dismiss those disciples, and then educate Xiao Gu so that he can practice with peace of mind, and don't do these fancy things. As for those spirit stones, just Do you think it's your elders giving a small amount of support to the only seedlings in the Sixth Peak?"

The elders of the Leek family twitched unconsciously... This can be called a little help!

February is over!Successfully kept the evening festival!March has the opportunity to strike the sky again!Departure time to be determined!See you guys in March!

Chapter 180 My son asks the sky with the qualifications of a great emperor!

He, Gu Changsheng, has already cut a dozen or 20 leeks!Even if he said to stop and forget the blame at this time, he would have made a lot of money.

"Should we let the deceived disciples swallow this breath? I don't think this precedent can be set, otherwise there will be no law to speak of!" An old man in blue yelled unconvinced.

"If this elder is dissatisfied, he can ask the deceived disciple to go to Xiao Gu to return the product." Huang Dingtian said with a smile, "Just be careful not to bully the small with the big ones, and let the disciples settle the matters between the disciples themselves."

The old man in blue couldn't help but his face froze, he snorted and stopped talking - of course, the first thing he thought of after his grandson was cheated was to ask Gu Changsheng to refund the money, but it's a pity that Gu Changsheng is very sinister The face said in embarrassment that these items are non-refundable once sold, what if you consume your spirituality?

There is indeed no such thing as a return of spiritual objects in the world of cultivating immortals. They are all bought and left. Occasionally, if they accidentally miss it, they will either have a fight with the seller and get the money back, or they can only admit that they are unlucky.

Afterwards, Gu Changsheng changed the subject and said that it is okay to withdraw if you really want to, but the Sixth Peak has a relatively small manpower, and they have received too much money these days to keep them busy, so they have to wait a few days to withdraw in front of everyone, fair and open.

This trick completely made those face-conscious Second Generation Immortals unable to hold back. If Gu Changsheng really did such a shameful thing of refunding money in public, then they would basically have no face in the Sword Sect in the future.One by one, with ugly faces, they begged their grandpa to tell their grandma not to retire.

Anyway, most of these transactions are done in private, as long as you don't tell them, no one will know that you have been cheated.Lingshi is a small matter, but face is a big matter!

But some elders couldn't swallow this breath. They wanted to rely on their status as elders to secretly threaten Gu Changsheng, but who would have thought that this kid would not eat soft ones, even hard ones.Qin Wuyi, who directly moved out of his back, made the elders who were trying to overwhelm others suffer.

Gu Changsheng: I still have an inseparable friendship with Mrs. Saintess!Do you see how proud I am!

Compared with the background, right? I have never been afraid of someone!

Although this wave is destined to suffer a dull loss, but fortunately there are so many people eating together, there is not much embarrassment.

At least Gu Changsheng's leek harvesting stand was destroyed.Many elders comforted themselves in this way.Unexpectedly, at this time, the elder Huang Dingtian coughed twice again, pretending to sigh:

At this time, the elders of the lower sword hall began to get angry: "What's wrong with Huang Zun? Didn't it mean that as long as the child is willing to make progress, it is worth losing a little money?"

"Thinking about it from another angle, the children are willing to spend some small spirit stones in order to get better. Don't we old guys have any reason to object? I always tell the naughty son in my family to let him let go, even if he eats some It's good to come back from a loss...but who knows that he won't take a loss at all..."


"Nephew Huang Xian has always acted differently from ordinary people, and this kind of thing can't be completely blamed on him."

A man who looked like an old servant hurriedly came to the conference hall and spoke to the distinguished elder.This is an old servant that Huang Dingtian trusts very much. The elders have great respect for him.

The sudden intrusion was not very shocking, but I was a little curious as to what could have caused this old servant who had seen strong winds and waves to run so out of breath.

"How could there really be an inheritance!"

It's so irritating, I'll have to give him two more beatings when I go back!

Gu Changsheng, you cut well!Even the heirs of the elders are treated equally!

For some outrageous reason, Gu Changsheng's reputation among the elders even rose briefly.Qin Wuyi knew that this result was the best that could be won, and if they pushed them into a hurry, Gu Changsheng might be liquidated, so she nodded her head to signify that the resolution was passed.

This Versailles-style consolation made many elders present face twitch again, feeling that they had been hurt a second time.

I don't know how much Wentian has been cheated... This kid is kind-hearted, and I hope he doesn't lose all of my Third Peak family fortune.

"Huang Zun, it's not good, son, something happened to him on the Sixth Peak!"

Every word of yours is like a knife in our hearts!

"That's right, in my opinion, don't be in a hurry to close it, and give young people a chance to work hard."

"I remember that nephew Huang Xian is also from the Sixth Peak, right? Gu Changsheng is really, how can he even deceive people from his own peak? Could it be that nephew Huang Xian doesn't have a good relationship with his colleagues in the Sixth Peak? "

Well, we know that your naturally rebellious guy is smart and witty and won't suffer from such a disadvantage, can you stop showing it in front of us?

"What...??" Huang Dingtian's eyes darkened when he heard the words, and he almost didn't fall over. He just pretended to be a wave in front of so many leek harvesting families, and when he turned his head, his incompetent son who was proud of him did it too. As stupid as they are!

"Young master, he went to comprehend the false inheritance of the Sixth Peak!"

"Master Huang, I haven't finished my words..." The old servant of the Huang family gasped and said, "Young Master Huang, he has realized the inheritance!"

This rebel!Huang Ding's lips trembled because of the weather: "Elder Qin, we can't wait any longer, quickly shut down the fraudulent stalls of your subordinates!"

"You colleagues and elders actually don't need to be too angry. Your children can be deceived, first of all, it means that they are motivated! Unlike my family, they don't know how to follow the right path all day long. Oh, it really makes me worry. ..."

"What? Ask Tian what happened to him? Have you made any friends with the Devil's Cult spies?" Huang Dingtian said eagerly, "Tell me quickly."

The elders who used to be bitter and vengeful have turned into happy people at this moment. When you become a laughing stock, you may become angry from embarrassment, but when someone becomes a bigger laughing stock than you, you will find that you are not at all. What kind of.

All the elders: Damn you kid! (gritting teeth)

Obviously everyone was deceived and taken advantage of, a member of the Leek Alliance, but turned around and you became the biggest winner?What the hell is this!

Geneva, withdraw the spirit stone!

The expression on Huang Dingtian's face turned into ecstasy almost instantly, he looked up to the sky and smiled and said: "Hahahahahahaha... I knew that my son Wentian has the qualifications of a great emperor! Elder Qin, your little Gu must definitely It can't be closed! It can't be closed even if you kill it!"

Qin Wuyi's face froze, he snorted coldly and didn't say anything, but he seemed a little ptsd about what Huang Zun said about your little Gu.

"Hahahahahaha... the ancestors are manifested, the ancestors are manifested! Uncle Xu, tell me what is going on? What inheritance has my son learned?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it is a kind of inheritance that no one has seen before. According to the records of the sect, that inheritance seems to have a bit of the style and shadow of the Sixth Peak..."

Chapter 181 Brother Anti-Bone's Designated Position to Take the Blame

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Such exclamations came one after another, and even the three elders, the deacon, Taishang, and Zunshang, who were sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, couldn't help being a little moved.

Qin Wuyi's eyes flickered, and her brows were slightly frowned as if she was thinking about something. She faintly felt that she was very close to the truth of the incident, but she was missing a certain key that prevented her from connecting all the clues.

what is it…

A thunder disaster appeared on the Sixth Peak, and the Taoist bell rang... It seems that the inheritance of the Sixth Peak appeared?

The elders present actually didn't take Gu Changsheng's so-called Sixth Peak inheritance seriously at the beginning, because they all knew that if the Sixth Peak's inheritance was really on the Sixth Peak site, then they would have dug the ground. Sanchi had discovered it a long time ago, so it was Gu Changsheng's turn to get involved.

As for the shocking Thunder Tribulation that appeared on the Sixth Peak, it did not attract much attention because it was suppressed by Qin Wuyi.They all thought that the ringing of the dao bell was new news from Tianquan Ancient Road, and their attention was always on Lu Qingming's side, so naturally they would not be distracted by the thunder calamity caused by a disciple.

What's more, the Thunder Tribulation was suppressed before it fell.

"Is this true?"

"That's right, I've already read it. The one-style sword formula that you newly comprehend is very similar to the sixth peak inheritance in the records of the sect!"

"Hahahahaha, my son Wentian really has the appearance of a great emperor! What are you waiting for, take me there to have a look!" Huang Dingtian raised his eyebrows and exclaimed.

Qin Wuyi: "..."

Brother Fan Gu was so excited that he couldn't close his eyes all day and all night. He suddenly felt that the gods still favored him very much. Not only did he arrange a bunch of good teammates for him, but he even made him understand the lost inheritance of the Sixth Peak ahead of everyone else!

I really want to change the man in the world of cultivating immortals!

Unlike Gu Changsheng's situation of supply shortage, Pei Ningning's Sixth Peak co-branded Peach Blossom Crisp sold extremely well. In order to be able to comprehend the inheritance of Sixth Peak one step faster, they began to search for any possibility to increase the probability of success. s things.

The Sixth Peak actually has an inheritance!And Huang Wentian, that famous two idiots, can actually comprehend the inheritance!Why can't I?

If there were people who questioned the authenticity of the sixth peak's mysterious inheritance incident before, then Huang Wentian's sudden appearance made them completely abandon all doubts.

"You guys can't get an answer by guessing here, why don't you go to the Sixth Peak to see what's going on." A Taishang elder smiled and said: "If it is true that fate will find the inheritance of the Sixth Peak, then It is also a great blessing for Zongmen."

When he said this, he looked slowly at Qin Wuyi. Most of the elders present knew clearly that if anyone in this world would inherit the sixth peak, then Qin Wuyi had the greatest possibility.

Now Qin Wuyi finally couldn't help but want to make a move?Secretly hand over the inheritance to Gu Changsheng, so as to promote the development of some things!

"Brothers and sisters, I have indeed sold out all the items on hand. Can you go and understand it first? Then I can go to the place where the sages of the Sixth Peak lived to look for some more! You see, those senior brothers have already sold out.

He began to show a thoughtful expression. "

The rest of the elders were dubious, and couldn't help turning their eyes to Qin Wuyi, saying that Gu Changsheng is your man, what the hell are they doing?

"Second Senior Brother, you haven't rested for a long time, why don't you take a break?" Gu Changsheng tentatively asked.

Her elders had a close relationship with the Lord of the Sixth Peak, and even made a marriage contract because of it. If they were Taiyi Sword Master, they would probably choose to secretly hand over the inheritance to Qin Wuyi for safekeeping.


This speculation instantly surged into the minds of many elders. They took a deep look at Qin Wuyi, as if they planned to save her some dignity and not tear their skins:

"That's right, what the Supreme Elder said is that the succession of the Sixth Peak is what everyone expects. If this is true, it will be a great blessing for Jianzong."

Senior Brother Fan Bone walked over from not far away in good spirits, and many eyes followed his steps, their eyes full of envy and hatred.

How did he miss it?

"Second senior brother, have you realized something again?" Gu Changsheng asked with concern when he saw Huang Wentian approaching, put down the things in his hands.

Gu Changsheng may be able to deceive people, but inheritance cannot.Some of them deliberately took out the ancient records of the sect, found relevant descriptions about the Sixth Peak, and finally proved that what Huang Wentian comprehended was really the top inheritance of the Sixth Peak!

Qin Wuyi knew that there was no way to explain clearly what he said at this time, so he simply nodded and said calmly: "If that's the case, then let's go and have a look together."

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