Gu Changsheng was very greedy for these spirit stones, but unfortunately, these people entangled him too tightly, and there was no time for him to go to the sixth peak to pick up trash!

You let me replenish the stock instead!

She was also very curious about what Gu Changsheng was up to.

In the end, of course nothing was found out about that matter, Qin Wuyi passed the interrogation test, and she was not a small character who could be manipulated at will, so Jianzong had no choice but to bite the bullet and put the matter on hold.

The stars twinkle and the mystery is boundless, this is the description of Xingyun Sword Intent!

This will blow up those second generations of immortals.They already had spirit stones, but when they bought them before, they were scolded by the elders in the family, and they felt somewhat resentful towards Gu Changsheng.But the situation is different now. Gu Changsheng is surrounded by dense crowds of people, and those fanatical scroll kings are waving spiritual stone bags to ask him to hand over things related to the sages of the Sixth Peak.

Everyone saw that it seemed to be the same reason, and quickly let go of Gu Changsheng and ran to sit cross-legged, staring at blood-red eyes and began to compete.

So after Taiyi Swordmaster entered the ancient road of Tianquan, the inheritance of the Sixth Peak was cut off, and the sect's first object of suspicion was Qin Wuyi. He felt that Qin Wuyi might have the inheritance of the sixth peak on hand.

"Little Junior Brother!"

On the sixth peak, because of the appearance of a few lucky people, the frenzied atmosphere has reached its peak.

"No, the heritage of the Sixth Peak is extensive and profound, and I've only scratched the surface!" Brother Fangu said excitedly, "But even if it's just a trace, I feel that I have gained a lot!"

"No need, junior brother, now that the Sixth Peak is passed down to the present world, we have to race against time!"

At first, when Gu Changsheng invited himself over, he didn't take it seriously, thinking from the bottom of his heart that the little junior brother might have been fooled just like everyone else.However, when he was kindly invited by Gu Changsheng, sitting cross-legged and drowsy, a turning point appeared!

In his dream, a guy named Immortal Meng De appeared. Although he couldn't remember the appearance of that person, the immortal was quite kind. After giving him a few words of advice, Huang Wentian woke up soon after if he had some divine help. Then he stepped into the gate of Xingyun Sword Intent, which attracted countless people's shocking glances.

Perhaps this is the so-called protagonist's treatment, it's not a big deal to pass on the exercises in the dream!

Gu Changsheng: "..."

If you don't doze off, how can I use the dream to let you learn a little bit of the Sixth Peak's inheritance so that you can take the blame for Maliu!

Can you have a little b in your heart, there is no inheritance at all, the real inheritance is on my side!

Many people suspect that I will have a little hip-pull shock at the beginning of March. Let me clarify here, it does not exist!

Chapter 182 Senior Brother Gu, Peak Guan is here, run!

With the driving force of earning spirit stones, Gu Changsheng learned some Sixth Peak's inheritance from Kunlun Mirror netizens as quickly as possible, and selected some of the fastest-growing swords that are also the strongest Sixth Peak style Throw it to Huang Wentian.

The top-level sword intent of the sixth peak is called Xingyun Sword Intent, which is a kind of sword intent tempered by the power of mighty stars. Not a bad major in Sword Intent.

These are the original words of that netizen sister. Gu Changsheng is skeptical of her sharp comments. After all, there are not many kendo inheritances in her mouth that are worthy of attention.

With Gu Changsheng's current talent, it would not be a problem to spend a few days to get started easily. After he got the inheritance, he began to plan the god-making movement non-stop.

If it is just painting big cakes, this business will fail sooner or later.But if there are one or two people who really comprehend something, it will completely stimulate the fanatical desire in their hearts.

The most important thing is that Gu Changsheng can also take the opportunity to make the inheritance of the sixth peak come out!It was said before that there is a hidden rule in the Inner Sword Peak Competition: you must know the inheritance of this peak to count, otherwise there is a risk of being used to make a fuss.

This rule is not aimed maliciously at the sixth peak. After all, the Inner Sect Sword Peak Competition is about the strength of disciples from different inheritances. If you use another inheritance, you will not be convinced even if you win other sword peaks.

However, such a simple rule is like a thorn in the throat for the crouching dragon and phoenix chicks of the sixth peak.None of them know the inheritance of the Sixth Peak, and it would be a big trouble for someone to take it seriously.

But now it's different, the rumor that the Sixth Peak passed on to the present world has already spread among the disciples of the Sword Sect by mistake, and it won't be too abrupt for Gu Changsheng to reveal the inheritance after he has a mass base.

Gu Changsheng, who is proficient in the Way of Gou, would definitely not choose to go to thunder by himself. The senior brother only listened to the experience and stacked Q, and had no intention of changing the path of practice.Then Huang Wentian, a rebellious brother with a strong background, became the best choice.

Huang Zun's voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard in every corner of the Sixth Peak. A sitting figure in the crowd stood up in bewilderment:

"You're right." Huang Zunshang nodded his head and said, "Wentian, please show your newly learned sword intent to all the masters and uncles."

"Nephew Gu Xian, where is my son Wentian? Tell him to come out quickly?"

Still use me to buy it? !The pattern is small!

Brother Fan Gu's father is not a serious person... Gu Changsheng muttered a few times in his heart, and was interrupted by Huang Zunshang halfway through the salute:


Just as Gu Changsheng silently praised his one-shot operation, a huge flying boat exclusive to the sect slowly approached the sixth peak.

Tired, destroy it.Senior Brother Fangu sacrificed his spirit sword without any regrets, and while his spiritual power was circulating, he casually threw out a sword intent that was as bright as a star.

"I have seen Huang Zunshang..."

On the one hand, his popularity is guaranteed in the Second Generation of Immortals and he can quickly help Gu Changsheng open up the market, on the other hand, he is not afraid of being hit by the sect's iron fist!

Brother Gu, if you don't run away, it will be too late!

"Dad...can you respect a person?"

Will you get off me? "

Junior sister Pei, do you know how much your words will affect our corporate image?Others thought we were small vendors without a business license!

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the Second Senior Brother was still talking to me just now, but then he seemed to be racing against time to comprehend the inheritance... Would you like to shout?"

A lot of people landed one after another on the Zongmen's exclusive flying boat. At a glance, they seemed to be elders with high positions, and several flying boats also slowly descended behind them.Walking in the front is the Elder Huang Dingtian.

It would be a big loss if the Zongmen sent people here this time to seal it up and prevent them from comprehending it for nothing.Finally, there is an opportunity to comprehend the inheritance of the sword sect's top kendo... It's been blocked for a few days!Still let people live?

"Father? Why are you here?"

Junior sister Pei has always been worried about such a business model. Although she makes a lot of money, she is still very afraid that one day the sect will find out, not only will she have to hand over her income, but she will also be fined.So she paid attention to similar movements all the time, and even made a cloth bag specially used for fast running.

Junior sister Pixiu was stunned for half a second when she saw this, and quickly grabbed all kinds of pastries and snacks on the table, wrapped them in rolls, carried them on her back, and shouted to Gu Changsheng: "Senior brother Gu! Zongmen Fengguan is here, run!"

"My son really has the qualifications of a great emperor..." Huang Dingtian beamed with pride for a while: "Want the sky? Ask the sky where are you? Come out!"

Brother Fangu's cheeks twitched unconsciously, and Huang Zunshang's tone and expression resembled the way his son who had just learned arithmetic behaved in front of relatives and friends, which made him very humiliated.

The disciples of the Sword Sect above the sixth peak also sensed the arrival of the high-level sect, one by one came out of the state of comprehending the inheritance, and looked here with a little nervousness.

Even if it is still a long way to become an emperor, at least you can look forward to a little green tea or soft rice from Qin Wuyi.Wouldn't it be nice to wait for the two of them to send me to Dongfu?

Qi Hansu?It's not bad for that rogue saint to have the cheek to eat and drink. Expecting her to buy me a cave is better than expecting a high-cold rich woman with more money and less talk to come down from the sky to take care of me.

Gu Changsheng was stunned suddenly, as if he was shocked for a second by the worthless thoughts in his mind.He thought to himself how could I have such a stupid idea... When I become a great emperor in the future, maybe Taiyi Sword Sect will kneel down and arrange a cave residence for me?

Brother Anti-Bone: "..."

He had expected that the sect would come, but he did not expect such a big battle.Fortunately, Gu Changsheng is not someone who has never seen the world.After tidying up a bit, he took the initiative to greet him.

"Come, come, come and show off your newly learned sword intent to all the masters and uncles!"

According to this progress, I am afraid that I will soon be able to pay the down payment of the high-level cave in the sect... Gu Changsheng said with a bit of emotion.

Gu Changsheng: "..."

The momentum of this sword intent seemed extremely exaggerated, but it didn't leave many marks on the stone wall.Seeing this, Huang Zun immediately clapped his hands and shouted loudly:

"Okay! As expected of the Sixth Peak's Starfall Sword Intent! Elders, why don't you applaud?"

The elders of the sword hall behind them made a few faces, and they were communicating with each other's eyes.The Supreme Elder said meaningfully: "It is indeed Xingyun Sword Intent."

"That's right, the inheritance of the Sixth Peak has been buried for many years, and now it is finally alive." Another Supreme Elder glanced at Qin Wuyi and said, "I wonder how Elder Qin thinks this inheritance should be dealt with?"

Qin Wuyi didn't answer, but just stared at Gu Changsheng for a long while, then said calmly after a while: "The Sixth Peak now has few disciples, and if they pass it on to the present world, then those who are destined to learn it, why come to ask me."

Chapter 183 Auntie, Hungry, Eat Meal

Gu Changsheng felt a little guilty when he saw Qin Wuyi's seemingly invisible gaze, he lowered his head and dared not make a sound.

She must have discovered something, right?

"Since Elder Qin has spoken, the sect here will not make any other arrangements. All disciples of my Sword Sect, no matter where they belong to Jianfeng, and those who are destined can comprehend the lost inheritance of the sixth peak by themselves."

As the old man with white beard and hair spoke lightly, these words passed from him like a decree, resounding in the hearts of every disciple of Jianzong.Gu Changsheng was taken aback by this supernatural power, and subconsciously glanced at the Supreme Elder.

what's the situation?You have so many people running over in such a big battle, just take a look and make sure it is the inheritance of the sixth peak?

Don't you doubt the source of this inheritance?Arrest the relevant people and torture them!I kept myself out of it with such a careful layout... In the end, you told me that you didn't plan to get into it at all, and just got involved with it?

Isn't this bullying honest people!I even have a clear conscience buff ready, just waiting for you to ask!

"Elder Qin understands righteousness deeply, it is really my sword sect's luck."

"That's right, the inheritance of the Sixth Peak is originally the property of my Sword Sect, so how can a family treasure it for themselves?"

These insinuations had no effect on Qin Wuyi, she stared at the stone wall created by Gu Changsheng for a long time, as if she wanted to see some clues from it.

At most, those people would say a few words of yin and yang, and if they were really asked to provoke Qin Wuyi, they would definitely not dare to do it.Seeing that Qin Wuyi didn't respond, the elders who came to wait and see wanted to go back home just to make fun of themselves.

As long as Qin Wuyi is willing to hand over the inheritance, after hiding for so many years, he finally couldn't bear it anymore.


Gu Changsheng took the jade token and took a closer look. It was an exclusive jade token issued by Yangjiantang for elders. With this jade token, it can be freely consumed within the sphere of influence of the Taiyi Sword Sect, including the markets in some affiliated towns!

"Back to the elder, it was attracted by the disciple's spirit sword. The disciple had an adventure in the early years and got an extraordinary natal spirit sword." Gu Changsheng said frankly and frankly: "Elder If you don’t believe me, you can check it out!”


"Don't be in a hurry! I'll take you to put incense on your mother and tell her that you are promising!" Huang Zun said happily.

"I'm just a small alchemy, how could I have the ability to set up such a big game? The disciple just followed the trend. As for how it happened, I really don't know."

Huang Wentian had no choice but to be at the mercy of Huang Zunshang. After all the elders had left in a hurry, Qin Wuyi glanced at Gu Changsheng lightly:

"Come with me."

Don't ask Qiyu, this is a customary thing in the world of cultivating immortals, Qin Wuyi calmly withdrew his gaze: "It's really not you?"


"I'll keep the spirit stones for you. If you want to spend spirit stones on weekdays, just use this."

"Who said I'm going to confiscate it." Qin Wuyi said slowly: "It's a crime to be pregnant. It's not safe to have so many spirit stones on your body. If you trust me, I can help you keep them."

"Let's go, Wentian, dad will take you home!" Huang Zunshang excitedly took Brother Fangu's hand, and Huang Wentian replied with great resistance.

: "Why are you going home so well! I still want to understand the inheritance!"

Qin Wuyi responded, and then suddenly said:

The light in Qin Wuyi's beautiful eyes shone slightly. What Gu Changsheng said was indeed reasonable. No matter how suspicious Gu Changsheng was, his strength was still alchemy, and the inheritance of the Sixth Peak was not something he could touch at all.

The corner of Qin Wuyi's mouth outlined a vague arc, as if he was relieved to see Gu Changsheng's pitiful appearance.It's like the feeling of a high-ranking empress seeing a little boy in front of her who wants to resist but is unable to resist.

"Take it out and see."

"Elder, don't let it go..." Gu Changsheng said with a bitter face: "This disciple is just taking the opportunity to make a small fortune, so you shouldn't worry about my income, right?"

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