At this stage, they are just devil legends in people's mouths, but at some point in the future, they will become terrifying creatures that threaten the continent again thousands of years later.

At this time, King Baratheon of the Deer Family, the guardian of the Seven Kingdoms, was heading north from the capital, King's Landing.

Visit Ned Stark, the guardian of the Northern Kingdom with the largest land area, and his childhood friend, and his family.

The King's purpose was clear: his adoptive father and Hand, Jon Arryn of the Eyrie in the Vale, had just died of a fever and was in desperate need of someone else to take over.

However, the first thing the king did after traveling thousands of miles to the North was to go down to the cellar to pay homage to the face of a deceased woman, Lyanna Stark, the sister of the King of the North.

His actions naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of the queen - Cersei, the eldest daughter of Tywin Lannister, who is regarded as the most beautiful woman in the world and serves as the guardian of the West.

And her dashing brother Jaime is a member of the King's Kingsguard.

So why did King Robert pay homage to Lyanna's body?

This all starts with the usurper war in 14 that reversed the trend of the mainland.

The ruler at that time was not Robert of the Deer Baratheon family, but the last king of the Targaryen family, the "Mad King" Aerys II.

As early as 300 years ago, Aegon Targaryen and his sisters easily ended a thousand years of chaos with dragon fire that destroyed everything.

However, the dragon that the family was most proud of was extinct due to a melee a hundred years later, known in history as the Dance of the Blood Dragons.

Back to 14 years before the beginning of the chapter, Mad King Aerys II was holding a tournament at Harrenhal, and Rhaegar, the crown prince of the Dragon family, won the championship.

According to tradition, he would wear the winter snow rose, which symbolizes the Queen of Love and Beauty, on his beloved, and everyone thought that this rose would be given to the Crown Princess, Princess Ilia of Dorne.

As a result, he bypassed his wife and gave the rose to Lyanna Stark, the eldest daughter of the North, who was already engaged to Robert.

This incident not only caused tension between the royal family and the nobles, but both of them disappeared a year later.

The angry Duke Rickard, the Guardian of the North, and his eldest son Brandon came to King's Landing one after another to seek an explanation from the Mad King, but they were both brutally killed by the Mad King.

The latter also forced Jon Arryn, the Warden of the East, to hand over Rickard's second son Ned and Robert of the Deer family - at this time they were both still the adopted sons of Jon Arryn, the Warden of the East.

Seeing that the situation was critical, the teenagers decided to revolt, involving various families in this epic rebellion, known in history as the War of the Usurpers, and ultimately ended with the collapse of the Long Family Dynasty:

The Mad King was killed by his own Kingsguard Jaime Lannister. His eldest son Rhaegar was beaten to death by Robert during the Battle of the Three Forks. His second son Viserys and his unborn daughter Daenerys were forced to Essos in exile.

In this way, Robert sat on the Iron Throne and became the guardian of the seven kingdoms and continues to this day.

So, got it?

It was precisely because Robert's fiancée was kidnapped by Prince Rhaegar in the year of the "Wrong Spring" that led to the change of dynasties in the Seven Kingdoms, and he still missed Lyanna for decades.

Of course, these are just from Robert's perspective, but are there other deeper reasons behind the fall of the Dragon family?

Did Rhaegar really kidnap Lyanna by force?

I will bring these to you slowly as the story progresses.

So let’s first review the regions and actual conditions of the major princes.

Imagine that you have a panoramic map of Westeros in front of you and see who the families are. 0

The northernmost point of the continent is the northern border with the largest land area. It is ruled by the Stark family, which has been the eldest for 8000 years. It is also the wolf family that is generally loved by everyone. The family emblem is a gray direwolf and the family motto is Winter General. to.

The current Warden of the North is Ned Stark, and his wife is Catelyn, the eldest daughter of the Tully family in Riverrun. The two have five children, namely Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran and Rickon, and the bastard Jon Snow.

This most beloved family at the beginning encounters great trauma and changes as the story progresses.The children of the Wolf family drifted around and grew up independently, and eventually became important figures who changed the overall situation.

To the west of the continent is the Lannister family of Casterly Rock. The head of the family is Tywin Lannister, who is the guardian of the West. The family emblem is a golden lion standing sideways. It is called the richest family in the entire continent.

Hear me roar is their slogan throughout the world - but it is more familiar as "Lannister debts must be paid".

The initial image of the family in the play is relatively negative. Its members include the majestic Tywin and his three children - the scheming and ambitious Queen Cersei, and the regicide James who killed the Mad King and was despised by the world. Tom, and Tyrion, who was born a dwarf and suffered discrimination.

The family seems to be strong, but there are many internal conflicts, and they can fight to the death without resorting to any external force.

But as the story progresses, this family, which appears as a negative image, gradually reveals the sadness of its past.

Individual characters - especially Tyrion and 5.2 Jaime - were widely recognized and loved by the audience in the later stages.

To the east of the mainland is the Arryn family of the Eyrie in the Vale. Their emblem is an eagle soaring in the moon. The head of the family is the recently deceased Prime Minister Jon Arryn, who is also the adoptive father of the current King Robert and Ned, the Warden of the North. It was his unexpected death that kicked off the reshuffle after 14 years.

To the south of the mainland is the Tyrell family, the southern guardian of Highgarden in the River Bay. It has no sense of existence at the beginning of the book, and it is not even the oldest family in the southern territory in history.But as the story progresses, we will find that the endless Rose family is actually extremely united. The old Rose Queen of Thorns, the little Rose Margaery, the "Knight of Flowers" Loras, and the boss Vilas who was cut off from the TV series Together with the second eldest brother, Garland, the Rose family of this generation can be said to be prosperous and a force that cannot be underestimated in the Seven Kingdoms. "

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Chapter 325 Grand Epic [Please customize for complete order]

"The four guardians of the southeast, northwest and northwest have been introduced. Next is the Dorn Martell family south of Highgarden. The leader is Doran Martell, who is suffering from rheumatism and is in a wheelchair.

Although the entire Dorne line did not appear as a group until Volume [-], due to their exotic customs, it can be basically concluded that Martin made reference to Spain and Turkey, which had a great influence on the mainland.

Perseverance is the spinal cord of the Dornish people, and they are also the only family in history that has not surrendered to the Dragon family.

In the Usurper's War 14 years ago, the Dorne princess Elijah, who was also Rhaegar's wife, died at the hands of the Lannister family.

Therefore, Dorne has had an ambiguous attitude for many years: he seems docile, but in fact he is waiting for the opportunity to avenge the princess.Therefore, when the Lion family took charge of King's Landing in the future, Dorne became a new trouble for the dominant Lion family.

Dorne is also the only place in the entire continent where men and women are equal, and women also have the right to inherit.

So, does it make many female readers become fans of Dorne?

Next, let’s look at the Riverlands, which is surrounded by southeast, northwest, and west. The Tully family stationed in Riverrun is also one of the families with a long history. Their emblem is the fish that crosses the water. They are also called the Fish Family.

Head 10 Hoster Tully is on his deathbed, but his reputation on the mainland is very high. One of the testimonies is that both of his daughters are married to top nobles: the eldest daughter Catelyn married the North Ned, Warden of the East, and his second daughter Lysa married Jon Arryn, Warden of the East and Hand of the King.

The combination of an old man and a young wife seemed enviable, until Jon died inexplicably, and some shocking secrets were revealed.

Let’s take a look at King Robert’s subordinate Baratheon, a family with a short history.If Robert hadn't sat on the Iron Throne, the Deer family's presence would not have been strong.

Robert and his brothers—Stannis and Renly—were also inseparable and ulterior.

Of course, many readers may not have thought that the Deer family and the Dragon family are actually very close: Oris, the founder of the Deer family, was the illegitimate brother of Aegon the Conqueror, the founder of the Dragon family dynasty.

Robert's grandmother was also a princess of the Dragon family, which was one of the reasons why he was still able to sit on the Iron Throne after the uprising. In addition to his own strength, his bloodline was also a point.

This shows that Robert, who overturned the power of the Long family, was actually closely related to the Long family. Can his angry uprising also be interpreted as a quarrel?

Also like to fight in the nest is the Greyjoy family of the Iron Islands, which is isolated overseas. The family emblem is a golden sea monster.

They can be said to be the most savage and primitive of all families. They have believed in the spirit of force over hard work for thousands of years, and they are like a group of pirates.

Ten years ago, King Balon, the head of the Greyjoy family, launched a rebellion. As a result, his vitality was severely damaged. Two of his sons died in the battle. The youngest son Theon also went to the Wolf family in the north and became Ned. ·Stark’s adopted son paved the way for subsequent development.

The last one is the Dragon family Targaryen, which has been destroyed for more than ten years and the remaining members have been exiled overseas. Currently, the only two descendants are Viserys and Dragon Mother Daenerys.

Wandering around the continent of Essos, he accumulated every bit of strength he could, hoping to usher in a family renaissance after a long period of suffering.

The rise of Long Ma overseas is also a highlight of this book.

In this way, the four major families of the East, West, North, and South, the Deer Family, the Fish Family, the Sea Monster Family, Dorne and the remaining Dragon Family, these nine families of the Seven Kingdoms constitute the current overall picture of Westeros.

When the conspiracy begins and characters appear, the seemingly stable checks and balances that have existed for more than ten years are broken.These nine major families appeared one after another in troubled times, fighting each other for their own interests.

However, the prelude to this melee had actually begun quietly in the planning and execution of some conspirators long before the king visited Ned Stark.

But none of them knew that in the land of eternal winter far beyond the Great Wall in the North, the strange ghosts that only appeared in legends resurrected in the increasingly cold environment - a battle of unprecedented proportions was about to take place. "


Along with Ao Chen's storytelling, ink-like paintings unfolded in front of the audience.

Different from the Jianghu atmosphere in the snow, A Song of Ice and Fire presents an epic and grand scene, which makes the audience accustomed to the Jianghu flavor suddenly take a bite of something new.

Coupled with the assistance of ink painting, the audience was instantly immersed in the story.

There was a female audience member with bright eyes.

"Is there really such equality between men and women in the world?"

"Yes, the world is vast and boundless. Didn't Master Su say that it is in the far western continent? Maybe we can see it one day."


“At this time, the owner of the Iron Throne, King Robert Baratheon of the Deer House, began his journey north.

The northern border has always been sparsely populated and sparsely populated.

In history, northerners had to organize large armies to fight south because they had difficulty surviving the winter.Thinking of either getting the fertile southern country, or dying gloriously on the battlefield, so that the survivors would have enough food to survive the winter.

So this time the king led a large group of people to visit Winterfell, which made the northern border in the dead of winter feel powerless.

Of course, this is not the real reason why Ned, the Warden of the North, is worried.

And when Robert appointed him Hand of the King in front of Lyanna's portrait, Ned did not feel excited or happy. Instead, the recent spate of bad news made him very worried about the future.

The first thing was the Night's Watch deserters who appeared in the North not long ago.

The Great Wall of Despair is located at the northernmost point of the North, and further north is the land of eternal winter.

Its existence can be traced back to 8000 years ago, originating from the terrifying creatures born in the land of eternal winter: they are abnormally tall and thin, with pale skin and deep blue eyes. They are called the strange ghosts by everyone.

When the White Walkers first went south, their terrifying fighting power and the barrenness of vegetation wherever they went almost wiped out the entire continent.

It was not until the Children of the Forest used magic to cut off the Arm of Dorne that the White Walkers were unable to enter Essos from Land 197. This objectively trapped the White Walkers inland and prevented them from harming Eastern civilization.

So, at the critical moment when the White Walkers were ravaging the continent and human civilization was in danger, the last human hero emerged in the North - the famous Azor Ahai. The reason why this period is called the Age of Heroes is because of him .

This man was chosen to fight against the night, and finally, at the expense of his wife Nissa, he held the Lightbringer and led humans to fight against the White Walkers, and won the War of Dawn, driving this terrible creature back to the land of eternal winter. .

In order to prevent the White Walkers from going south, his friend Brandon Stark, the founder of the Wolf family in the North, used magic to build the Great Wall of the North with the help of giants and the Children of the Forest.

And established the Night's Watch Legion to protect the continent from generation to generation. This is also the origin of Brandon's nickname "Fortress Builder".

Therefore, the entire story after the opening of A Song of Ice and Fire can be seen as a crisis cycle 8000 years later.

And this time, who will be the son of light who is prophesied to save the world again?

However, since the White Walkers never appeared again, the mission of the Night's Watch gradually became to prevent the wildlings beyond the wall from entering the south to burn, kill and plunder. As a result, the deserters Ned met this time actually claimed to have encountered the White Walkers outside the wall who had disappeared for thousands of years.

Although he beheaded the deserters in the name of protecting the north, he still planted fear in his heart. "

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Chapter 326: Audiences who were shocked [please request for full order, please customize]

“The second incident occurred after beheading the deserter.

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