Ned allowed his eldest son Robb and his youngest son Bran to watch the execution, but on the way back they discovered a litter of direwolf pups.

The direwolf, which has never crossed the Great Wall, appears south of the Great Wall for the first time. Did something terrible really happen at Beiwai?

Although he still allowed his five children, along with his bastard son Jon Snow, to adopt the six direwolves.

But he became increasingly uneasy, and he couldn't help but think of the Stark family's advice: Winter is coming.The third thing happened after Robert visited Winterfell.

Just when Ned was hesitant about becoming Prime Minister, Catlyn suddenly received a personal letter from her sister, Lysa Tully, the widow of the late Prime Minister Jon Arryn.

The letter said that Jon did not die of fever, but was poisoned by the Lion.

This information surprised Ned. The current prime minister actually died at the hands of the current queen mother and her relatives. If what Lysa said was true, it would undoubtedly cause an uproar on the mainland.

With all these things combined, how could Ned not be worried?

But what he didn't expect was that an accident happened immediately afterwards.

But before we talk about this accident in detail, let’s go back and talk about the first meeting of two people who were inconspicuous at the beginning.

On the night of the banquet, the banquet hall in Winterfell was lively as it had not been for a long time: Ned and Robert were drinking and chatting, Sansa was secretly in love with Robert's eldest son Joffrey, and Queen Cersei also rarely let go of her arrogance. , and Cat Aunt Caitlin forced a smile.

In fact, in the crypts of Winterfell, King Robert had already made the decision to let Joffrey marry Ned's eldest daughter Sansa to make up for the regret of not marrying Lyanna.

It was a matter of celebration that the Wolf and Deer families had entered into a marriage agreement after many years, and Sansa fell in love with the prince with flowing blond hair at first sight.

There was only one abandoned figure in the entire hall who looked lonely and helpless - Ned's illegitimate son Jon Snow, who was brought back to Winterfell by the former after the Battle of the Usurper.

I think back then, Ned fought all the way from the north to the Red Keep to help Robert capture King's Landing, and then went all the way south to find his sister.

Finally, he found the dying Lyanna in the Tower of Bliss in Dorne, and returned to Winterfell with a baby boy in her arms, telling Aunt Cat that he was his illegitimate child.

As a result, Snow, who grew up in Winterfell, realized from an early age that no matter how close he was to other children, he would never be able to inherit the title of Duke of Winterfell.

The status is also very different from those of the direct children. The adopted direwolf cub "White Spirit" is still an albino.

The disparity in status prevented Little Jon from attending the dinner, but he was not alone. There was another short man accompanying him in the stable - this man was ugly and short, and it was Tilly, the youngest son of the Lion family. Ang Lannister, nicknamed the Little Devil.

Tywin, the head of the Lion family, has three descendants, the eldest queen Cersei, and his compatriot Jaime, the regicide who killed the Mad King.

Tyrion was born as the youngest lion, but he was an extremely ugly dwarf.

According to the original description, his appearance was extremely ugly, and he was even disfigured in the subsequent Battle of the Blackwater River.

Not only that, his birth also killed Tywin's beloved Joanna, so although he is a descendant of the largest noble in the West, his living environment is extremely difficult.

Not only was he ostracized since he was a child, he was even looked down upon by his relatives. When he was a teenager, his father even arranged for him to clean the sewers in Casterly Rock. The only person who cared for him was his brother Jaime.

At this time, he didn't know that he was the real lion of the Lannister family, and he might even be inextricably related to the Dragon family.

He also didn't know how many mixed feelings and thrilling moments he would experience in the future - killing his father, repenting, being wrongly imprisoned, and traveling far away, just to find the queen he really wanted to be loyal to.

Therefore, when an illegitimate son with a low status meets a young son of the Lion family who is also unappreciated for his talent, a wonderful intersection of fate occurs at this moment.

Snow was dissatisfied with the existence of the little devil at first, thinking that as a top noble, how could he understand his feelings.

However, the little devil's words - all dwarves are illegitimate children in the eyes of their parents - suddenly made young Snow understand his status, and the distance between them was narrowed by just one sentence.

The two met for the first time in a cold stable, and later went to the Great Wall at the northern end of the mainland together.

At this time, Snow has decided to follow his uncle Benjen Stark to join the Night's Watch, and the little devil also wants to leave the troops going south and go to the Great Wall to see the scenery at the edge of the world.

So this meeting is not the end for these two people who can change the overall situation in the future.

After the tenderness comes tragedy.

According to the plan, the large army was to return to King's Landing on the second day of the king's hunting operation, and Ned was accompanied by his two daughters and young son Bran.

However, an accident happened on the day of the hunting: that day, the troops were out of the city for hunting under the leadership of the king, and Bran had nothing to do and started climbing the wall.

The original book mentions Bran's rock-climbing ability many times. The city wall that is unreachable in the eyes of others is like walking on flat ground in his eyes.

However, this time, when he climbed up a tower, he found a man and woman having an affair inside the house.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Queen Cersei and her twin brother Jaime Lannister!

Yes, the golden twins of the lion family have loved each other since childhood. They imitated animal mating as early as 10 years old. They were discovered by the maid and reported to their mother, Lady Joanna.

The latter immediately separated the two rooms and sent a maid to take care of them, but in the end he was unable to stop the two siblings from applauding their love.

The book states that many years ago, Jaime, as the youngest Kingsguard in history, had already had a romantic relationship with Cersei.

 (Yes) The three children born to Cersei - Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen - are ostensibly the children of the king, but in fact they are the result of incest between the siblings. "


".` Turtle! Is the distant Western Continent so chaotic? How could someone do such a thing with his twin brother?"

The audience in the audience seemed to have been refreshed. Their mouths were opened wider than a spoon, and their faces all had expressions of disbelief.

"So no one cares about this king? My child is actually the child of my wife and my brother-in-law. I won't be able to react after a while, and my brain will be burned!"

"Isn't this dwarf the protagonist? The protagonist is a handsome young man like Xu Fengnian, who is graceful and graceful. I feel like I can relate to him. But if a dwarf comes up, I feel like I'm being stepped on!"

ps: Please order in full!Please customize!Ask for flowers!Thank you Yanzu! .

Chapter 327 The Rot of the South [Please order the complete version and customize it]

“There is a typical incest family in the world of ice and fire, that is, the Targaryen family, the dragon master with silver hair, purple eyes and strange beauty, who once unified the continent for nearly 300 years.

In order to ensure the purity of their bloodline, the Long family has maintained the tradition of intermarriage within the clan since its birth. This also made the early rule of the Long family incompatible with the belief in the Seven Gods.

After a lot of effort, the practice of intermarriage within the Long family was tacitly approved by the church and passed down.

Other families do not allow intermarriage between direct blood relatives, but collateral intermarriage is allowed. For example, Tywin and Lady Joanna are cousins.

But Jaime and Cersei, as twins, are completely incestuous.

And now, the young Bran is witnessing the two men's unparalleled behavior in his tower.

At Cersei's instigation, Jaime had no choice but to push Bran off the tower.

Therefore, such an executioner who deliberately harms children is naturally unpopular with readers or viewers.

In fact, James' image only changed in the third volume of the original work - compared to his cruel sister whose IQ is sometimes not online, he actually has a very innocent side. Although he has been misunderstood for a long time, he still chooses to The grievances are hidden in the heart.

Except for pushing Bran off the tower, all the sins Jaime committed were excusable, and some even performed great deeds.

What if these siblings knew that their affair would trigger such a bloody reshuffle 200 years later and plunge the nine major families into it, would they still do this?

However, there are no ifs in history.

Bran's image as a young lady in the play is undoubtedly deeply distressed by the audience. Although he survived the fall, his legs were disabled and he lost his memory.

He mentioned more than once through his own perspective that he dreamed of being a knight, just like the great dragon knight Prince Aemon, but his dream was shattered because he witnessed an incest.

Of course, he would never have thought that with his disabled legs, he would be able to fly to any corner of the world with the help of his eyes...

Of course that's all for later.

Therefore, Bran's accidental injury aggravated Ned's worries, but the king's order cannot be violated.

On the one hand, Robert needs him to serve as prime minister to govern the country; on the other hand, he also wants to go to King's Landing to find out the truth about his adoptive father's death.

In the end, he took his two daughters and followed Robert south, leaving his wife Catelyn and three sons in the north forever.

Of course, the thing he seemed to be unable to let go of the most before he left was his illegitimate son Jon Snow - maybe you can't have my last name, but my blood is flowing in you.

At that time, Snow didn't know the meaning of this statement and couldn't help but ask about the identity of his biological mother. However, Ned reluctantly said that he would not reveal anything about his mother until the next time they met.

In this way, two heroes, one old and one young, one went south to join the game of power, and the other went north into the unknown land of eternal winter, fighting against fate in their own way.

However, this time the separation between north and south ended up becoming a separation between yin and yang.

King Robert Baratheon brought his troops to Winterfell and invited young Ned Stark to serve as the Hand of the King.

However, his queen Cersei and her brother Jaime were caught in an affair by Ned's youngest son Bran. Jaime pushed him off the tower to prevent his whereabouts from being exposed, causing him to be half paralyzed and suffer from intermittent amnesia.

So Ned was forced to leave Bran in the north and take his two daughters Sansa and Arya to the capital King's Landing to serve as prime minister.

This separation was forever - how could he have expected that he would never have the chance to return to his hometown to reunite with his family.

Also bidding farewell was Ned's illegitimate son Jon Snow, who was planning to go to the border to serve as a Night's Watchman.

Snow has been with Ned since he was a child. Except for the eldest daughter Sansa, who ignores him, the other children are close to him, especially the younger sister Arya - known as the "tomboy" and "horse-faced" "Arya.

Before leaving, he also gave Arya a lady's rapier called the Sewing Needle, and then kissed the comatose little Bran goodbye.

Finally, he left Winterfell under the contemptuous and harsh words of his stepmother Catelyn, and followed several people to Castle Black, the headquarters of the Great Wall.

In his mind, the people of the Night Watch should be the strong backers wearing black clothes and guarding the kingdom until the reality is naked before their eyes.

As early as 8000 years ago, Brandon Stark, the ancestor of the Wolf family, built the Great Wall and established the Night's Watch to prevent the White Walkers from invading again.

However (bafc) this never happened again. Instead, the savages outside the Great Wall became the biggest threat, similar to the Huns during the Han Dynasty, harassing the border, burning, killing and looting.

This caused the Night's Watch to gradually forget who the real enemy was. Over the millennia, the number of the legions shrank from [-] to [-].

Its members are also a mixed bag, composed of farmers, robbers, thieves, rapists, illegitimate children and other people on the margins of society.

In addition, the number of castles and fortresses on the Great Wall has also been declining year by year. There were dozens of fortresses at the peak and now there are only three fortresses left. In addition to the base camp Black Castle, the other two are "Eastwatch" and "Eastwatch" on the east coast. The "Shadow Tower" to the west.

All in all, despite being guided by his uncle Benjen, who is the First Ranger, and being cared for by Lord Commander Jeor Mormont, Snow is still frustrated with the current situation.

What he didn't expect was that just as he took the oath to become a night watchman, bad news came from the south.

Let’s divide the story into two parts. First, let’s focus on Ned’s story in the south.

Through the initial description, I believe everyone has a deep understanding of Ned's upright image.This person is old-fashioned and not good at making trouble. He is a typical good old man.

When he came to King's Landing this time, in addition to helping Robert manage the country, finding out the truth about the death of his adoptive father Jon Arryn was also a top priority for him.

Although he was mentally prepared, when he saw the prosperous South with his own eyes, he was still shocked by its chaos:

The so-called prosperity actually comes at the expense of a deficit in the national treasury, and the king's extravagance has only worsened, not alleviated. As a result, this seemingly gorgeous and powerful country has long become an empty shell with debts of up to 300 million gold dragons.

Its main loan recipients are the Iron Bank, the number one moneylender in the world of ice and fire, and King Robert's father-in-law, Tywin, the Duke of Casterly Rock in the West.

The latter sits in the richest region of Westeros, is famous for its gold mining, and is currently the largest creditor of the Iron Throne.

There is also an interesting story that happened in history: about 200 years ago, a famous event called the Dance of the Blood Dragon broke out in the Targaryen family that ruled the mainland.

The great civil war in which the two descendants of the Long family competed for the throne involved almost all the princes in the territory. We will focus on this later when we finish telling the main story.

This incident had two major impacts. One was that the dragonriders of the Dragon family were almost extinct, and the other was the huge gains for the Lion family - Tyran Lannister was the country's finance minister at the time.

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