According to the saying that extraordinary means should be used in emergency times, a quarter of the treasury was transported back to Casterly Rock City, and predictably it was never returned.

Therefore, in addition to being rich in natural resources and Taiwen's good management, this may be one of the reasons why the Lion family is stronger than war wealth.

As a result, this poor financial situation undoubtedly gave Ned a blow. What made him even more puzzled was the indifferent attitude of the ministers. Even when he was thinking about how to reduce the fiscal deficit, the Royal Council was more concerned about This year's tournament. "

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Chapter 328 A magnificent epic picture scroll [Please order the complete version and customize it]

“Let’s first get to know who these political giants are.

Renly Baratheon, the Minister of Justice, is the third brother of the king. The first time he meets Ned in the play is at the royal council.

In the original book, Renly followed Robert to Winterfell, and the most impressive one was the conflict between Arya and Prince Joffrey.

At that time, Arya's direwolf Nymeria bit the prince in order to protect her master. As a witness, Sansa lied for her sweetheart, but her direwolf Lady was killed.

After Renly learned that the prince was beaten to a pulp by a girl, he laughed so hard that his contempt for the prince was clearly displayed -.

This man is young and has relatively few qualifications, but he is actually the most popular among the three brothers of the Lu family. However, what attracts more attention from fans is actually his sexual orientation.

He has had a close relationship with Loras Tyrell, the Knight of Flowers of the House of Roses, since he was a child. There are many hints about the relationship between the two in the book, but in the play, the obscure textual expressions are nakedly displayed in front of the audience.

As for Renly and Robert's eldest brother Stannis, as the Sea Lord, he was not in King's Landing. He left his post without permission for unknown reasons and returned to his fiefdom of Dragonstone.

We later learned that his sudden departure was closely related to the death of the former prime minister.

Then, the other four ministers of the Imperial Council are also worth mentioning.

According to the law, the captain of the Kingsguard is eligible to attend the meeting. He is the legendary knight "Pointless" Barristan Selmy. He is nearly sixty years old at this time and was one of the Mad King's seven Kingsguards.

We will talk about his story in detail later.

The next one is the seemingly hard-working and accomplished bachelor Pai Xier, who has served as a national advisor for more than 40 years.

The profession of bachelor is similar to that of doctors and consultants before the social division of labor in medieval Europe. From a young age, one has to study hard for many years in the old town in the south of the mainland.

After completing their studies, they were sent to various places to serve local lords. They not only provided loyalists with advice on how to stabilize the country, but also acted as a doctor to save lives and heal the wounded.

It is mentioned many times in the book that the children of the Wolf family were delivered by Maester Luwin of Winterfell, and the fever of former Prime Minister Jon Arryn was also diagnosed by Grand Maester Pycelle.

However, Pycelle, who was supposed to be neutral, has been unscrupulously close to the Lion family since 30 years ago, and has since become their confidant and lackey.

Next, let’s take a look at two characters with unclear attitudes: The first is Wallis, King’s Landing’s intelligence chief, nicknamed the Eight-Clawed Spider.

This person can be said to be one of the most elusive characters in the book. He became famous in Lys Braavos, a free city-state in the eastern continent of Essos. He was sold by human traffickers to wizards to be castrated and sacrificed as a child, and he survived with his tenacious vitality.

Later, during his thief career, he discovered that invisible intelligence was more valuable than tangible wealth, so he started a business of collecting intelligence and spread his "little birds" throughout the nine free city-states.

It was his outstanding abilities that were brought to the ears of Mad King Aerys, who happened to dare not trust anyone, so Varys came to King's Landing by mistake to collect information for him.

Everything went smoothly until Robert's uprising, when Tywin Lannister led his troops straight to King's Landing, Varys urged the Mad King not to trust the Lion Family easily, and the only time the Mad King disobeyed led to his end.

After Robert succeeded to the throne, Varys continued to work as the intelligence chief. His image was very changeable, from an authoritarian at the beginning to "loyal to the country, not anyone else."

Maybe it was just to thank the Mad King for his kindness back then, but deep down he still looked towards the Long family, which had ruled the mainland for about 300 years.However, the identity of this person remains unclear, and his means and purpose remain unknown.

Varys, who is unpredictable on the surface, can be wary of others, but the real danger is Tiber Baelish, who is gentle on the surface, but in fact, his heart is deep in the sea.

He is a thin finance minister who comes from the Five Fingers Peninsula on the coast of the valley, so he is nicknamed "Little Finger".

Even experienced readers can easily misunderstand this person. Some people even think that he is like the character Snape in Harry Potter, but they find that he is a cunning and cunning person.

When he was young, Littlefinger was the adopted son of Lord Hoster Tully of Riverrun. He was also the childhood sweetheart of Catelyn and Lysa. He had a crush on Catelyn since childhood, but the latter already had a son with a wolf - Ned's eldest brother Bran. Specially engaged.

Frustrated, Littlefinger challenged Brandon, but was defeated by him three times, five times five times two.However, fate played a trick on people. Brandon and his father Rickard died in King's Landing in the Battle of the Usurper. Caitlin married Ned, the second son of the Wolf family, and Littlefinger was expelled from Running by his adoptive father because of his ambiguous relationship with Lysa. city.

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What people never expected is that such a small character could start from the bottom step by step, from a commoner to become the country's finance minister, and intend to continue climbing up.

Inspirational people cannot escape conspiracy, and it is precisely all kinds of dangers that create such a top conspirator.

Looking at it this way, how could Ned not be worried about the future of the country?

After stabilizing the situation, they immediately began to investigate the truth behind the death of the former prime minister, and found that he seemed to be investigating something during his lifetime, and was inextricably linked to the king and his second brother Stannis.

Later, Ned followed the clues and found Gendry, a blacksmith's apprentice. As soon as he saw this young man with black hair and brown eyes, he had a feeling of déjà vu - yes, he was actually one of the king's many illegitimate sons.

. . .  

Before he could collect his thoughts, Littlefinger quietly took him to the brothel and took him to meet a person who had been waiting for him for a long time but shouldn't be there - it was his wife Caitlin.

The book explains that after Ned went south, Catelyn took care of little Bran all day long, but unexpectedly one night, an assassin broke into the room and attempted to kill Bran. Fortunately, his direwolf Summer appeared in time to save him from death. , and the assassin's weapon turned out to be a rare Valyrian steel dagger.

Caitlin, who was calming down day by day, discovered a red line from these things - how could Bran, who had learned the elements of climbing since childhood, fall down just this time?

Why was he assassinated?

And would the assassin actually use such a precious weapon? "


"Really, is this unreasonable? It feels like there must be a big conspiracy behind it."

"What is Harry Potter? When will Mr. Su talk about this book? Hahahaha!"

"Shut up, you're eating what's in the bowl and looking at what's in the pot, right?"

Ancient Western architecture appears vividly with the help of Su Chen's ink paintings.

The audience watched with bated breath, fearing that a magnificent epic world would slip away in front of them.

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Chapter 329 The Dilemma of Dragon Mother [Please order the complete version and customize it]

"As Caitlin investigated the tower and found a strand of long golden hair, she felt more and more that this matter was not simple.

So she decided to go to King's Landing, first to report the news to Ned, and secondly to investigate the owner of the Valyrian steel dagger.

The play did not reveal who sent someone to assassinate Bran, but the answer is naturally found in the original work.

So Caitlin disguised herself and sneaked into King's Landing carefully, but was still discovered by Littlefinger's eyeliner.

Several people exchanged information in the brothel: Littlefinger pointed out that the dagger was from the "little devil" Tyrion who he lost to in a past tourney, suggesting that this person might have sent an assassin to assassinate Bran.

Ned was shuddered when he heard this result. Now King's Landing was in chaos, but his youngest son might have been killed by the Lion family, so he asked Caitlin on the spot to return to the North to wait and see what happened.

Before leaving, Caitlin specifically told Littlefinger to take more care of her husband, but can she trust this man who may regard Ned as a love rival?

As a result, the situation in King's Landing becomes increasingly chaotic: the treasury is empty, the Royal Council is ineffective, the Lion family, as the largest creditor, is becoming increasingly arrogant, and the king spends his days drinking and drinking.

Ned's son was also assassinated inexplicably, and Jon Arryn's death was a huge conspiracy no matter how you look at it.

The situation is already in crisis, and Ned must make quick judgments and take corresponding measures.

However, before this step, he and his old friend Robert had the most serious quarrel in history. Ned was even more desperate to find that the young hero who had overturned the Dragon Dynasty was already a thing of the past. At that time, Robert was lazy, fat, and a fisherman. He even couldn't sleep at night because of a girl far away across the ocean.

So after the quarrel, Ned decided to resign as Prime Minister and retire sadly... Ned Stark's sister Lyanna was Robert's fiancée during her lifetime, but after the tourney at Harrenhal, she was married to the Targary Crown Prince Leanna. He was kidnapped, thus triggering the Usurper War that swept through Westeros.

As a result, Prince Rhaegar was killed by Robert's warhammer in the Battle of the Three Forks, the Mad King was killed by the sword of Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer, and Lyanna died on a bed of blood in the Tower of Bliss.

This legendary past event has become a lifelong regret for Robert. Even after he married Cersei Lannister, the Light of the West, as king, he whispered Lyanna's name in Cersei's ears on their wedding night, causing Cersei to have a lifelong relationship with him. I hate the two of them with all my heart.

So the opening scene appeared. Robert visited the North again after 14 years. The first thing he did was to go straight to the tomb to pay homage to the statue of Lyanna and another person who was about to be controlled by fate-Nay de Stark—to express lamentation.

When Ned comforted him and said that the person who killed Lyanna was long dead, Robert rebutted him angrily.

It turns out that the Targaryen family is not dead. The "only two" descendants, Viserys and his sister Daenerys, are welcoming a new life in Essos in the east of the continent.

The quotation marks here are because the two are not exactly the last descendants of the Long family. In fact, there are two distant relatives, but they seem incompatible with the family.

One is Aemon Targaryen, who served as a maester at the Great Wall. He was once the third son of a certain king, Maekar I, and was even the heir to the throne for a time, but he arrived at the Citadel at a young age.

Not wanting to be used as a political tool, he voluntarily gave up his inheritance rights and went to the Great Wall to serve as a maester of the Night's Watch. This led to his fourth brother inheriting the throne, Rhaegar and Dragon Ma's great-grandfather Aegon V.

In this way, this descendant of the Long family, who is over [-] years old, symbolizes the link between the past and the present in the original work. If you want to understand the history of the mainland in the past century, his oral narrative is extremely important.

Another person that everyone may not expect is the mysterious old man Brandon known as the Three-Eyed Raven. He is the illegitimate son of Aegon IV, the Targary family. His life is full of legend.

As one of the few legalized illegitimate sons in the history of the Long family, he suppressed the Blackfire Rebellion, which was a matter of life and death for the family, served as the king's hand, and established a spy intelligence network.

Although the Long family gradually declined in the later period, it almost relied on the wisdom of the three-eyed crow to support itself.

Later, due to some political reasons, the king dismissed him as prime minister. He put on black clothes and went to the Great Wall to serve as a night watchman, gradually reaching the position of commander-in-chief.

But one day, he suddenly ran away and never returned. No one knew that he had turned into a big tree in Beiwai and had the ability to see through history.

The above two are descendants of the Dragon family who are not very well known, and they are temporarily not connected with the main story, so let's return to the story line of Daenerys, the dragon mother, who was tortured and rose again.

Daenerys was born in the troubled times when the Dragon family dynasty was in danger, and she was still on Dragonstone, the birthplace of the Dragon family.

Yes, when the Targaryens migrated from Essos with their five dragons around 400 years ago, they did not immediately set foot on Westeros. Instead, they lived on Dragonstone for a hundred years before being conquered by the Conquerors. Aegon embarks on a journey of conquest to unify the continent. 0

Therefore, Dragonstone Island can be said to be the birthplace of the Dragon family and an ideal place for hatching dragon eggs.

Daenerys was not born in King's Landing, but on Dragonstone, because it was already the middle of Robert's Rebellion.

The major princes were waiting for the opportunity, and when the country was in turmoil, the Mad King made the decision to send the pregnant Queen Layla and the young prince Viserys to Dragonstone.

Then on a stormy night, the queen gave birth to a baby girl and then passed away. She was named "Stormborn" Daenerys Targaryen - yes, it was the title that Dragon Mother used to introduce herself later, symbolizing The first dilemma she encountered after she was born.

Not long after Long Ma was born, her eldest brother Rhaegar died in the battle of Sanchahe; King's Landing fell, and the Long family, which had ruled the mainland for nearly 300 years, was destroyed.

When the news reached Dragonstone, the Long family soldiers who felt that the situation was lost rebelled. In order to protect the last bloodline of the Long family, Sir William Darry, the instructor of the Red Keep, protected the two children and escaped from the siege, fleeing all the way to the Eternal Sea on the other side of the strait. Sos, thus began the journey of exile for the descendants of the Long family.

Sir William Darry died of illness within a few years, and his children lived a poor life of dependence on each other among the nine major trading city-states.

Viserys has been arrogant since he was a child, and has always talked about returning to the mainland, but his ability is limited and he has very few supporters. He is ridiculed as a beggar prince by others.And whenever he was angry, he always took it out on Dany, making both parties very unhappy.

A turning point came when Dany was 13 years old - the two of them lived in Pentos, one of the city-states, and were warmly received by Governor Illyrio.

The latter and the eight-clawed spider Varys have known each other since childhood and have always been close, and promised to help the two regain the throne.

It has only been 13 years since the fall of the Long Family Dynasty, and most people still have a natural admiration for the silver-haired and purple-eyed Targaryen. What is most lacking at this time is an elite warrior who can serve the Dragon Family wholeheartedly and have the ability to sweep through the Seven Kingdoms.

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