Illyrio pulled the strings and married Daenerys to the leader of the Dothraki, Khal Drogo, the horse king of the steppe, in exchange for the support of the Dothraki to help the dragon brothers and sisters counterattack the mainland in the future. "

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Chapter 3: Reborn from the Fire, the Mother of True Dragons [Please order for complete order, please customize]

"Speaking of the Dothraki, from the appearance point of view, they are based on the images of Mongolians and Indians, and the Unsullied who appeared later are the most powerful troops on the continent of Essos.

In Illyrio's negotiations, as long as Dany is married to the leader of the Dothraki, the latter agrees to send troops to help the Dragon brothers and sisters regain the Iron Throne.

The biggest gift at the wedding was also the three dragon eggs sent by Illyrio. As mentioned before, the dragonriders became extinct in the Dance of the Blood Dragons 200 years ago. Although the only dragon eggs in the world cannot be hatched, they are better than It used to be even more valuable.

Looking at it this way, what is Illyrio trying to do with all these efforts?

In addition, an exiled knight named Jorah Mormont also appeared at the wedding and presented Dany with songs sung by the Seven Kingdoms and his own oath of allegiance.

This man comes from Bear Island in the north. He was once the heir of the Mormont family. His father is the Commander-in-Chief of the Night's Watch, Jeor Mormont. The latter is said to have offered to be a Night's Watch in order for his son to inherit as soon as possible.

Although Ser Jorah won the tourney when he was young, he later committed a serious crime and had to go into exile as a mercenary.

Now that he swore allegiance to Dany at the wedding, he was actually a spy planted by Varys beside her. The grudges between the two are also worth talking about.

As a barbaric and backward primitive tribe, the Dothraki have extremely cruel wedding customs. On the wedding day, more than a dozen people died in the struggle.

Dani was also afraid of the horse king at first, but fortunately she was extremely adaptable and capable of learning, and she quickly got over the initial fear period, and she and her husband became the rare true love in the world.

In the next period of time, the horse king led the team all the way east, back to the holy city of Dothraki.

In Dothraki custom, once there is a leader, their widows—collectively known as Doshkarim—are required to return to live in the Holy City and are prohibited from remarrying for life.

Similarly, whenever a Kaa marries a bride, the bride must be brought to the Holy City to meet the venerable Doshkarim, which leads to the saying that weapons cannot be carried in the Holy City.

So the couple led their army to the holy city of Sothrak, and Dany, who was favored by the Horse King, was now pregnant with his flesh and blood.

Not only that, the doshkarims also prophesied that this child would become a horse that would ride on the world.Dany received a lot of attention, and was called "Queen" Khaleesi by the wanderers who grew to love her.

However, all this caused dissatisfaction with Viserys.On the night of the banquet, the drunken Beggar King broke into the scene with a knife, put the knife on Dany's stomach, and threatened the Horse King to hand over the crown promised to him.

His change actually has a clear evolution track - his tragic childhood experience has already distorted his mentality, and he even sold his only relative to a backward grassland tribe in order to regain the throne.

But he didn't expect that his sister, who had been bullied by him since childhood, would become more affectionate with King Ma, and his status would increase day by day, while he would become an outsider.

The horse king who had promised to help him regain the kingdom postponed the "deal" indefinitely, which made him even more angry. As a result, he did many stupid things, such as insulting the Dothraki and intending to bully Dany like he did in the past. , and even wanted to steal the dragon egg and run away.

But compared to the small punishments for those things, the method of threatening the queen with a knife completely violated the iron law that weapons cannot be used in the Holy City.

This time, the unbearable King Ma came forward directly, poured a large basin of gold water on his head, and put on a hot gold crown.

Dany, who witnessed the tragic death of her brother, seemed unusually calm and said calmly: "My brother is not a real dragon, because real dragons are not afraid of fire."

From this point of view, it is obvious that Dany has gradually transformed from a suffering little girl into a Khaleesi with a strong personality.

However, this line caused many viewers who have not read the original work to misunderstand, thinking that the descendants of the Long family are not afraid of fire. In fact, many descendants of the Long family died in the fire in the original work, such as Yi, who claimed to be the real dragon Mingyan. Prince Leon thought he was a real dragon existing in the human body, and tried to drink wildfire to be reborn, but he turned into a cold ember.

The famous deed "The Tragedy of Summerhall" is that Dany's great-grandfather Aegon V died tragically in the flames.

Back to the Golden Crown, it was obvious that Dany had become the only apparent heir of the Dragon family, but the Horse King also lost interest in attacking Westeros after the death of Viserys, because the beneficiary of this political marriage had passed away. Of course he does not need to abide by the agreement.

It wasn't until shortly afterwards that an assassin made an ill-timed attempt on Dany's life. Although he failed, he once again angered Dany's husband.

There are two theories for the appearance of this assassin. One is that the eight-clawed spider Varys acted on the king's orders, and the other is that he deliberately gave the horse king a reason to counterattack Westeros.

After all, with Viserys dead, what could possibly bring the Horselord back to the plan?

Quite simply, it was his beloved wife and unborn child.

So in front of Dany, he vowed to kill those cunning people under the hooves of horses and regain the throne that should belong to them for her and their children.

From this point of view, it seems that it is only a matter of time before the Western Expedition begins.

But they never imagined that before long, this charming horse king would fall off his horse and turn into a living dead who was neither human nor ghost.

And the woman he loves all his life will be reborn from the ashes in front of everyone and become the mother of true dragons. "


"Why are the dragons here different from the ones here?"

At this time, some audience members pointed to the flying dragon with wings in mid-air and asked questions.

However, Su Chen didn't explain it to him. Instead, someone next to him analyzed it.

"Maybe it's because the culture of the distant western continent is different from ours? After all, no one here has ever seen a dragon, and we can't say that the dragon must be what we say."


"Dany, who had been away from Westeros for 15 years, married the leader of the Dothraki and became pregnant. Due to the death of her second brother Viserys, her baby became the nominal heir to Westeros.

When the news came back to King's Landing, King Robert was furious - the peaceful and prosperous era for more than ten years was once again threatened by the Dragon family, who not only had strong soldiers and horses, but also pregnant with dragon seeds.

Just like in the Middle Ages in reality, people attach great importance to the blood legitimacy of royal power.Although Robert has been in power for more than ten years, he is still a usurper in the eyes of many people.

On the contrary, even if the Targaryen family is almost extinct, the orthodox blood flowing in their bodies can still gain the support of the vast majority of the people. "

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Chapter 331 Ned’s Biggest Mistake [Please order the complete version, please customize it]

"In short, the news that Dany was pregnant made Robert angry and scared across the sea, and his decision to send an assassin to kill the Dragon girl caused him and Ned to have the most serious conflict since they met. one.

The latter even satirized him: "The Robert Baratheon I know is not a coward who would tremble in fear of an unborn child."

Robert responded angrily, expressing his unwillingness to hand over the country to a country bumpkin from the north.

Frustrated, Ned wanted to resign and return home, but his plan was disrupted by another trouble. This time it was the eldest son of the Lion whom he disliked most, Jaime Lannister, one of the Kingsguard. .

The core conflicts in the first three volumes of the original work mainly focus on the Wolf family and the Lion family. The author George Martin even bluntly stated that the struggle between the two families was derived from the War of the Roses in the British world, and was the conflict of the century between the Lancaster family and the York family.

Looking at it this way, the conflict between Ned and Jaime can be said to be the beginning of the war between wolves and lions.

And Ned had begun to despise Jaime more than ten years ago. At that time, Robert had just defeated Rhaegar and retreated to the rear to heal his wounds. Ned took over the military power and marched to King's Landing first, only to find the Lannister army. Already arrived at the Red Fort.

I saw Jaime holding a sword on the Iron Throne, with the Mad King's still-uncooled body lying at his feet.

This scene deeply engraved the image of Jaime as arrogant and unruly in Ned's heart.

This time James took the initiative to find Ned because he heard that his younger brother Tyrion had been captured by Ned's wife Catelyn.

Just after Caitlin left King's Landing, she happened to meet the "little devil" Tyrion in a tavern in the Three Forks River. According to Littlefinger, the Valyrian steel dagger used to assassinate Little Bran belonged to he.

This tavern happened to be located in the Riverlands, and almost everyone present was a vassal of Catelyn's father, "Duke of Riverrun" Hoster Tully, so they tied up the little devil for Catelyn.

Catelyn even more cleverly announced that she would take him back to Winterfell, actually taking her sister Lysa Tully to the Eyrie to prevent the news from leaking to the ears of the Lion family.

However, the Imp is not as bad as some characters make him out to be:

He and Jon Snow cherished each other at Winterfell. Later, when he was watching the end of the world on the Great Wall, he realized that the Night's Watch was seriously short of manpower and could not resist the wildling attack. He decided to return to King's Landing to apply for more manpower from the king.

On the way through Winterfell, he didn't forget to visit the newly awakened little Bran, and also gave him a special saddle drawing so that he could still ride a horse in the future.

These descriptions all show that the little devil is actually kind-hearted and is the only non-aggressive character in the lion family. However, at this time, Caitlin regards him as a murderer and takes him hostage.

When the news reached Jaime's ears in King's Landing, he was furious and went to the street to start a fight with Ned and others.

In the original book, Jaime did not draw his sword, but asked his men to kill Ned's soldiers. Ned himself was hit by a horse and broke his leg in the melee.

In the play, the lion family brought by James brutally killed the wolf family who tried to resist. When James was about to challenge Ned, the latter was attacked from behind by a lion family and seriously injured one of his legs.

Such an adaptation that highlights contradictions depicts the image of James and other Lion family members in an even worse image, making them seem to be the most evil people (family) in the world.

The highlight of this scene is that Ned's captain of the bodyguard, Jory Cassel, was stabbed in the eye by Jaime, which corresponds to the previous conversation between the two - when Jory Cassel announced his home to Jaime, he said that he had been suppressing the Iron Man. During the archipelago rebellion, he almost lost his eye to a soldier.

This sentence does not appear in the original work, but in the play it has the meaning of foreshadowing and metaphor, giving people a strong sense of fate.

There are many other foreshadowings like this that are symbolic and echo in the show. The most impressive one is undoubtedly the death of Hodor in season six.

His name "hodo〃¨r" corresponds to his later behavior of "Hold the Door" to protect the heirs of the Wolf family.

The other one is the "youknownothing" of Jon Snow, one of the protagonists. Let me give it a try here first.

Back to just now, Ned was stabbed by a lion family and was forced to stay in bed.

King Robert calmed down and found that there was no other trustworthy person around, so he could only ask Ned to continue to serve as prime minister, and beg him not to pursue Jaime's actions again.

The reason is also very simple: although Robert also dislikes the Lion family, he really owes Tywin Lannister too much money, and now he can only nod and bow.

Ned had no choice but to agree for the sake of old love, but soon discovered a shocking secret in the quarrel between his daughters.

It turns out that Robert's three children - the eldest son Joffrey, the second son Tommen and the youngest daughter Myrcella - are not his biological children, but the children of Queen Cersei and her brother.

Such a simple fact has a great irony. As early as in Winterfell, the relationship between Joffrey and Ned's eldest son was very tense, and his personality was even more vicious, arrogant, and hysterical. He even attacked a certain handsome black-haired boy. He said "." Illegitimate children are not worthy to stand in front of me."

How could he have imagined that he too was an illegitimate child, and that the man he once mocked turned out to be the only legitimate heir to the Guardians of the Realm.

As for who this young man is, we will reveal it to everyone later.

In this way, Ned also understood that the former Prime Minister Jon Arryn actually died when he discovered the truth, and naturally regarded the Lion family as the real culprit.

However, the real mastermind behind the scenes is sitting on the mountain watching the fight between tigers and tigers, laughing at the chaos that occurs, treating it as a step to climb at any time.

But Ned's integrity did not allow him to do anything unethical, and he therefore made the biggest mistake in his life:

He did not reveal the matter to the king, but revealed it to the queen while he was out of the city hunting, and told her to take the opportunity to escape if she wanted to save her children, otherwise she would face the king's deadly wrath.

Ned was wrong. He thought the only thing Cersei and he had in common was that they both loved their children no matter the cost, but he obviously underestimated the Lannister's ambition.

Just when he thought he could save Robert's face to the greatest extent, what happened was far beyond his expectation: Robert, who loved hunting all his life, was seriously injured by a wild boar in the forest, and its fangs tore his body from bottom to top. .

And this "accident" had actually been planned, because the person who poured Robert's wine was Cersei's cousin, Lancel Lannister.

This man is the younger brother of Lord Tywin and the eldest son of Kevan Lannister. He is less than twenty years old and looks as handsome as Jaime Lannister.

Following his cousin's instructions, he replaced Robert's wine with strong liquor, causing the latter to become weak and unable to resist the wild boar's attack. "

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