HKTV: How come all my subordinates are underworld boys?.

HKTV: How come all my subordinates are underworld boys?.


410 Chapters Ongoing Status

Chu Feng traveled to Xiangjiang in the 80s and followed Big Boss B, but was ostracized by Chen Haonan.
The younger brothers under him are even more weird than the last.
Either he is blind, or he is missing an arm and a broken


Chu Feng traveled to Xiangjiang in the 80s and followed Big Boss B, but was ostracized by Chen Haonan.
The younger brothers under him are even more weird than the last.
Either he is blind, or he is missing an arm and a broken leg...
Just when Chu Feng was worried about these disabled and strong-willed younger brothers, the system was activated!
Purchase character templates to strengthen your little brother, and your loyalty will become a die-hard!
The physically handicapped but strong-willed young man suddenly possesses a unique skill!
Feng Yuxiu template, fortune teller template, Shanks template, Huo Mian template...
Fighting with weapons?I have a man with a broken arm named Shanks.
Use a gun?The crippled fortune teller's sniper rifle shot into the soul!
What?John Ghost can't sit still?
Huo Qian came to Chu Feng in a wheelchair: "The anti-matter weapons have been developed!"

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