"I don't want to do anything..."

Chu Feng shook his head slightly and said with a smile, "Sister-in-law, you are here to be a lobbyist, right?"

Fang Ting was slightly stunned, not daring to say anything more, and nodded slowly.

Chu Feng asked again: "Then do you know what is the most important thing about being a lobbyist?"

"No, I don't know..." Fang Ting shook her head.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "You're a lobbyist! The most important thing is to waste more words!"


098 Fang Ting: Jiang Sheng, I’m running

at the same time.

Jiang Tiansheng Villa.

Next to the swimming pool on the rooftop on the second floor, under an umbrella.

Jiang Tiansheng and Chen Yao were sitting on chairs, with cut fruits placed on the table in front of them.

"Jiang Sheng, did you really let your sister-in-law go?" Chen Yao asked as he inserted a piece of watermelon with a fork.

Jiang Tiansheng nodded: "Your sister-in-law said that we can deal with him, so I asked her to see if she can persuade Chu Feng to stop."

Hearing this, Chen Yao glanced at Jiang Tiansheng suspiciously.

Throughout Hongxing.

If you want to be able to fight, you can definitely find a lot of people.

But when it comes to brains, Chen Yao, the white paper fan of Hongxing Club, is undoubtedly the number one in the club.

In Chen Yao's opinion.

It is impossible for Jiang Tiansheng and Chu Feng to reconcile.

Although face is important, community management is even more important.

The reason for the inability to reconcile was not because Jiang Tiansheng wanted to save face, but because it was more convenient to manage the society.

Just imagine,

If this time.

If Jiang Tiansheng reconciles with Chu Feng, the news will spread throughout the city within the next day.

Not only will the majesty of Jiang Tiansheng's leader be greatly reduced.

More importantly, it will cause a chain reaction.

Hong Xing, a talkative person in court, might even imitate Chu Feng and stand up to contradict Jiang Tiansheng.

If Jiang Tiansheng handles them.

Because Chu Feng had already set a precedent, it was even more difficult to deal with.

A bowl of water is unfair. This kind of unfair behavior must not occur in the community, at least not openly.


Both public and private, Chen Yao believed that Jiang Tiansheng would not reconcile with Chu Feng.

Chen Yao's lips moved: "Jiang Sheng, do you really want to reconcile with Chu Feng?"

"What, can't it?" Jiang Tiansheng asked with a smile.

Seeing Jiang Tiansheng like this, Chen Yao immediately stopped asking any more questions.

He is best at observing words and expressions.

It was obvious that Jiang Tiansheng was perfunctory at this moment. If he continued to ask, not only would he not be able to ask anything, but he would also be unable to get off the stage.

at this time.

Jiang Tiansheng asked again: "By the way, Anan and the others, how are your arrangements?"

Chen Yao was slightly startled when he heard this.

"Jiang Sheng, you don't really want Anan to be the talk guy in Causeway Bay, do you?" Chen Yao looked a little surprised.

After Big Boss B died, Jiang Tiansheng discussed with him again about the issue of the talker in Causeway Bay.

The position of the talker in Causeway Bay should have been Chu Feng's.

But it's not just Chen Yao, almost all the talkers know it.

Under Jiang Tiansheng's pressure, it was impossible for Chu Feng to take the position of talker in Causeway Bay.

And the fact is just as everyone thought.

Jiang Tiansheng is ready to support Chen Haonan and check and balance Chu Feng.

"Yes, I am really optimistic about Anan and the others."

Jiang Tiansheng directly showed his cards, "Although they are not as capable as Chu Feng, they are more loyal. Causeway Bay, a prosperous land, needs loyal people, not capable people."

Hear this.

Chen Yao was silent.

There was a long pause.

Chen Yaocai spoke slowly: "I've already inquired about Brother Fu. When the time comes, I'll ask Anan and the others to kill Brother Fu. After making a lot of achievements, we can take the seat in Causeway Bay."

"very good!"

Jiang Tiansheng nodded.

Seeing that Chen Yao seemed to be hesitant to speak, Jiang Tiansheng frowned slightly.

Even if Chen Yao doesn't speak.

Jiang Tiansheng also knew that Chen Yao definitely wanted to talk about Chu Feng.

"Okay, I'm a little tired."

"Ayao, go and do your work."

Jiang Tiansheng adjusted his chair to the rear position and narrowed his eyes.

Obviously, an eviction order has been issued.

When Chen Yao saw this, even if he had more to say, he swallowed it back.

"Okay, Mr. Jiang, I'll take my leave now."

After saying that, Chen Yao stood up and left Jiang Tiansheng's villa.

After leaving the villa.

Chen Yao began to think secretly in his heart.

Jiang Tiansheng was a headstrong person. Even if Chu Feng was not allowed to sit in the Causeway Bay Hall, he should not immediately support Chen Haonan to check and balance Chu Feng.

Not to mention,

Are Chen Haonan and others Chu Feng's opponents?

Just the speed at which Jiang Tiansheng stood up would make outsiders think that Jiang Tiansheng spared no effort to suppress Chu Feng after Hong Xing and Liansheng's speech, without any leading bearing.

Although, from the standpoint of Jiang Tiansheng and the society management, there is nothing wrong.

But things were done too hastily after all, and if word spread, people would say that Jiang Tiansheng had little tolerance.

thought here.

Chen Yao's eyes started to roll.

"Maybe it's time to put a treasure on Chu Feng's side."

"No matter who wins or loses in the end, I will never be passive."

Chen Yao's thoughts changed rapidly.

However, at this time.

Chen Yao suddenly saw a Mercedes-Benz, surrounded by several cars, speeding towards Jiang Tiansheng's villa, and finally stopped at the door of the villa.

After a while.

The driver of the Mercedes got out of the car and opened the door.

A stocky, middle-aged man wearing a white suit stepped out of the car.

"Wang Bao?"

"Why is he here?"

Chen Yao was confused, "Could it be...that Jiang Sheng called to deal with Chu Feng?"

The more Chen Yao thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

After thinking for a long time.

Chen Yao drove to a public phone booth two streets away and dialed the CALL machine service center.


At this time, Jiang Tiansheng was in the villa.

"Sheng Jiang, Mr. Bao is here." A servant came to the rooftop on the second floor to report.


When Jiang Tiansheng heard this, he immediately sat up.

The whole person looked in high spirits, not even the slightest bit tired.

After a moment.

The pot-bellied Wang Bao came to the rooftop surrounded by two close men.

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