But after hearing what the pretty mom said (babh), it didn't ruin everyone's elegance and they immediately started using their chopsticks.

From time to time, I would have a drink or two.

Among the four, Thirteenth Sister had the worst drinking capacity, and her face turned red after a short while.



Thirteenth sister slammed the table: "Big Brother B, that guy is really nothing. I was wrong about him before."


There was also a flash of deep disappointment in Thirteenth Sister's eyes.

Chu Feng smiled when he heard this.

He naturally knew that Thirteenth Sister's words came from the bottom of her heart.

Among the three, Thirteenth Sister, Pretty Mom, and Han Bin.

After Han Bin became a Taoist friend of Chen Haonan, he took the lead in Hongxing.

As for the beautiful mother, when she was young, she had an affair with Jiang Tiansheng, and later her figure got out of shape. After breaking up with Jiang Tiansheng, she was able to gain more positions as a talkative in Sham Shui Po from Jiang Tiansheng. Needless to say, she has great abilities.

Relatively speaking, Thirteenth Sister's city is undoubtedly the worst.

Chu Feng looked at Thirteenth Sister and smiled: "Let the past be in the past. The most important thing for us now is to look forward to the future!"

Han Bin glanced at Thirteenth Sister and nodded repeatedly.

"A Feng is right. The most important thing now is to look to the future. Thirteenth sister, please don't be angry."

"Although I say that, but..." Thirteenth sister sighed softly, "I still feel sorry for Chu Feng."

The pretty mother glanced at the three of them calmly.

Then he smiled and poured a glass of wine for Chu Feng himself: "A Feng, no matter what, congratulations to you."

"Thanks, pretty mom!" Chu Feng took the wine.


The atmosphere became a little silent.

Han Bin and Thirteenth Sister looked at Chu Feng but hesitated to speak.

When the beautiful mother saw this scene, the smile on her face suddenly became brighter.

"A Feng, we're almost done eating. Let's start talking about serious things."

"Okay." Chu Feng nodded, "I wonder what kind of business my pretty mom is talking about this time."

The pretty mom laughed and said, "That's what happened in the East District corridor."

Chu Feng was a little confused: "Didn't this matter have already been discussed on the phone? For those girls and so on, just call them, pretty mom."

The smile on the pretty mother's face grew wider: "Although I say that, I think it's better to call you over in person to talk."

"There's nothing to talk about." Chu Feng spread his hands and said, "Beautiful mom, you are a veteran of the world. You must know better than me in this regard. Just take full responsibility."

"With your words, I feel relieved." Pretty Mom smiled, picked up the wine glass in her hand, "I wish us a happy cooperation."


After touching Chu Feng, the pretty mother drank the wine in one gulp.

The atmosphere fell silent again.

Chu Feng looked at the three of them and frowned secretly.

From the looks of it...the three of them seem to have more goals than just the nightclubs in the East End Corridor.

Chu Feng didn't understand what kind of medicine the three of them were selling in the gourd, so he simply stopped talking and just held the wine glass in his hands and played with it.


Thirteenth sister was the first to lose her temper.

"Beautiful Feng, let me ask you a question."

Thirteenth sister finally spoke.

The topic is here!

Chu Feng smiled: "Thirteenth sister, if you have any questions, just ask."

Thirteenth sister thought about it for a moment: "What do you think of sitting in a restaurant in Causeway Bay?"

100 Talker in Causeway Bay?You guys look down on me too much!

"Sitting in Causeway Bay?" Chu Feng asked, pretending to be confused.

After Big Boss B died, Chu Feng had already thought that Jiang Tiansheng would definitely choose the new Causeway Bay restaurant.

But Chu Feng also knew.

No matter what happens, it's not my turn to sit in the restaurant.

Chu Feng had even guessed that this person would definitely be Chen Haonan.

It's just that Chen Haonan didn't make any achievements, and Chu Feng also killed Ba Guan.

So it takes a certain amount of time to gild Chen Haonan.

Because of this.

The news of the re-selection of Causeway Bay has also been delayed.

Now Thirteenth Sister raised this question.

It was obvious that he was very concerned about Chu Feng's next plan.

Or perhaps, Chu Feng's next plan is related to their plan.

Chu Feng remained calm and glanced at the three of them secretly.


After Thirteenth Sister said these words, Han Bin and Pretty Mom also secretly pricked up their ears, obviously very interested in Chu Feng's next plan.

Paused for a moment.

Chu Feng smiled and said, "I have my heart set on Causeway Bay, but Mr. Jiang will probably let Chen Haonan do it. Where will it be my turn?"

Hear this.

A look of sympathy flashed in Thirteenth Sister's eyes.

Han Bin and Pretty Mom also looked sad.

They naturally knew that Chu Feng was speaking from the bottom of his heart, and it was absolutely impossible for Jiang Tiansheng to let Chu Feng sit in the Causeway Bay restaurant.

If Chu Feng is really allowed to sit in this seat, then there will really be no place for his Jiang Tiansheng's face.

At this time, the beautiful mother spoke with a smile again.

"Oh, it's up to people!"

"If you are willing to fight, Feng, we can help you."

After saying that, Pretty Mom glanced at Han Bin and Thirteenth Sister.

When the two heard this, they nodded again and again.

The three people here have special backgrounds.

As far as the simple and beautiful mother is concerned, she used to be Jiang Tiansheng's mistress, but she was abandoned by Jiang Tiansheng after her figure got out of shape.

Although she was given a prosperous land like Sham Shui Po, Pretty Mom always remembered Jiang Tiansheng's abandonment of her deeply in her heart.

As for Thirteenth Sister, she does things purely based on her temperament.

In her opinion, Chu Feng is qualified to sit in the Causeway Bay Hall position, both in terms of virtue and strength.

With Chu Feng's methods, sitting in Causeway Bay will only make Hong Xing's overall strength stronger.

Out of consideration for Hong Xing, she would naturally support Chu Feng.

Among the three.

The one whose purpose is the least simple and the most complicated is Binnyhu Hanbin.

He and his brother Dinosaur were in charge of the two main halls in Hongxing respectively.


Han Bin was first poached from Dongxing with a lot of money.

For him, he urgently needs Chu Feng to take this position. On the one hand, it is to have a strong ally, and on the other hand, it is also to discuss cooperation and make money.

"Pretty Mom is right. I'm willing to support you, Pretty Feng. I believe that you will make Hongxing stronger by joining the Causeway Bay Hall," Thirteenth Sister said.

at the same time,

Han Bin also nodded: "One more friend means more paths, and I am willing to support you."

Seeing this scene, a smile appeared on the corner of Chu Feng's mouth.

Chu Feng was not interested in sitting in the restaurant in Causeway Bay.


Chu Feng was still very interested in asking Hong Xing to change his surname.

Sitting in the Causeway Bay seat makes it easier for Chu Feng to achieve this ultimate goal.

thought here.

Chu Feng pretended to be moved: "Beautiful mom, Binnihu, Thirteenth Sister, thank you for supporting me so much, how about... I can give it a try?"

"it is good!"

The pretty mom nodded, "I'm just waiting for your words."

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