thought here.

Chu Feng stood up and left the set.

Ashiu and others also quickly followed Chu Feng.


Chu Feng waited for a long time, but did not wait until Han Bin came close.

"Strange thing, why hasn't it come yet?"

"Did you encounter some problem?"

Chu Feng was secretly suspicious.

However, at this moment, a motorcade in the distance was slowly driving towards the studio.

After a moment.

The car slowly stopped at the entrance of the studio.

More than a dozen horsemen got out of the car and looked towards Chu Feng.

Judging from their bulging waists, they are obviously carrying guys.

Seeing this scene, Chu Feng couldn't help crying or laughing.

It’s only 200 million. Is it necessary to make such a big move?


After a while, a man in a white shirt opened the door of the main car.

A man of sudden stature got out of the car.

This man is none other than Wang Bao who was in Jiang Tiansheng's villa yesterday.

at the same time.

Chu Feng also saw Wang Bao, and his face sank slightly.

Originally, Chu Feng and Wang Bao had no interaction, but just yesterday afternoon, Chu Feng suddenly received an anonymous message.

The message content is also very simple, only six words.

[Wang Bao wants to deal with you. 】

This message was not signed, and Chu Feng did not know who sent it.

But after seeing that the content of the message was related to Wang Bao, Chu Feng still kept a cautious eye on it.

The strength of Wang Bao Gang is undoubtedly much worse than that of Hong Xing.

But since he made his fortune through being a fan, Wang Bao Gang has sufficient funds.

The powder dealers under his command are all desperadoes.

Wang Bao's territory, except for the Spine Restaurant, is composed of some nightclubs and dance halls. All of these nightclubs and dance halls are on Hennessy Road, very close to the East District Corridor where Chu Feng is located.

Surrounded by a bunch of bad guys.

Wang Bao came to Chu Feng.

"Chu Feng, I didn't expect that we would meet again." A smile appeared on Wang Bao's face.

Chu Feng couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw this scene.

The text message I received yesterday was originally Chu Feng's only minor intervention, but after seeing Wang Bao's menacing arrival today, I was already convinced. 0


After Wang Bao arrived, the first thing he did was to say hello to himself?

Chu Feng was now a little unsure about Wang Bao, and winked at Ah Xiu and others beside him.

Axiu and others remained calm and nodded secretly.

Wang Bao is very good at fighting and has many younger brothers.

But even if the distance is very close, if Wang Bao really wants to take action, Ah Xiu will go up and entangle Ah Bao directly, and then Ah Jin and others will be responsible for clearing the place.

The so-called stretch out your hand does not hit the smiling face.

Chu Feng saw that Wang Bao showed no hostility and asked with a smile: "Why did Master Bao think of visiting me today? What can I do to take care of you?"

The smile on Wang Bao's plump face became even bigger.

"A Feng, I have no other intention of coming here this time. I am here to save you."

"Save me? What do you mean?" Chu Feng frowned.

Wang Bao looked solemn: "Someone wants to kill you."

"Someone wants to kill me?" Chu Feng was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "There must be many enemies who come out to fool around. There are too many people who want to kill me every day. It's a pity that I am still alive and kicking until today."

"That's because those egg pellets in the past couldn't be put on the table." The fat on Wang Bao's face shook, "This time your enemy is definitely not something you can stop now."

"Whether it can be blocked or not, you have to try to find out."

After Chu Feng said this, his smile turned teasing, "It's you, Mr. Bao, who came to me suddenly today just to tell me the news? I remember that you and I are not familiar with each other, right?"

Chu Feng's words directly opened the door.


You, Wang Bao, and I are neither relatives nor friends. Today’s sudden visit to express your gratitude must be more than a simple reminder.

If you have something to say, just say it and don't waste everyone's time.

Yet at this time.

"Why are you talking to our Master Bao?" Next to Wang Bao, a stern man with dyed yellow hair and dressed in white suddenly said.

This man, named Zhao Ji, is Wang Bao's number one killer.

Chu Feng did not speak, but glanced at Wang Bao lightly.

"Master Bao, is this how you teach your subordinates to do things?"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Zhao Ji and Wang Bao are a kind of horse boy, and his hands touch his waist without leaving any trace.

at the same time.

On Chu Feng's side, a dangerous light flashed in the eyes of Ah Xiu and others.

Don't look at the crowd at Wang Bao's side.

But if he really takes action, Wang Bao may not be able to take advantage.

102 Do you think I’m scared?If you don’t accept it, do it!

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense.

The gangsters under Zhao Ji and Wang Bao were aggressive, holding their necks and swearing.

On Chu Feng's side, his subordinates Ah Xiu and others were much more ruthless.

Not only was no one raising a voice, everyone's goals were clear.

Lan Yanke tightly held the stainless steel pathfinding staff in his hand, his ears secretly raised, listening for any changes at any time.

In Asiu's eyes, there was no one else but Wang Bao.

The prosthetic leg that Ah Jin carried behind his back also turned into a firearm.

And Agger's hand reached into the backpack without leaving any trace in front of everyone, with a little expectation and a little bit of madness in his eyes.

When Wang Bao saw this scene, his eyelids jumped slightly.

Although the people behind Chu Feng all looked disabled.

But for some reason,

But he faintly smelled a hint of danger.

Wang Bao is a person who trusts his own intuition.

He is a master in his own right. People who practice martial arts have an inexplicable intuitive judgment about danger.

As for Wang Bao's judgment, he thought he was always very accurate.

There was a stalemate for a long time.

"Collect them all, what does it look like?"

Wang Bao 10 glanced at Zhaoji and the others and scolded.

Zhao Ji and others calmed down a little when they heard Wang Bao's scolding.

Paused for a moment.

Wang Bao looked at Chu Feng.

"You are right, there is indeed no friendship between the two of us."

"But everyone is here to hang out. It's better to have one more friend than one more enemy."

"I'm really here to help you this time."

Wang Bao said with a serious face without blushing or breathing.

"Huh? Then tell me, how can you help me?" Chu Feng asked with interest.

"It's easy!"

Wang Bao heard this and waved his hand, "You take your people and the places you conquered, and come directly to me. I will let you be the second boss. If you have money, we can all make money together. As for Jiang Tiansheng, I will I can help you sort it out.”

Hear this.

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes slightly: "So you want to win over me? Sorry, I have no plans to leave Hongxing for the time being."

What a joke.

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