"Yes!" Liangkun nodded.

Chu Feng was a little confused: "Why did you mention him suddenly?"

"Do you know about Hongxing Causeway Bay's selection of Newspeak officials?" Liangkun asked in return.

Chu Feng nodded: "I know, if Xi B dies, he will definitely choose the one who is responsible for the news!"

"Then do you know when to choose?" Liangkun asked again.

Chu Feng shook his head: "Then I don't know."

During this time, Chu Feng had been busy studying how to deal with Wang Bao, and he didn't care about what happened in Causeway Bay.

"It's tomorrow!" Liangkun said with some urgency, "Jiang Tiansheng arranged for Chen Haonan and the others to go to Haojiang to kill Brother Fu. Now he has succeeded. He obviously wants to gild Chen Haonan and let Chen Haonan sit on the throne of Causeway Bay. The throne."

"So that's it." After hearing this, Chu Feng suddenly realized.

According to the original plot, what happened in Haojiang was originally done by boss B.

Brother Fu and Chu Feng did not know each other, had no friendship, and had no grudges.

So since he solved Big Boss B, Chu Feng didn't take Brother Fu seriously. Anyway, the two sides were in conflict with each other.


Boss B is dead, Jiang Tiansheng actually sent Chen Haonan to kill Brother Fu.

thought here.

Chu Feng asked Brother Fu: "You mean, Jiang Tiansheng has already decided to sit in the restaurant in Causeway Bay."

"Yes, it's Liangzi Nan. Brother Feng, you really don't know about this, right?" Liangkun said a little surprised.

Chu Feng smiled and shook his head: "I really don't know."

Liangkun rolled his eyes at Chu Feng: "If you are not anxious, I will be anxious for you. The position of talker in Causeway Bay should have been yours. Jiang Tiansheng made such a move, obviously just to suppress you."

"I know." Chu Feng nodded.

Seeing that Chu Feng's expression remained as usual, Liangkun was even more surprised.

"Brother Feng, are you really not interested in the people talking about Causeway Bay?" Liangkun asked.

"Causeway Bay talker? Not interested."

Chu Feng shook his head, "Why, if you are interested, just do it."

Liangkun was completely helpless when he heard this.

However, he didn't know.

At this time, Chu Feng was not just preparing to be a talker in Causeway Bay.

Instead, he directly wanted Hong Xing to change his surname.

Now Wang Bao's life has entered a countdown. After Wang Bao is dealt with, it will be Jiang Tiansheng's turn.


In the afternoon, when the sun is about to set.

Li Shan came to the set to report the situation to Chu Feng.

"Brother Feng, please find out!"

"At ten o'clock tonight, the Golden Triangle ship will dock."

"The first batch of transactions are naturally Jin Tooth Handle and the others, followed by Wang Bao."

Li Shan found out the information by himself and probably told Chu Feng about it.

Upon hearing this, Chu Feng nodded slowly.


Chu Feng took Ah Xiu and others directly to the car.

Looking at As Xiu and others, Chu Feng looked grim.

"Tonight is Wang Bao's death anniversary! I have made it clear to you the specific action plan."

"One hundred Yellow Turban warriors stayed to watch the East District Corridor scene. The gunmen and bombardiers followed Ag and Ah Jin to Kowloon. The rest of them were all killed by me to Wan Chai!"

"As for the major entrances to the southern district, they will be guarded by the brothers from Kowloon Walled City."

"Tonight, I want all of Wang Bao's properties to have the surname Chu."

Chu Feng said to several people.

Several of them are already managers under Chu Feng. As long as they convey their orders to them, they will lead the brothers below to do things.

Now Chu Feng can be said to have a well-equipped army.

In addition, Wang Bao took the initiative to go to Kowloon and burrowed into Chu Feng's pocket. It would be easy to capture him.

"Brother Feng, no problem!"

"Leave the Kowloon side to me."

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"Brother Feng, clean up tonight. I guarantee that from tomorrow onwards, all Wang Bao's venues will be ours."

The brothers also looked serious and expressed their opinions one after another.

Seeing this, Chu Feng nodded slightly.

Killing Wang Bao this time will not only eliminate an enemy who wants to kill him at any time, but also expand his territory.

The most important thing is to counter-general Jiang Tiansheng's army.

Chen Haonan can be the talkative person in Causeway Bay by killing a wandering Brother Fu.

Then how should I reward him for killing Wang Bao and gaining such a large territory?

And Chu Feng knew it.

Jiang Tiansheng will definitely suppress himself when the time comes.

If now, Jiang Tiansheng is only hostile to himself.

At that time, once Wang Bao's territory is taken over, it will be a real fear!

There is no reward, it is unfair to be the boss, Jiang Tiansheng is unjust first, even if Chu Feng turns against him, those people in the way will never say anything.



At the same time, inside Wang Bao's villa.

"Brothers, follow me to do something!" Wang Bao glanced at the group of people under his command.

This time he was fully prepared and brought more than 100 people with him.

These people are all Wang Baoyang's elite soldiers and generals.

Although there are not many people, everyone is very good in street fighting and marksmanship.

Training this hundred-man team also cost Wang Bao a lot of financial resources.

The captain of this hundred-man team was originally recruited, but now that recruitment has been abolished, Wang Bao has no choice but to lead the team to do things himself.

But don't know why.

There was always an indescribable uneasiness in his heart.

But then, after he saw this group of well-trained men, his uneasy heart finally relaxed a little.

In this elite group, everyone carries a gun.

Even if something unexpected happens, he should be able to escape unscathed.

"Master Bao, brothers are all ready." A close man came to Wang Bao and whispered.

Wang Bao nodded slowly, with a fierce look on his face, "Tonight, we all must be careful. After the transaction is successful, every brother will get a share of the money."

"Thank you, Mr. Bao!" Everyone cheered.

Wang Bao spent a lot of money on them, they naturally knew it, and Wang Bao was always generous to them, so they would definitely get a lot of money this time.

Looking at this group of men, Wang Bao's face flashed with pride.

"Beautiful Feng, when I finish this deal, you will die!"


116 Wang Bao: Eight-faced Buddha, do you want to take advantage of others?


Wang Bao left the villa with his people.

At this moment, there are more than 100 people around Wang Bao, and everyone has a bulging waist, obviously carrying a guy.

This is Wang Bao's biggest trump card and Wang Bao's most powerful support.

All of these people were carefully trained by Wang Bao, who spent a lot of money on both talent training and weapons and equipment.

It is because of these people.

Even a first-class society like Hong Xing would give Wang Bao face.

Because once the fish dies and the net breaks.

If these elite men under Wang Bao make a desperate counterattack, even the big bosses of those first-class societies may be capsized in the gutter.

After all, no matter how big the community is.

But there is only one life. If you drop a peanut, no matter how big the faucet is, it will still burp.

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