The gunshot also startled the Eight-faced Buddha.

Seeing Wang Bao pointing his gun at him, the Eight-faced Buddha's eyes widened instantly.

at the same time.

The people on the boat behind the Eight-faced Buddha also took out their weapons and aimed them at Wang Bao and his party.

The atmosphere between the two sides suddenly became tense.

The people under Wang Bao are all the best among the best trained by Wang Bao.

As for the Eight-faced Buddha's men, they are all desperadoes from the Golden Triangle area, and they are very difficult to deal with.

Once a fight breaks out, both sides will probably suffer heavy casualties.

No one on either side dared to fire the first shot.

However, at this time.



Two more gunshots were heard, and two people fell to the ground on the side of the Eight-faced Buddha.

When Wang Bao saw this scene, his eyes suddenly froze: "Isn't he yours?"

at the same time.

People on both sides also hesitated.

Originally, the people on Wang Bao's side were the first to be beaten to death. Due to their preconceptions, they thought that the people of the Eight-faced Buddha were going to take advantage of them.

But now.

The people of the Eight-faced Buddha also fell.

If you are a gangster, how can you deal with your own people?

"Nonsense, hide now!" the Eight-faced Buddha shouted angrily.

Immediately, people on both sides found bunkers to avoid.

Wang Bao and the Eight-faced Buddha hid together.

Several more gunshots were heard10, but this time both sides found bunkers and there were no casualties.

"What's going on?" the Eight-faced Buddha shouted angrily, glaring at Wang Bao angrily.

The transaction with the Golden Tooth Handle was going well just now, but why has something suddenly changed now?

Although I can't figure out the reason.

But the Eight-faced Buddha knew that this matter must be closely related to Wang Bao.


Wang Bao made a silent gesture and pricked up his ears.

As gunshots rang out again, Wang Bao suddenly frowned.

"The gunshot sounded like a .38, Buddha, I wrongly blamed you!" Wang Bao said apologetically.

"Hmph!" the Eight-faced Buddha snorted coldly, "You brought these notes. Today's transaction is cancelled!"


The Eight-faced Buddha glanced at the fishing boat that was close at hand, and after preparing to set off a smoke bomb, he took the opportunity to get on the boat and run away.

They come here to seek money, not to fight to the death with the police.

When Wang Bao saw this, he immediately became anxious.

This time, he was in full force.

If this trip was really in vain, not only would the transaction not be completed, but the line with the Golden Triangle would be cut off in the future, which would mean losing both the wife and the troops.

Thinking of this, Wang Bao gritted his teeth.

"Lord Buddha, wait!"

"Listen to the sound of gunshots, not many police officers are here, and this is Kowloon, so the police officers don't dare to mess around!"

"I guess it must be that guy Chen Guozhong!"

"Lord Buddha, give me 10 minutes and I will deal with them. Then I will give you an extra [-]%!"

Seeing that the Eight-faced Buddha was about to leave, Wang Bao could only bleed himself, hoping to keep the Eight-faced Buddha.

The Eight-faced Buddha hesitated for a moment.

He also works for Kunsha, and after this transaction, he can only get a part of it.

The [-]% given by Wang Bao is pure profit!

And judging from the sound of gunfire, there didn't seem to be many people on the other side.

Even if there are many people, with Wang Bao's support, he can quickly get on the boat and escape.

"Okay, just 10 minutes!"

"If you can't solve it after 10 minutes, don't think about taking my route again!"

The Eight-faced Buddha hid behind the bunker and said to Wang Bao.

When Wang Bao heard this, he turned to look at his brothers.

"Chen Guozhong, there is a way to heaven but you don't take it, and there is no door to hell but you break in!"

"Brothers, fuck him!"

"No one of these policemen will be left alive!"

Wang Bao ordered his men.

At this time, Wang Bao's men also came to their senses and followed the direction of the gunfire.


At the same time, Li Shan’s side.

"Hiss—Brother Feng was right! Chen Guozhong really can't keep calm!" Li Shan said in surprise with his eyes widened.

at the same time.

Ag next to him also nodded.

Chen Guozhong entered the Kowloon Walled City on the front foot, and Chu Feng received the news on the back foot.

At that time, Chu Feng guessed that a conflict would definitely break out between Chen Guozhong and Wang Bao.


Chu Feng then ordered Li Shan and the others to wait until the time for the transaction between the two parties to take action.

But now, the transaction between the two parties has not been completed.

On Chen Guozhong's side, he couldn't hold back his anger.

"Look, Wang Bao's people have already moved towards Chen Guozhong." Agger pointed to a building not far away.

Li Shan also shook his head: "Chen Guozhong is finished. It is impossible for Wang Bao to leave him a way to survive. Let brothers cheer up and be ready at any time."


And the fact is just as Li Shan said.

On Chen Guozhong's side, besides himself, there are four brothers.

Although everyone was wearing body armor, they were unable to lift their heads under the firepower of Wang Bao's hundreds of men.

Just under 5 minutes.

These people's limbs that were not protected by body armor were shot one after another, completely losing their ability to fight.

Even Chen Guozhong was shot in the shoulder and fell to the ground.

Looking at the wailing cronies around him, Chen Guozhong's eyes were filled with self-blame.

His marksmanship is very good and he once set a shooting record in the police academy.

But the .38 is a low-power pistol after all.

Those four shots just now were fired by him.

Originally he was aiming at Wang Bao, but because the distance was too far, the four shots only hit the people around Wang Bao.

Now, under Wang Bao's terrifying firepower.

The brothers' arms, shoulders, and hands have all been shot. They will definitely die today.

"Brothers, it is I, Chen Guozhong, who has caused trouble for you."

Chen Guozhong said with a sad face.

The other four people couldn't help but feel sad when they heard this.

427 The hounds will eventually be lost on the mountain, and the general will inevitably forget before the battle.

This time, it's their turn.

It will take a while.

The sound of chaotic footsteps sounded, and Wang Bao's people directly surrounded the room.

"Master Bao, we found the person!" Wang Bao's subordinate's voice sounded.

It will take a while.

The sound of footsteps in hard-soled leather shoes could be heard outside.

Wang Bao came to Chen Guozhong.

"Chen Guozhong, it is indeed you!"

"If you want to deal with me, just rely on these few eggs around you. It's really unreasonable."

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