Li Feng's aura suddenly changed.

He was a martial artist himself and had opened a martial arts school in Kowloon Walled City all his life. Although he was stooped due to his age, he was still strong.

But now,

Li Shan's originally hunched back gradually straightened up.

The cloudy eyes also became sharp.

There is a clean and neat aura about the whole person, which is both sharp and murderous!

see this scene.

Chu Feng knew that the templates had been successfully integrated.

at the same time.

The template information also appeared in Chu Feng's eyes.


Ma Zai: Li Feng

No.: 005

Template: Li Rongfeng

Integration level: perfect

Skill: Eight Breaking Blades

Characteristics: 1. Teaching (can quickly teach the eight-sword technique of breaking the edge), 2. Military soul (those who have been taught by Li Rongfeng have the chilling aura of a soldier, making enemies tremble with fear)

Template source: Broadsword Team

Loyalty: Diehard

Comprehensive combat power: 3000 (ordinary sword-wielding), 12000 (awakening soul-killing)


"What is soul-killing?" Chu Feng was slightly stunned.

Judging from the current template information, this Soul Slayer seems to be unavailable at the moment.

But anyway.

After briefly browsing Li Rongfeng's template, Chu Feng was still very satisfied.

 427 Although, Li Rongfeng only has 3000 combat power when holding a sword.

But the reason why this template is elite level.

It's because of his talent for teaching!

To know.

Chu Feng now has hundreds of Forty-Nine Boys in the Southern District and [-] Yellow Turban warriors under his command.

Let’s not talk about the ordinary forty-nine boys.

In normal combat status, the Yellow Turban Warriors have a full 30 points of combat power. One of them can be compared to five or six Hongxing boys. Even if there are ten or so bad boys from other clubs, they will not be afraid at all.

And, this is still the norm.

Because the loyalty of the Yellow Turban Warriors is a mutated version of die-hard loyalty, their combat effectiveness can be tripled when they are by Chu Feng's side.

The key is.

These yellow scarf warriors are able to achieve such high combat effectiveness only by relying on brute force without any fighting skills!

If only they could be taught how to break through the eight swords.

Coupled with that terrifying brute strength...

Want to know about the 40-meter-long sword?

Chu Feng quickly thought of Li Feng's greatest value.

"Li Feng, let me ask you something."

"A man is two meters tall, weighs about 300 kilograms, and is very powerful."

"If this kind of person learns the Eight-Breaking Swordsmanship, how long (babh) of swords should he prepare?"

Chu Feng asked Li Feng.

"Two meters and two? More than 300 kilograms?" Li Feng's eyes flashed with surprise.

This kind of person is born to fight!

The Eight Po-Feng Swords emphasize wide opening and closing, and every move has the power to break an army.

People with strong strength and tall body are most suitable to practice.

Li Feng thought briefly for a moment.

"If it is such a giant man, at least he must build a sword that is about 1.5 meters and weighs fifty kilograms." Li Feng gave Chu Feng a definite figure.

"Hiss—" Chu Feng suddenly took a breath of air when he heard this.

A fifty-pound sword?

Not to mention using Ba Feng Ba Dao, even if it hits a person, it can kill a large area!

"Okay, I understand!"

Chu Feng nodded, and then said, "After a while, more than 300 people will come to you to learn the Eight Breaking Blades. How long will it take to get them in?"

Li Feng thought for a while and said: "To get started, three days is enough. They have to practice most of the rest by themselves. They come to me once a week to consolidate, and they can be fully qualified in two months at most."

"So fast?" A flash of surprise flashed in Chu Feng's eyes.

It seems that the effect of this teaching characteristic is really terrifying.

"Li Feng, there is one more thing I need to ask of you."

When Li Shan heard this, he immediately became serious and straightened up like a javelin.

Chu Feng thought for a while: "I will ask Li Shan to call all the iron masters in the South District later. When the time comes, you have to tell them the shape, size and weight of your sword and watch them finish it."

"Yes!" Upon hearing this, Li Feng quickly nodded in agreement.


Let’s not mention Li Shan and Li Feng’s forging swords for the moment.

After Chu Feng explained this matter, he also left Kowloon Walled City and went to Guangqi Restaurant.

"This Hongxing Conference, I didn't expect it to be told in a Guangqi Restaurant."

"It's really interesting..."

A teasing smile appeared at the corner of Chu Feng's mouth.

Now the person in charge of Guangqi Restaurant has become Chu Feng himself.

When the Hongxing Conference is held on Chu Feng's territory, it will depend on how Jiang Tiansheng performs.


at the same time.

Inside Jiang Tiansheng's villa.

"Jiang Sheng, it's time to set off." Chen Yao said to Jiang Tiansheng.

In the villa, except for Jiang Tiansheng.

and the Causeway Bay Five.

This time when they went to Haojiang, under the arrangement of Jiang Tiansheng, they successfully became Brother Fu. When they came back, they immediately went to find Jiang Tiansheng to discuss their merits and reward them.

"Is it time? Let's go."

Jiang Tiansheng stood up and got dressed with the help of his Filipino maid.

do not know why.

At this time, Jiang Tiansheng always had an uneasy premonition in his heart.

During this period, Chu Feng's behavior was too calm.

He had clearly agreed with Wang Bao to let Wang Bao deal with Chu Feng, but when he contacted Wang Bao yesterday, he could not be reached.

Wang Bao was originally a fanboy who usually came and went without a trace.

Plus I never answer the phone after I get home.

So Jiang Tiansheng didn't think much about it.

But what really made him feel uneasy was Fang Ting.

Ever since Fang Ting joined Chu Feng's crew, she had been fighting with Rou Baozi, and she would never come back.

Jiang Tiansheng also called Fang Ting several times during the process.


Fang Ting always said she wanted to join the team on the pretext of filming, and each time the call lasted less than 2 minutes, she hung up the phone in a hurry.

When he thought of this, Jiang Tiansheng shook his head irritably.

Although I am upset.

But after seeing Chen Haonan and others, a smile still appeared on Jiang Tiansheng's face.

"Anan, you did a good job in Haojiang this time."

"Now that Big Boss B is dead, you should inherit the position of the talker in Causeway Bay."

"With the Haojiang incident, even if someone objects, we can definitely shut his mouth!"

Jiang Tiansheng narrowed his eyes and said to Chen Haonan.

"Mr. Jiang cultivates more." Chen Haonan nodded immediately after hearing this.

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