And who is this vote for?Of course it’s Chen Haonan!

If Uncle Xing doesn't vote, he will be betraying Jiang Zhen's kindness back then.

Everyone looked at Uncle Xing, wondering what Uncle Xing would decide.

at the same time.

Uncle Xing also looked at Jiang Tiansheng with very complicated eyes.

Surprised, disappointed, disbelieving...

All kinds of complex emotions are intertwined together.

There was a long pause.

"Alas -" Uncle Xing sighed deeply and stooped down, looking as if he had grown older instantly.

Paused for a moment.

Uncle Xing spoke with some difficulty,

"Of course I, Ah Xing, will not appreciate Brother Zhen's kindness."

"My vote goes to...Chen Haonan."

"Sheng Jiang, are you satisfied?"

Uncle Xing looked at Jiang Tiansheng with dejected eyes.

Jiang Tiansheng didn't seem to feel Uncle Xing's gaze.

After hearing Uncle Xing's vote, Jiang Tiansheng glanced at Chen Yao and said, "Ayao, announce the result."

Yet at this time.

"Wait a minute!" Uncle Xing suddenly interrupted, "I haven't finished speaking yet."

133 Uncle Xing’s decision is left to Chu Feng in Yuen Long!

Hearing this, everyone, including Chen Yao and Jiang Tiansheng, all looked at Uncle Xing, wondering what else Uncle Xing had to say.

Paused for a moment.

Uncle Xing slowly stood up and glanced back and forth at Chu Feng and Chen Haonan.

"You are all young people who have made contributions to the society. I originally wanted to abstain, but I have to repay Brother Zhen's kindness."

"Although I voted for Anan, I don't want to disappoint Hong Xing's heroes."

Speaking of it.

Uncle Xing looked at Chu Feng solemnly, "A Feng, from today on, you will be the talker in Yuen Long!"

As soon as this word comes out,

The whole venue suddenly burst into uproar!

Uncle Xing's territory is in Yuen Long District.

Saying this sentence, the meaning is obvious.

Uncle Xing is about to retire from the novel 7704!.;:;6"???2934";'""中:?,,turn.!;';The kings are like sheep!

And before abdicating, he must give up his position to Chu Feng!


at the same time.


When choosing who to talk to this time, everyone has Xiao Jiujiu in mind.

Uncle Xing is the only one who is thinking about the club.

Whether it's Chen Haonan or Chu Feng.

In his eyes, they are all heroes of Hongxing.

As a veteran of the second dynasty, he couldn't bear to see his loyalty disappointed, and he couldn't bear to see his fellow disciples at odds!

Even Jiang Tiansheng was unexpected.

"Uncle Xing, you..." Jiang Tiansheng looked at Uncle Xing with complicated eyes, but couldn't say what he wanted to say.


Uncle Xing didn't pay attention to Jiang Tiansheng's gaze at all, he just looked at Chu Feng,

"Uncle Xing knows that the land in Yuen Long District is naturally inferior to the oily land of Causeway Bay."

"But Brother Zhen was kind to me. If it hadn't been for Brother Zhen, I would have starved to death at the dock."

"All Uncle Xing can do now is give you the best thing he has."

"A Feng, you...won't blame Uncle Xing, right?"

Uncle Xing's tone was trembling.

How could he look like a battle-hardened veteran at this moment?

Instead, he looked like a twilight old man.

An old man who feels guilty for his descendants and wants to use his life's efforts to make up for them.

"Uncle Xing, how could I blame you?"

When Chu Feng heard this, he quickly stood up and said with a respectful expression.

Chu Feng knew that Uncle Xing's vote was entirely because of Jiang Tiansheng's moral kidnapping.

In the entire Hongxing Society, Uncle Xing is the only one who is thinking about the society.

Sacrifice the small self and become the greater self.


Not only did Chu Feng not blame Uncle Xing, but he was full of respect for the old man.

After all, the territory of Yuen Long is Uncle Xing’s lifeblood.

And now.

Because of Jiang Tiansheng's moral kidnapping, Uncle Xing felt guilty about himself and actually handed over all his territory to him.

For Uncle Xing to be able to do this, his determination was far greater than casting that vote.

"Uncle Xing, I won't take your territory."

"You are my Hongxing veteran. If you leave, we young people will not be able to handle it."

Chu Feng declined.

However, Uncle Xing waved his hand slightly: "I'm old, it's time to retire, and... there are some things I don't want to care about, and I don't want to see them."

When Chu Feng heard this, his expression changed slightly.

Immediately, there was silence.

Uncle Xing’s words can be described as a pun.

Although he is just a talker, he is after all a veteran of two dynasties and has eaten more salt than young people have eaten.

And Chu Feng didn't want to be a talker in Causeway Bay at all.

What Chu Feng wants is for Hongxing Society to change its surname!

This point, no one knows.

And now,

Judging from Uncle Xing's reaction, it was obvious that the old man had noticed something.

Just as Chu Feng was thinking secretly in his heart.

"A Feng, you have to guard this territory for me." Uncle Xing's voice sounded again.

Seeing this, Chu Feng could only nod, "Don't worry, Uncle Xing, Yuen Long won't lose it."

When Uncle Xing saw this, a smile appeared on his face.


Uncle Xing patted Chu Feng on the shoulder: "I'm getting older, and I feel a little tired after sitting for a while. I'll go back first."


Uncle Xing turned around, took a deep look at Jiang Tiansheng, said nothing more, and left with the people around him.

the whole process.

No one in the venue made a sound.

It wasn't until Uncle Xing left that there was a faint sound of discussion in the venue.

"Uncle Xing just quit like this?"

"You, the elders of the two dynasties, retreated as soon as you asked. It seems that Uncle Xing is really sad this time."

"Don't you see that Uncle Xing suddenly looks more than ten years older? He is already disappointed."

"Sheng Jiang...he, he shouldn't force Uncle Xing to vote."

"Oh, I didn't expect it to turn out like this."

Under the stage, everyone was talking about it.

Although the sound was very small, some loud voices still reached Jiang Tiansheng's ears.

Jiang Tiansheng's face became increasingly ugly.

There was a long pause.

"Quiet!" Jiang Tiansheng shouted softly.

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