"The land of oil and water has also turned into a slope."

“I really don’t like the few small restaurants left in Causeway Bay.”

Having said this, Chu Feng looked around.

at the same time.

Jiang Tiansheng also frowned.

What does Chu Feng mean by talking about these useless things?

As for Ma Wangjian, Dayu, Prince and others, they were sneering in their hearts at this time.

Chu Feng's words were really loud.

Although Chu Feng now has territory in his hands, it is only the six establishments in the East District Corridor.

Although it is better than ordinary outsoles, it blends better.

But even if some territory is carved out in Causeway Bay, the scale will be much larger than the territory Chu Feng currently controls.

Chu Feng actually said that Causeway Bay was a wasteland?His heart is really as high as the sky, Yelang is arrogant.

However, at this time.

Chu Feng suddenly raised his head and looked at Jiang Tiansheng on the stage.

"I did this not because of the incident in Causeway Bay, but simply because I felt unworthy of Uncle Xing."

"He will be 80 years old in three months."

"After all, I am your senior, Jiang Sheng. Aren't you afraid that Master Zhen will slap you in the face after you do this?"

Chu Feng's tone was cold, with a hint of ridicule.

Without waiting for Jiang Tiansheng to speak.

Chen Haonan stepped forward directly, pretending to take action, "Shuai Zaifeng, you can also reprimand the leader!"


Chu Feng didn't even look at him, as if he was completely ignoring him.

Just when Chen Haonan was about to reach out and catch Chu Feng.

Behind Chu Feng, Ah Xiu suddenly jumped forward and kicked Chen Haonan's chest with his steel plate-covered shoes.

Chen Haonan can be regarded as one of the more skilled ones in Hongxing.

Seeing the lame man behind Chu Feng suddenly take action at an extremely fast speed, Chen Haonan's expression changed instantly.

This cripple is actually an expert?

Too late to think about it.

Years of experience in hacking friends made Chen Haonan react instinctively and put his arms in front of his chest to defend himself.


A muffled sound came.

Chen Haonan only felt that his arms were numb.

Immediately afterwards, his chest seemed to be hit by a giant hammer, and his whole body quickly flew backwards.

Fortunately, there was no one behind Chen Haonan.


Chen Haonan fell heavily to the ground, but still maintained his momentum. He slid backwards for a distance, and did not stop until he knocked down the table and chairs.


Chen Haonan felt the blood surge in his chest and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Even his arms felt like they had lost consciousness.

at the same time.

The people sitting in Hong Xing, as well as those who came to participate in the conference, also stared at the scene in front of them with their mouths open.

As for the prince, his brows were twitching and he looked at Ashiu warily.

Hong Xing went out to fight.

Among these Causeway Bay talkers, there are many good ones.

Although Chen Haonan's martial arts is not top-notch, it is definitely ranked high among Hong Xing's base.

But now.

Chen Haonan didn't even take a single move from this cripple!

What shocked them even more was that they didn't see clearly how Asiu took action.

Only the prince saw the subtlety in Ah Xiu's movements.

Naturally he could see it.

The lame man with long and short legs, although it was just a light kick, but Chen Haonan didn't have ten days and eight days, it would be difficult for him to stand up again.

Everyone first looked at Chen Haonan and then at Ah Xiu.

Finally, his eyes were locked on Chu Feng.

No matter how strong Ah Xiu is, he is only Chu Feng's horse.

Where did Chu Feng summon such a terrifying younger brother?

Amid everyone's shocked gazes, Chu Feng slowly turned his head and glanced at Chen Haonan.


Then he looked back at Jiang Tiansheng,

"The person you picked to talk about in Causeway Bay is this Dandansan?"

"Jiang Sheng, when did you become blind?"

135 Take Brother Feng to the execution hall?You are the one who dies first!

"Jiang Sheng, when did you become blind?"

Chu Feng's voice echoed throughout the hall.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience took a breath of air-conditioning, and their eyes widened with disbelief.

"Damn, isn't this guy Chu Feng too fierce?"

"Is he insane? How dare you talk like that."

"Although this election is indeed unfair, but for him to speak like this...could it be that the old man hanged himself because he thought he would live too long?"

"It's over, it's over. This has completely offended Mr. Jiang to death."

"More than that? If you openly insult Longtou, he is making an enemy of the entire Hongxing."


All the big guys lowered their voices and whispered.

Talkative people should also pay attention to their words and deeds. Although these Hongxing bosses have scruples, they still dare to lower their voices and beep a few words.

from their perspective.

Jiang Tiansheng’s election was indeed unfair.

But knowing is one thing, speaking out is another.

Even if you only have a little understanding of the world, even if you want to express your dissatisfaction, you will never take such an extreme approach.

at the same time.

Pretty Mom, Han Bin, and Thirteenth Sister looked at each other, with a hint of worry in their eyes.

Fat guys Li and Brother Ji also looked shocked.

They had just publicly voted to express their support for Chu Feng.

And this move must have been recorded by Jiang Tiansheng.

If Chu Feng is really ruined because of insulting Longtou, then they will also be liquidated by Jiang Tiansheng.

Even if it is not cleaned up.

It will also be reused by rare societies in the future.

"Chu Feng is confused..." Brother Ji said with some annoyance.

Fat guy Li Pang had a gloomy face and said nothing.

"When a short mule comes out to hang out, the most important thing is to respect the teacher. Ah Feng's words are tantamount to ruining his own future..." Han Bin glanced at Chu Feng worriedly.

Thirteenth sister looked at Chu Feng with a somewhat annoyed look, "A Feng is drafting some kind of airplane. If you say this, you will kill yourself."

The beautiful mother looked thoughtful, and after a moment she slowly spoke, "Now all we can do is wait and see what happens. Ah Feng is not such a brainless person."

Thirteenth sister clasped her hands together, "Now we can only look at Ah Feng's..."

Among all the talkers.

The one with the most exaggerated reaction was Liangkun.

"Damn it, it's Brother Feng, he's so fierce!" Liangkun looked at Chu Feng, his eyes widened with admiration on his face.

He, Jingkun, and Jiang were naturally at odds with each other, and they usually behaved arrogantly.

But he was not so arrogant that he dared to directly insult the leader in public.

Liangkun thought that he was crazy enough.

Unexpectedly, Chu Feng was even more insane than himself!

But even though I thought so.

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