Chen Yao glanced at Jiang Tiansheng without leaving any trace.

A terrible thought suddenly sounded in Chen Yao's mind, so that his entire face turned pale in an instant.

Chu Feng...

Playing a big game of chess!

And this big game is enough to make the entire Hongxing change their surnames!

"Ayao, what are you doing?" Jiang Tiansheng saw Chen Yao's expression change and couldn't help but whisper.

"Ah? It's nothing..." Chen Yao said quickly.

He changed his expression because he guessed Chu Feng's purpose and ambition.

Fortunately, Jiang Tiansheng only noticed that his expression was different, but did not guess his inner thoughts.

After guessing Chu Feng's inner thoughts.

Chen Yao was also faced with a choice at this time.

Are you going to side with Jiang Tiansheng and confront Chu Feng?

Or should we side with Chu Feng and completely abandon Jiang Tiansheng?

Chen Yao couldn't help but feel a little entangled in his heart.

Although the situation is now clear, it is still unclear who will win.

But Chen Yao didn't hesitate for long.

In this situation, it is most appropriate to stand on Chu Feng's side.

thought here.

Chen Yao lowered his voice and said to Jiang Tiansheng:

"Jiang Sheng, the Chu Feng now is no longer the Chu Feng before."

"Now that he has Wang Bao's place in his hands, who wouldn't be greedy for these places?"

"You have agreed before to let Chu Feng take his place out of the house, which means that the East District Corridor and Liansheng's place, as well as the Wang Bao Gang's place, will all be taken away."

Hearing this, Jiang Tiansheng nodded gloomily.

If it's just the six venues that compete with Lian Sheng, take it away.

But who is Wang Bao?

The underground emperor of Wan Chai District.

Who wouldn’t be greedy for Wang Bao’s place?

Let Chu Feng take away all the Wang Bao Gang's venues, which is completely different from the mecha arena in the East District Corridor!

If Wang Bao's place is all returned to Hongxing, it means that Hongxing can have one more hall!

At this moment, Jiang Tiansheng couldn't help but feel secretly resentful.

Chu Feng, this is a direct trick on him!

Previously, Chu Feng didn't say anything about Wang Bao, but that if he left home, he would take away all the places he had conquered.

At that time, Jiang Tiansheng believed that Chu Feng’s subordinates were limited to the six establishments in the East District Corridor, and they would give whatever they could.

In the future, when other societies wipe out Chu Feng, Hong Xing will take back those places in the name of avenging Chu Feng.

But now.

Chu Feng's place suddenly changed from six to 36.

In addition, everyone in Hong Kong Island knows that he has backbone!

How could Jiang Tiansheng not be greedy?

"Ayao, what do you think I should do?" Jiang Tiansheng asked.

Chen Yao thought for a moment and said: "Now, we can't drive Chu Feng away. Not only can we not drive him away, we also have to give him the seat of the talker in Causeway Bay."

"What!?" When Jiang Tiansheng heard this, his expression changed, "Give him the seat of the talker in Causeway Bay? Ayao, do you also want to side with Chu Feng?"

Hearing this, Chen Yao's heart trembled.

When he said this, he was indeed planning to side with Chu Feng.

Even though I think so in my heart, I definitely can’t say that on the surface.

".'Jiang Sheng, no!" Chen Yao said quickly.

Jiang Tiansheng's tone was a little angry, "You still say that he is not? If we give him the talker in Causeway Bay, then he will be the talker in three districts at the same time. There is no one in Hongxing who has sat in three bureaus in a row."

Jiang Tiansheng naturally had concerns about Chu Feng.

Uncle Xing has handed over Yuen Long District to Chu Feng.

After Chu Feng captured the Wang Bao Gang, if he still stayed in Hongxing, he would have to set up a new hall in Wan Chai, and he would definitely be the seat of this hall.

Plus Causeway Bay.

That’s three seats!

Hong Xing only had twelve people in total, and Chu Feng managed three restaurants by himself.

If he were to sit here, he would be absolutely loyal to Jiang Tiansheng.

But by chance, the person sitting at the entrance of these three halls is Chu Feng!

How can this make Jiang Tiansheng feel relieved?

"Sheng Jiang, there is no other way now."

Chen Yao said quickly,

"Jiang Sheng, I am thinking about the (King Mo's) club and you... The only thing I can do now is to be patient."

"If there is no matter about Wang Bao and Chu Feng is kicked out, then even if the brothers below have complaints, they can still find a way to solve it."

"But now, Chu Feng has made such a great contribution, and if we drive him out, I'm afraid people outside will laugh out loud!"

"Our reputation in Hongxing will also plummet."

"When the time comes, it will be difficult for new people to join us in Hongxing."


Chen Yao told the pros and cons.

At the same time, Jiang Tiansheng's face became increasingly ugly.

He knew that Chen Yao was right.

What is the most important thing about a community?

All credibility!

Only with a good reputation will a steady stream of new people join.

If Chu Feng is driven away at this time and the news spreads to the Tao, Hong Xing's reputation will definitely be extremely bad!

However, let Chu Feng sit in the three halls.

For Jiang Tiansheng, this is undoubtedly a blunt knife cutting flesh.

144 I only believe that what belongs to me must be mine!

Jiang Tiansheng was in a state of decision-making.

If Chu Feng withdraws from Hongxing, Hongxing's reputation will plummet. Not only will it be criticized by the public, but the number of new people joining will also be greatly reduced.

Jiang Tiansheng really couldn’t bear to part with the place in Wan Chai District!

But if Chu Feng were allowed to stay, sitting at the entrance of the three main halls would undoubtedly be a recipe for trouble!

Chen Yao saw Jiang Tiansheng struggling and couldn't help but persuade him,

"Sheng Jiang, now is not the time to hesitate."

"If Chu Feng is left behind, there is still room for easing things in the future, but if Chu Feng is really allowed to leave at this time, it will be troublesome..."

"Moreover, Chen Haonan's reputation is already bad now. How can he convince the public if he is asked to sit in a restaurant in Causeway Bay?"

Hearing this, Jiang Tiansheng glanced at Chen Haonan.

At this time, Chen Haonan was sitting slumped in the corner, his head lowered and his expression unclear.

But Jiang Tiansheng also knew.

If Chen Haonan is asked to sit in Causeway Bay at this time, it will obviously be impossible.

Let’s not talk about when he will recover from his injury.

If word gets out about this and a person without any prestige is appointed, other associations will definitely take the opportunity to launch an attack.


Jiang Tiansheng could only sigh helplessly.

Regardless of whether Chen Yao really stood for the club or was speaking 460 words for Chu Feng.

Jiang Tiansheng had to take this step.

"Okay, then let Chu Feng be the talker for the three court officials."

Jiang Tiansheng took deep breaths repeatedly to calm down his inner fear and forced a smile.

However, even a three-year-old child can see it.

Jiang Tiansheng's smile was very forced.

"Ah Feng, when did you sweep down Wan Chai District? Why didn't you tell me in advance?"

Jiang Tiansheng was smiling all over his face, and his attitude was completely different from before.


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