"Dafa Sparrow is the site of Zhongzi Dui. Last month Zhongzi Dui burned down Ma Wangjian's stable."

"Haitian Bathing Beach is the venue for Lian Sheng Lin Huaile. Lin Huaile had a fierce battle with Taizi last week."

"Those three stables in the east belong to Dongxing's Qinlonghu. Last month, Qinlonghu forced Daewoo's cousin to take wet photos."


Li Shan explained the contents on the paper to everyone.

Then, Li Shan looked at the others: "One person leads a team and is responsible for a restaurant. The people at the entrance of the six halls are responsible for cleaning up the remaining enemies. Do you remember them all?"

148 The night of bloodbath in Wan Chai!Big reshuffle!

The entire street lights in Wan Chai District have been cut off by Li Shan.

After the car lights go out,

Wan Chai District was completely plunged into darkness.

Only those shops that were still open could still hear some noise.

Under the cover of night.

The South District No. [-] boys brought over by Li Shan, as well as the internet-name gunmen placed among them by Chu Feng, were divided into twenty teams.

Each team is led by a Captain of the Broadsword Team.

These four-nine boys from the Southern District have all learned the Eight Breaking Blades from Li Rongfeng. Although it only lasted a day, their combat effectiveness is no longer what it used to be.

Coupled with the sword aura of the captain of the sword team, the attack power has skyrocketed.

These elite members of the South District gathered outside every stall under the cover of night.

The venues of many first-class societies such as Lian Sheng, Number Gang, and East Star are all within the coverage area.

Only those venues with clean backgrounds are still singing and dancing at the entrance.

Li Shan glanced at the time.

"The time has come, take action!"


Li Shan took a few people and quietly sneaked into the stable under the jurisdiction of Dongxing Qinlonghu.

at the same time.

Others, led by the team captains, rushed into the areas they were responsible for with their knives drawn.


He Liansheng Haitian Bathhouse.

Although it was already late at night, there were still many customers taking a bath.

The bathhouse is luxuriously decorated and focuses on VIP style. In the large bathhouse, only lace suspenders are worn. Slender young girls are walking back and forth. Some are holding fruits in their hands, while others are smiling and stepping into the bathtub with slender feet, twisting their plump breasts. The figure came next to a customer and gently wiped the customer's body with a towel.

Under the lights, the heat was rising, the entire bathhouse was shrouded in mist, and from time to time a girl's coquettish laughter and curses could be heard, making it feel like a fairyland on earth.


Just at this time.



One of the gangsters smashed through the glass and flew into the bathhouse.

The stab wound on his chest was so deep that the bones were visible, and there were several pieces of glass standing on his skin. He died before he even hit the ground.


When the nearby girls saw this scene, they immediately screamed in panic.

In an instant, the whole bathhouse was in chaos.

The person in charge of the bathhouse was a close associate of Lin Huaile. After hearing the shouting outside, he quickly ran from the office to the bathhouse.

I see,

The short mule who was responsible for guarding the door had died of anger.

A group of young men dressed in black, with white towels wrapped around their arms, and fierce-looking men walked in menacingly from outside the door.

When the person in charge of the bathhouse saw this, his heart suddenly trembled.

Smash it! ?

These days, someone actually dares to destroy the Helian Sheng match?

However, although he was frightened and angry, he could also see that the other party was obviously prepared. If there was a conflict, he would obviously suffer.

It's better to stabilize the opponent first, and then ask Lin Huaile for help.

thought here.

The person in charge hurriedly greeted him.

"Where did these brothers hang out? I wonder how we and Liansheng have offended you?" the person in charge said in a bad tone.

Although you have to appease the other party first.

But He Liansheng couldn't lose face. The person in charge's tone was very harsh, and he pointed his right hand at these ferocious young people and shouted.


His voice just fell.

The knife shines!

The person in charge felt his right arm go cold, and the whole forearm was cut off at the root in an instant!

"We are the prince's people!"

"That guy Lin Huaile wants to step into Tsim Sha Tsui. Isn't it cool?"

"I'll let you fuck me!"

The young man at the head held a long knife in his hand and said, "Brothers, smash it!"

The leading young man is naturally the captain of Chu Feng's sword team.

In an instant.

The group of Kowloon South District four-nine boys behind the squad leader directly copied the swords in the name of the prince's subordinates.

If you see someone who is fighting for victory, cut them down, and if you see something, you will smash them!

"Our prince brother said that every wrongdoer has his own owner, and he is only looking for trouble with Liansheng!"

"All customers and women, get in the bathtub!"

The captain of the broadsword team shouted loudly.

The frightened customers around him, as well as the girls in suspenders, immediately screamed and ran towards the bathtub.

The entire bathhouse was filled with flashes of swords and shadows.

In the mist of water vapor, the golden sound of the collision of knives could be heard from time to time, which sounded sour to the teeth.

Less than 10 minute passed.

On the ground, the bodies of more than 30 He Liansheng lay.

The ditch originally used for drainage has long been stained red with blood!

The captain of the Broadsword Team looked around and after making sure there was no one around, he put the sword on his shoulder and said, "Send a message and tell the prince that the Haitian Bathing Beach has arrived!"


at the same time.

Number gang, Zhongzi pile, big sparrow.

"Eighty thousand."


"Two biscuits."


"There are flowers on the bar and it's burnt!"

"Did you poop? Why are you so lucky?"

Several guys from the number gang were playing cards.

Compared to the Haitian Bathing Beach, Dafa Majong doesn't have many customers anymore, so these bad guys simply opened a few tables by themselves.


Just when these numbers are helping the bad guys have a great time.


A big foot kicked hard on the mahjong table.

The mahjong table fell down instantly, and the mahjong on it was scattered all over the floor.

The guy from the number gang was shocked and stood up.

".'What are you doing?"

"Fuck your mother!"

The person who came came with a knife and started to chop. Several bad guys from the Number Gang were caught off guard and were knocked to the ground in a matter of seconds.

"Damn it, someone is destroying the place!"

"Are you brave enough to eat a bear's heart? Dare you come to the number to help ruin the situation?"

"Brothers, copy the guy!"

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