"Life and death are fate, wealth is in the sky!"

"Don't hate me. If you come out to hang out, be prepared to die."

"let's go!"

After speaking, Li Shan left with the people.

Wait until you go out.

Li Shan silently dialed the old-fashioned mobile phone.


There was a sudden roar in the bar.

The glass was shattered instantly and flames shot into the sky.

Except for the Dongxing, Zhongzidui, and Liansheng venues, all other venues were also in chaos.

As long as the places related to the club are all taken care of by the captain of the Broadsword Team and the four-nine boys.

Even those who used guns were dealt with by the desperate gunmen hiding in the crowd.

The whole Wan Chai is in a state of chaos!

In some places, the four-nine boys escaped by chance.

However, after seeing the scene on the street, they were completely confused.

A feeling of despair arose in my heart.

The streets outside were even more dark!

All of them are young men in their 30s and [-]s, with strong builds and white towels wrapped around their arms.

Although the knife in his hand is not like the big knife in the hands of those who smashed the place, it is still deadly at this time!

These people were none other than Hong Xingzi, who was in charge of clearing the place outside the Sixth Hall.

Just for a moment.

These [-] boys who were lucky enough to escape were killed by Hong Xingzai's knife.

Only a few got away by luck.

However, they don't know.

These are all deliberately arranged by Chu Feng...

at the same time.

Inside Tang's Restaurant.

"Everyone, starting from today, things are going to change in Wan Chai!"

"From now on, Wan Chai, and even the entire Hong Kong Island, will be our world!"


Chu Feng opened the champagne and poured a glass for everyone.


When the champagne was placed on the table, everyone in Hongxing, including Liangkun, was stunned.

They had thought that Chu Feng would make a big move tonight.

But what they never expected was.

What Chu Feng did was so big! .

150 Jiang Tiansheng is the one who takes the blame. Why are you panicking?

It's been a long time.

The people sitting at the entrance of Hongxing Sixth Hall came to their senses one after another.

"Holy shit! I, Liangkun, am already crazy enough. I didn't expect you, Ah Feng, to be even more crazy than me." Liangkun was the first to recover and spoke hoarsely.

A look of worry flashed across the pretty mother's face: "I'm afraid things will get serious now."

Several other people also nodded in agreement.

Although there are countless societies on Hong Kong Island, there are also many large-scale armed fights.

But something like today, which directly turned a district upside down, has never happened before!

And I'm afraid tomorrow, when the casualties are counted, there will be a scary number.

This time Chu Feng plans to win all the games in Wan Chai in one fell swoop.

Although the customers and women were fine.

But other societies were short mules, and only a few escaped alive.

And these few survivors were deliberately let go under Chu Feng's instruction, so that they could go back and spread the news.

I'm afraid tomorrow, the entire Hong Kong community will be in chaos!

Being wiped out by Hong Xing so forcefully, it is absolutely impossible for major associations to give up.

It may even cause a series of chain reactions!

"A Feng, those guys will definitely not give up." Brother Ji said with some worry.

Fat guy Li Ye nodded in agreement, "Even if we can defeat it, we may not be able to hold it."

Several other people also had serious expressions on their faces.

However, at this time.

"Everyone, what are you thinking about?"

"Jiang Tiansheng will take the blame for this. Why are you so anxious?"

Chu Feng glanced at several people dumbfounded.

However, everyone's expressions were still heavy.

"A Feng, we know that the burden of this matter will eventually fall on Jiang Tiansheng."

"I'm worried that even Jiang Tiansheng may not be able to withstand the pressure of so many associations."

"Although we go to clean up the situation in the name of the big talkers in the society, Jiang Tiansheng cannot ignore it, but we have provoked so many societies at once, and Hong Xing may not be able to withstand it."


Everyone talked and expressed their worries.

As they sit at the head of Hongxing Hall, their intelligence goes without saying.

Naturally, they could see through this strategy of driving away tigers and devouring wolves and framing people for blame.

Chu Feng used the banner of the lobby entrances of the clubs to sweep the venues of many clubs in Wan Chai.

Even if Jiang Tiansheng knew, Chu Feng clearly wanted to trick him and then seek benefits for himself.

For the majesty of Hongxing.

Jiang Tiansheng also had to jump into the fire pit.

But then again.

Can Jiang Tiansheng withstand it?Can Hong Xing withstand it?

The Number Gang, Lian Sheng and Eastern Star are all top-notch societies on Hong Kong Island.

Hong Xing can compete with one of them.

Against two of them, Hong Xing will lose, but the other party will also have to pay a heavy price.

But if three are provoked at the same time.

I'm afraid Hong Xing really can't stand it!

What's more, in addition to the three societies, there were also many second-rate societies that were swept away?

If these societies unite.

Direct destruction of Hongxing is possible!

Among all the talkers, the only one with the calmest expression besides Chu Feng was Liang Kun.

However, Liangkun's reaction at this time was very different from everyone's reaction.

Liangkun looked at the situation in Wan Chai District.

When he saw the blown-up stables of the three Dongxing houses, a look of pain appeared on his face.

"Whether he can withstand it or not is Jiang Tiansheng's business."

"If you really can't stand it, then let's talk again!"

"But Ah Feng...the damage to these places is really serious. It will cost us a lot of money just to decorate them, and we have to face harassment from those societies. I'm afraid it will be difficult to make money."

Liangkun said with a distressed look on his face.

Chu Feng still agreed with Liangkun's statement.

After all, everyone comes out to fight for life and death, in the final analysis, it is for money.


Chu Feng shook his head indifferently, "Do you remember what I told you before?"

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words.

Chu Feng sighed lightly,

"I said that if Wan Chai is to be turned into a gold-selling cave for the entire Hong Kong Island, even the entire Asia, and even the world, these places will have to be demolished and rebuilt. It would be better to just blow them up."

"As for my ability to make money, don't worry, Ah Feng should know."

"If I didn't have the ability, how could I have gotten to where I am now step by step under the exclusion of Big Boss B and Jiang Tiansheng?"

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