This box was reserved by Su Su, and only she and Luo Dingfa knew the password.

There was nothing between her and Luo Dingfa. The two were just in a simple superior-subordinate relationship.

But among the Four Heavenly Kings of Loyalty, Faith and Yi, Luo Tianhong, Ah Heng and Ah Zou were brought out by Lian Haolong personally, but Luo Dingfa followed Su Su when he came out to hang out.

It's precisely because the people I follow are different.

Luo Tianhong, Ah Heng, and Ah Zhen all like to use violence to solve problems. They are simple-minded and well-developed limbs.

But Luo Dingfa has been following Su Su since he came out. Although he sometimes solves trivial matters by himself, his main job is to handle the club's business and manage the coffin shop to sell fans.

Because of this, Luo Dingfa, under the influence of Susu, believed that it was better to use his brains than to use his strength when he came out to fool around.

Precisely because he got along well with Su Su's three views, although Luo Dingfa was nominally a loyal person, secretly he was only loyal to Su Su.

"Sister Susu, you drank too much." Luo Dingfa whispered.

"No, I can still drink!"

Su Su said in a daze, then picked up the wine bottle and poured it into her mouth.

However, the bottle was empty.

After pouring for a long time, only a few drops of wine came out.



Susu smashed the empty wine bottle in her hand and shouted hysterically, "Why did he do this to me? Why did he bring such a bastard back?"

Afa heard the words and said nothing.

Things like carrying on the family line have always been very important to people with status and superstition.

The bosses of the society not only have status, but most of them are superstitious.

Lian Haolong's child outside is a thorn in Susu's side.

She can't give birth!

When Lian Haolong was still a young boy watching the show, Susu also came out to do it.

Due to professional reasons, I had three abortions and was unable to have children again in my life.

"I have been with him since I was 16 and have been with him for 30 years..."

"How much did I pay to help him?"

"After all these years of studying English and accounting... I just graduated from elementary school!"

"But what about him?"

"He actually brought back a bastard!"

"And that woman!"

Susu trembled and shouted hysterically.

Luo Dingfa also discovered that Susu had become abnormal since Lian Haolong and his mistress Lisa gave birth to a baby.

Usually, it can still be maintained when there are many people.

But as long as they are private, they will be extremely angry, violent, and even collapse.

"Sister Su Su, you've drunk too much, go to bed early." Luo Dingfa whispered.

Su Su sneered,


"I'm having nightmares now that I'm asleep!"

"When this child grows up, he will definitely inherit the position of loyalty and righteousness. Then who am I?"

"What will I have left then?"

Susu said in despair.

Luo Dingfa sighed softly and comforted, "No, Sister Susu. Didn't Brother Long also say that he has no feelings for that Lisa?"

"Haha, feelings can be cultivated slowly."

"Afa, you don't need to persuade me, I've seen through it all."

"With that child, sooner or later the bitch will fly up the branches and become a phoenix."

Speaking of this, a look of determination appeared in Su Su's eyes, "Your elder brother once said that if people don't do it for themselves, heaven and earth will destroy them. It's time for me to think about myself. 0"

"What do you want to do?" Afa asked.


The Dupont lighter made a crisp golden sound.

Susu lit a lady's cigarette and took a deep breath.

"The most indispensable thing in a company's account is cash."


at the same time.


“Where is the core of this character?”

"Sexy, noble, charming and unattainable!"

"The slits in your cheongsam should be wider. Learn how to walk like a lady. No matter how big the slits are, you won't be able to see the inside, and it can also give people a fantasy feeling."

"Sister-in-law, go try again."

Chu Feng glanced at Fang Ting's attire, frowned and said.

Fang Ting didn't dare to say anything after hearing this.

After taking a deep look at Chu Feng, he went to the recording studio.

Wait for Fang Ting to leave.

"Akun, how have you been these past few days?" Chu Feng pursed his lips in Fang Ting's direction.

Liangkun has been in charge of the studio these days.

Hearing Chu Feng's question, he quickly said, "She has been in the theater during this time and has not gone out, but she has made several phone calls."

"Who are you calling?" Chu Feng asked.

"I have asked someone to investigate clearly. Two of these phone calls were made to other rich ladies, and the rest were all made to Jiang Tiansheng."

Speaking of this, Liangkun gave a thumbs up, "The foreign goods you let me get close to last time are really easy to use. It's only the size of a pen, but it can record all the sounds of the entire room clearly. Chu."

Chu Feng smiled when he heard this.

Liangkun, this guy, owns an electronics store, and the goods he usually buys are some DV players and the like.

It wasn't until Chu Feng saw Liangkun trading with the gringo a few days ago that he realized that Liangkun had missed a lot of things.

For example, the most advanced portable recording equipment at the time was ignored by Liangkun.

Chu Feng immediately asked Liangkun to change the order and ordered more than 100 portable recording equipment.

"Wild dogs, after all, they are not well-raised..."

Chu Feng glanced at Fang Ting's fitting room.

With Fang Ting?

It's just a joke.

We all agree with each other, and it is reasonable.

Jiang Tiansheng's second-hand goods are just enough to enjoy them, there is no need to think too much.

at this time.

There was a knock on the door and Ash walked in.

"Brother Feng, the loyal and loyal Lian Haodong wants to see you."


167 New round of lottery, Ghost Mastiff and Scout!

"Lian Haodong? That playboy Zhong Xinyi?" Liangkun frowned.

Chu Feng was confused: "Why, do you know him?"

"Of course I know you!" Liangkun nodded and said matter-of-factly, "This Lian Haodong is not up to par at all. The country of loyalty and righteousness was built by Lian Haolong, and the club's funds are from Lian Haolong's wife. Su Su Guan, as for this Lian Haodong, he spends his days drinking and gambling, and refuses to pay back the money he owes, who on Hong Kong Island doesn’t know that?”

When Chu Feng heard this, he smiled and said, "No matter what Dansan he is, since he is here, we must meet him, otherwise we will be scolded for being disrespectful when we go out."

There is no conflict between Chu Feng and Zhong Xinyi.

The only contradiction is the Lu Yu Tea House in Yuen Long.

But Lu Yu Teahouse was Lian Haolong's sponsor, and Tang Liyu took a fancy to him.

There is no direct relationship with Lian Haolong. Now there is no conflict between the two parties, and Chu Feng will not deny face to the other party.

"Let him come in." Chu Feng said to Asiu.

Hearing this, Ash nodded and left.

After a moment, the door was pushed open, and Lian Haolong, dressed in a white casual suit, walked in under the leadership of Ah Xiu.

Behind Lian Hao 10 Dragon, there are also two kings of loyalty and righteousness, Luo Tianhong and Guo Ziheng.

"Hello, Ah Feng, I'm Lian Haodong."

Lian Haodong stepped forward and shook hands with Chu Feng. He was a little surprised when he saw Liangkun, "Akun, are you here?"

"This is my and A Feng's company, how could I not be here?" Liangkun said, shaking his neck.

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