Chu Feng explained a few words to the old men in charge of the affairs in the southern district, and then took Asiu and others to Wan Chai.

On the way, Chu Feng couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

"There is a big renovation in Wan Chai, and the filming of the film has been completed, and there will be a lot of publicity before it is released."

"In addition, the Southern District Pharmaceutical Factory has introduced a lot of equipment and has to sign contracts with those barefoot doctors."

"The money is not enough anymore."

"And the storm in the stock market is coming in the future, so we need to have enough cash reserves..."

Chu Feng frowned and thought.

After getting Wang Bao, Chu Feng also got the money from the transaction between Wang Bao and the Eight-faced Buddha.

But now, most of the money has been spent. Although with 507 funds, the status quo can still be maintained, if there are no more channels to make money, problems will arise sooner or later.

Although now, the manpower has been filled again, and there are still so many ghost mastiffs.

Chu Feng's strength has undoubtedly improved a lot, but if there is a financial problem after licking so many mouths at once, eating with so many mouths will be a problem.

Especially those ghost mastiffs, one of which can eat at least twenty pounds of meat every day.

Those yellow scarf warriors also eat an astonishing amount of food.

We also need to find a way to solve this problem.

In addition, there is another thing worth noting, that is, the stock market storm.

The stock market turmoil has made many people become rich overnight, becoming multi-millionaires and even billionaires.

Judging by the time period, this time node is almost here.

Chu Feng didn't want to miss this opportunity.

"I have to find a way to make some money." Chu Feng leaned on the airline seat and narrowed his eyes slightly.

In today's Hong Kong Island, ordinary people can only work step by step.

But for those who want to take advantage of the sidelines.

There is still a lot of money to be made if you are willing.

But how to get it specifically needs to be discussed in the long term.


An hour later, Wan Chai.

At this time, all the shops in Wan Chai were still undergoing renovations, but they were completely different from seven days ago.

All the decoration teams here are recruited from Kowloon Walled City. They are cheap and hard-working.

At this time, the shops on Wan Chai Street were being renovated.

But there are still many passers-by.

"There are obviously no shops open in Wan Chai. With these people here, there is obviously something wrong."

"But I don't rule out people passing by."

Chu Feng glanced at the people on the street and thought to himself.

When they arrived at Tang's Restaurant, Li Shan came to report immediately.

He has already had experience in integrating Kowloon South District, and Wan Chai is also integrating shops. Although it is still nominally Hung Hing's territory, the decoration team is all recruited from Kowloon City. The labor is cheap and hardworking. These people are naturally Li Shan is in charge.

"How is the situation in Wan Chai during this period?" Chu Feng asked.

"Overall, it went well."

Li Shan replied, paused for a moment and then spoke with some anxiety, "However, there have been a lot of troublemakers recently. Most of these people are causing trouble during decoration. They will throw rocks and other things to intimidate the decoration workers."

Chu Feng nodded after hearing this.

Chu Feng had actually expected this situation.

The news that Jiang Tiansheng did not give money to Dongxing and those third-rate clubs has already spread.

Qin Longhu has caused chaos in Causeway Bay recently. Causeway Bay has no ability to resist. However, the down-and-out Chen Haonan has received the support of the prince. Now Causeway Bay has become a battlefield between the prince and Qin Longhu.

The prince's men were all elites among Hong Xingzi. Qin Longhu was obviously a little overwhelmed and couldn't spare any effort (babh) to cause trouble for Chu Feng.

Now, those third-rate societies are operating in Wan Chai.

Those third-rate societies don't have other abilities, but they still have the ability to cause small havoc.

Chu Feng swept away their territory after a disagreement, and they got into trouble with Jiang Tiansheng again. These guys didn't dare to trouble Jiang Tiansheng, nor did they dare to go to war with Hong Xing directly like they did to capture the dragon and tiger. It's disgusting. Chu Feng also made sense.

But this time, Chu Feng is here.

That is to solve the problem, and naturally we will not allow this to happen again.

"This matter must be dealt with as soon as possible."

"Everything is being renovated now. These people only dare to cause damage in secret. There is no loss if the rolling shutters are in place."

"If this group of people has not been dealt with before the official opening of Wan Chai."

"Then the trouble will be big..."

"I don't want a fire or explosion to occur somewhere while customers are consuming."

Chu Feng tapped on the table and spoke slowly.

at this time.

Ashiu said coldly, "You guy, Li Shan, can't even deal with those bad guys. You're really useless."

Although Ah Xiu is from Hongxing, he has been in contact with Li Shan for such a long time, and both of them are loyal to Chu Feng, so the relationship between them is also very good, and they sometimes run against each other.

When Li Shan heard this, he immediately became unhappy.

"Do you think these bad guys are easy to deal with? You would rather attract tigers than flies." Li Shan glared at Asiu and said helplessly.

"Why don't we just arrest them and be done with it? They're just a bunch of bad guys. So what if we arrest them wrongly." Ashiu said with some disdain.

"How can we catch him? There are so many people coming and going every day, do you know which one is passing by?"

Li Shan curled his lips, "It's not like I haven't used this method before. Yesterday, I caught a yellow guy. I thought he was a gangster, but I didn't expect that his father was a congressman. It took a lot of effort to settle it. "

Ash suddenly stopped talking.

If the wrong person is arrested, ordinary people can just let him go.

Unexpectedly, a random guy on the street turned out to be the son of a congressman. If that was the case, it would be really difficult.

Just when the two were at a loss.

"It doesn't matter, this problem will be solved soon." Chu Feng glanced at the scenery outside the window.

Cars were coming and going on the street, and although the gates on both sides were closed, there were still many young people strolling around.

It's really hard to find people from third-rate societies among so many people.

"Brother Feng, do you have any good ideas?" Li Shan said with joy on his face, "If we can get rid of those bad guys, our decoration progress can be improved by at least [-]%."

"Of course there is a way. Look, this is coming." Chu Feng glanced out the window.

Hearing this, Li Shan quickly turned his head and looked out the window.

At the end of the street, several transport trucks were driving towards this side.

There were also iron boxes on the transport truck, and Li Shan couldn't help but wonder what was inside.

170 If they send someone over again, I will send someone over!

10 minute later.

"Holy crap! Such a big dog?"

Downstairs, Li Shan stared at the ghost mastiff being unloaded from the car with his eyes widened.

These ghost mastiffs were transformed by a biosynthetic company, and together with Chu Feng's summoned units, they could accurately identify their own people and did not make too much noise.

But when these ten calf-sized ghost mastiffs stopped here, they immediately attracted the attention of many passers-by.

People passing by looked sideways.

Some girls were so frightened that they hid behind their boyfriends or simply walked away.

"Li Shan, I'll leave these ghost mastiffs to you."

"Find someone to patrol the streets with them every day."

"They can accurately identify hostile people. These people are either those who are causing damage or want to do harm to us."

Chu Feng told Li Shan the general purpose of the ghost mastiff.

"No problem, Brother Feng!"

Li Shan nodded quickly, "Such a big dog, let alone letting them go on patrol, even those who blocked the door would not dare to approach easily."

But even so.

But Li Shan still followed Chu Feng's instructions and found a few people to prepare to patrol the streets with the ghost mastiff.

However, at this time.

"Brother Feng, can you let me try?"

Behind him, a sharp but eager voice came.

The crowd looked back.

I saw Age rubbing his hands and staring at these ghost mastiffs with excitement.

Without waiting for Chu Feng to speak.

"You?" Li Shan glanced down at Age and curled his lips disdainfully, "You're only 1.3 meters tall, so you should go to sleep."

Ash also said coldly, "You skate them? With your physique, they can't skate you."

A smile appeared on Ah Jin's lips, "This is really a combination of art, um... abstract art."

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