After all, at this time, he wanted to start a war with Chu Feng and Jiang Tiansheng, not with his loyalty.

One could even say so.

Chu Feng is now a troublemaker in the first-tier club.

No matter which society Chu Feng goes to war with, that society will be regarded as an object that can be divided by other groups.

But then again.

If this matter is really settled, even if Chu Feng returns the territory in the future, their loyalty and loyalty will be lost.

Lian Haolong thought for a while.

"What you said, Feng, makes sense. Since Uncle Xing has the final say on Yuen Long's territory, I can only go to Uncle Xing."

"But Uncle Xing is having another stroke now."

"If I let someone take back Brother Tang's previous territory, then there is no need to discuss it with Uncle Xing. Both parties can rely on their own abilities."

"If I don't do this, I'm afraid I won't be able to gain a foothold in the world of Hong Kong Island in the future."

"A Feng, you won't blame me, right?"

Lian Haolong said with a smile.

"Of course not." Chu Feng smiled and spread his hands, "If Brother Long really takes back the territory, it will be because our Hong Xing skills are inferior to others. There is nothing to say."

"Then it's settled!" Lian Haolong saw this and stood up, "At eight o'clock tonight, I will send someone over from Yuen Long until both of us call."

"Then do what you want, Brother Long."

Chu Feng said with a smile, and then watched Lian Haolong leave.

211 Ah Zou was caught!Loyalty and integrity are in disrepute!

After leaving the door, the smile on Lian Haolong's face disappeared without a trace in an instant, replaced by endless gloom.

After all, he is also a big boss.

Although Chu Feng said it beautifully, he used Uncle Xing as an excuse to shirk it.

But in reality, they just don’t want to return those territories.

How could he, Lian Haolong, not see it?

at the same time,

Su Su also frowned, "This Chu Feng is not a simple character. Do we really want to fight tonight?"

"Fight! Why not fight?" Lian Haolong asked back.

Su Su was happy in her heart, but there was a worried look on her face, "But Brother Long, didn't you say that you want Chu Feng and Jiang Tiansheng to have a conflict? If you hit him at this time, he might start a war with us...and he The 5000 million that is still owed there has been confiscated."

Lian Haolong chuckled, "Don't worry, I'm just putting pressure on him to make him retreat. Those territories must be taken back, but the "[-]" won't go all out."

Lian Haolong's plan is to defeat others without fighting.

Tonight, he will definitely press forward with his army.

During the dinner, both parties had already said hello and that was it.

Lian Haolong planned to send two thousand and forty-nine men over tonight. Even if Chu Feng had someone to guard the field, there would only be a few hundred at most.

Once they saw the disparity in numbers between the two sides, they probably gave up those territories without even having to fight.

There will be no casualties on either side, and there will be no conflicts.

But Chu Feng's hatred still lies with Jiang Tiansheng.

"Ah Hong and Ah Zou are at the pier tonight..."

"Go and inform Ah Fa and Ah Heng to take two thousand brothers to Yuen Long to show off their horses tonight."

"Remember, just scare those Hong Xingzi away. Try not to do anything if you can."

"If you do it, try not to kill anyone."

Lian Haolong ordered to Su Su.


Meanwhile, in the hotel.

The smile on Chu Feng's face also faded away.

Does Lian Haolong really think that he knows nothing?

Still want to take back the territory in Yuen Long?

I'm afraid he'll never get another chance!

On the side, Asiu asked, "Brother Feng, what should we do tonight? Do you want me to take the brothers to Yuen Long?"

"No need, just let the one hundred yellow scarf warriors from Yuen Long stand ready, and make the momentum bigger." Chu Feng shook his head and said.

Ashiu was a little worried, "One hundred yellow scarf warriors, I'm afraid it's not enough."

Once the momentum grows, Zhongxinyi will definitely go all out.

Although each of the Yellow Turban warriors is good at fighting, if the loyal and loyal army presses the border, a hundred Yellow Turban warriors may not be able to withstand it.

"Don't worry, it's enough!" Chu Feng waved his hand, "There's no way we'll fight tonight."

"Why?" Asiu asked doubtfully.

Chu Feng sneered, "Lian Haolong will soon be in danger. Their orange powder will be landed at the Sai Wan Pier tonight. There is no way Liao Zhizhong will miss this opportunity."


As soon as he finished speaking, Li Shan came to the hotel excitedly.

"Brother Feng, you guessed it right!"

Li Shan said with a face of surprise, "I just found out that Zhongxinyi's orange powder will be landed at the Sai Wan Pier, and the number gang Hua Fu has already called the police. I am afraid that all Zhongxinyi's goods will be swept away tonight. "



Chu Feng has let the wind go, and tonight Hong Hing and Zhong Xinyi will show off their horses in Yuen Long.

All parties have set their sights on Yuen Long.

Meanwhile, Sai Wan Pier.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Ah Zou yelled at a group of forty-nine boys.

At the edge of the pier, a fishing boat planted with orange powder was docked.

The loyal and loyal Forty-nine Boys were unloading the goods non-stop at Ah Zou's urging.

As for Lian Haodong, he and Dao Zaihong stood on the pier, paying careful attention to the surrounding situation.

"These guys, it took them a long time to load a car." Ah Zou came to Lian Haodong's side.

Lian Haodong is holding his mobile phone.

However, at this moment, Lian Haodong suddenly frowned, "Huh? There's a problem!"

"What's the problem?" Dao Zaihong on the side asked doubtfully.

Lian Haodong's face turned solemn, "Can't receive the message."

Ah Zou and Dao Zaihong's expressions changed slightly when they heard this.

It's fine, why can't I receive the message?There was obviously still a signal just now.

There is only one possibility for this to happen.

That means the signal in this area is blocked.

Either someone is going to take advantage of you, or a policeman is coming.

Ah Zou looked around with some vigilance, "Brother Dong, there is a full car, you go first, I will take the rear..."

Lian Haodong and Dao Zaihong quickly got into the car.

The other four or nine boys were still carrying orange powder in a hurry.

"Hurry up!" Ah Zou urged again.


Just as Lian Haodong and others drove a short distance.

Two heavy trucks rushed out and stopped on the dock road, directly blocking their way. 0

At the same time, piercing sirens sounded from all directions.

"Damn slut!" Lian Haodong cursed angrily and drove out directly.

Dao Zaihong was in the passenger seat and took out his gun to suppress him.

Lian Haodong directly found a gap and rushed out.

The orange-pink car behind also quickly followed.

"Boom bang bang-"

Gunshots rang out like popping beans.

A policeman took a riot shotgun and aimed it at the fuel tank of the orange-pink truck.

With a gunshot.


The entire orange powder truck was blown up to the sky.

Lian Haodong and Dao Zaihong knew they had no chance, so they drove away.

As for Ah Zou, he was also surrounded by policemen.

Tonight's policemen were obviously well prepared. Ah Zou didn't resist for long before all the four-nine boys were killed or injured.

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