However, after searching for a long time, there was still no trace of the prince.

And Dao Zaihong became increasingly anxious.

If the prince is not here and the prince is not seriously injured, tonight's action will be meaningless!

Not only that.

The people in these boxing gyms are all the recent disciples of the prince. If the prince is safe, he will definitely take crazy revenge when he sees his disciples being slaughtered like this.

At that time, Zhongxinyi will be even more passive!

The evil wind in the back of the head is not good.

Daozi Hongtou didn't know how to do it. He raised the Tang Dao that was broken in his hand and slashed towards the back of his head.

The sword flashed and a Hong Xingzi fell to the ground wailing.

The steel pipe fell, making a harsh clanking sound. In addition, there were four bloody fingers twitching on the ground.

"Where is the prince? Where is the prince!"

Dao Zaihong grabbed the collar of Hong Xingzai and asked sternly.

219 Age takes action, and Jiang Tiansheng becomes deaf and blind!

Dao Zaihong's eyes were red, and he glared at Hong Xingzai and asked sternly.


He underestimated the toughness of these Hong Xingzi.

Although Hong Xingzi had his fingers cut off, his eyes widened in anger and he stared at Dao Zaihong.


"I want to find the prince brother, dream!"

This Hong Xingzi would rather die than give in. Not only did he not tell the whereabouts of the prince, but he spit out a thick mouthful of phlegm towards Luo Tianhong.

Even though Luo Tianhong dodged with quick eyes and hands, some scattered spit particles were still sprayed on his face.

"You're looking for death, don't blame me!"

Dao Zaihong's expression was sharp, and the cold light of Tang Dao suddenly appeared in his hand.


The next moment, the Hong Xingzi on the ground widened his eyes and clutched his throat desperately.


But blood spurted out from between his fingers as if it was for free.

In just a few seconds, Hong Xingzi's wide eyes lost their luster.

at the same time.

The battle for others has also come to an end.

Although the prince's disciples are all good at fighting and very brave.

But Zhongxinyi's small force is also the best among Lian Haolong's men.

In addition, these Hong Xingzi were not prepared at all. They were caught off guard and were suppressed by the loyal people before they even had time to take out their weapons.

At this time, those who can stand are basically loyal and righteous people.

As for the princes' doors, they had either been hacked to death, or they were lying on the ground dying with wounds all over their bodies.

"Where is the prince?"

Dao Zaihong jumped directly onto the middle ring and asked sternly.


None of those Hong Xingzi who were lying down spoke.

If looks could kill, Dao Zaihong's body would have been riddled with holes by now.

"Damn, go!"

"Do it cleanly, don't leave any hands or feet."

Seeing that he could not find out the whereabouts of the prince, Dao Zaihong could only leave with his people.

Those Hong Xingzi who were still alive were all hacked to death by Zhongxinyi's swordsmen.

Luo Tianhong is not completely brainless.

It would be fine if the prince could be caught this time, but if the prey was not found, it would be better to conceal the identity as much as possible.

Silencing these people is undoubtedly a good choice.

Even if the prince suspects Zhongxinyi, Zhongxinyi can evade it with evidence.


at the same time.

In the bar where Hongxing Xihuan talked about unscrupulous people.

The prince, Wushun, and Ma Wangjian were sitting in the office of the bar discussing matters of loyalty and righteousness.

"Prince, you are too impulsive."

"I just received news that last night, the three loyal and loyal kings were heading to the police station."

"Ah Zou was caught. They were ordered by Lian Haolong to kill him."

"After I killed Ah Zou, the whole thing was revealed."

"Dao Zaihong was being chased by a police officer at the time. He ran into your prince's arms by mistake. The police officers saw a pile of orange, pink and red pills in your place, so they naturally wanted to investigate you."

"You misunderstood me!"

The unscrupulous person sitting in the restaurant in Xihuan said with a headache.

at the same time.

The prince's face was also full of solemnity.

As the talker in Western District, Wuliang was right next door to Central District, so he naturally knew more about loyalty and righteousness than his prince.

After hearing what Wuliang said, the prince had already realized that this matter was probably a misunderstanding.

It's not that the prince is afraid of trouble.

What about a misunderstanding?

As long as he insists that Dao Zaihong did it on purpose, Zhongxinyi can't say anything.

After all, it was a fact that Dao Zaihong came here with the note.

But what the prince is most worried about now is Jiang Tiansheng.

Jiang Tiansheng had just been detained, and such a big thing happened. What if his prince really broke the truth and it didn't end well, and Jiang Tiansheng was blamed?

In the heart of the prince, Jiang Tiansheng was like a benefactor.

He didn't want to make it difficult for Jiang Tiansheng.

"Then what should we do now? I've beaten people and ruined places. I can't come to apologize, right?" The prince said helplessly.

"It's impossible to come to apologize. We at Hongxing can't do such a thing." Wuliang shook his head.

Next to him, Ma Wangjian looked thoughtful, "In my opinion, I can only let Wu De ask Jiang Sheng what to do next."

"That's the only way." After Wuliang thought for a moment, he couldn't think of any good solution and nodded.

Without virtue, he is an unscrupulous brother.

He is also the brother-in-law of Ma Wangjian.

Both of them are from Hongxing, and because of this level of kinship, (babh) they are very close.

There is a difference between being immoral and being unscrupulous.

Wuxian has been fighting and killing since childhood, while Wude graduated from a prestigious political and law university and is a gold medal lawyer in Jiang Tiansheng's legal team.

Now, Jiang Tiansheng is detained.

Only Wude, a lawyer, could meet Jiang Tiansheng.

"I'll call my brother right now." Wuliang picked up the phone on the table.

However, there was no waiting for him to dial.

Wu De called first.

"Brother, something happened..." Wude's tone on the phone was a little solemn.

"I know!" Wuliang took a deep breath, "Don't say anything first, just come to my place."


Unscrupulously hang up the phone.

After a while, Wu De walked in in a hurry.

Wu Liang probably told Wu De about what happened.

"Brother-in-law, go to the police station and tell Mr. Jiang about the current situation and ask him what to do." Ma Wangjian said to Wude.

Although Wude is not involved in the society, he has been helping Jiang Tiansheng and Hong Xing with their lawsuits all year round, so he naturally knows the seriousness of this matter.

After hearing Wuxian's instructions, Wude didn't think much about it.

"I'm going right now."

"But during this period, Prince Brother, please don't go out."

"I just……"

Wude glanced at the prince and hesitated.

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