Every society will maintain a team of lawyers, and among the team of lawyers, the gold medal lawyer is absolutely as important as any other court official!

To a certain extent, it is even more important than the treasurer's white paper fan.

Shot Jiang Tiansheng's Queen's Counsel?

This matter is really big!

"I..." Luo Dingfa's face turned red and white, and he was completely speechless.

Just killing a random person, Luo Dingfa never expected that the other party's identity would be so terrifying!

But then again.

Isn't this a coincidence?

What puzzled him the most was that when he was cleaning up the scene, he personally checked that there was no one nearby.

How did Ma Wangjian and Wuliang get the news?

Could it be that someone is deliberately trying to show off?

Thinking of this, Luo Dingfa waved his hands quickly, "Everyone, wait! This is a misunderstanding!"

However this time.

Wuliang and Ma Wangjian did not give him a chance to speak.

"Nothing to say, just do it!"

"Luo Dingfa, you bastard, I have to kill you today!"

Ma Wangjian and Wuliang rushed towards Luo Dingfa, one on the left and the other on the right.

at the same time.

The Hongxing boys behind them all also took action. Not only did they push the other coffins, but they also scattered the orange powder inside all over the floor.

Seeing this scene, Luo Dingfa's eyes almost popped out.

He looked back at the trembling younger brother who was holding a shotgun behind him. He cursed a piece of trash in his mind, took the gun directly, and shot several Hong Xingzi who were dismantling orange powder.

"I see who dares!"

Luo Dingfa shouted loudly.


Gunshots sounded.

Countless small projectiles among the 12-caliber bullets were directly thrown on those Hong Xingzi.

Dense bloody flowers suddenly appeared, and the Hong Xingzai felt intense pain all over their bodies, screaming and falling to the ground.

Although only one unlucky guy was killed directly by a steel ball embedded in his head.

But the wounds on other Hong Xingzai's bodies were also very horrific. Although not fatal, they had completely lost their combat effectiveness.

Hong Xingzai, who had just started to take action, was once again stunned by such a terrifying weapon.

"Warning you!"

"I have a total of 20 rounds of shotgun in my drum!"

"Just ten seconds and you all have to lie on the floor!"

"See if you Hongxing has more people, I still have more bullets!"

Luo Dingfa held the shotgun and shouted angrily.

The fact that he took out this big killer weapon was beyond Ma Wang Jianhe Wuliang's expectations.

"Luo Dingfa, do you really want to defeat the enemy!?" Wuliang's eyelids twitched and he asked in a cold tone.

Luo Dingfa did not give in at all, "You are the one who forced me to die. Give me some time and I will give you an explanation within three days!"

"How can we trust you?" At this moment, the prince asked.

He is different from Ma Wangjian and unscrupulous.

Ma Wang Jianhe is unscrupulous and has a deep hatred for Luo Dingfa.

The prince's main point of hatred is still Dao Zaihong, and the scene of Saul getting his hair fixed is just incidental.

Seeing this moment, Luo Dingfa was ready to fight, and the prince couldn't sit still.

Otherwise, the shotgun will hit a large area, and no matter how good the prince's kung fu is, he will not be able to move faster than the bullet.

"I, Luo Dingfa, am also here to fool around, don't worry about that!"

"If I can't give you an explanation after three days, you can go to Brother Long."

"You can chop off my head, Luo Dingfa, and place it on his grave at any time."

Luo Dingfa said sincerely.

Although Yan 570 said so, he didn't think so in his heart.

three days?

It's just a delaying tactic.

Tomorrow he and Su Su would kidnap Tang Liyu, and three days later they would have already received the ransom and fled away.

When the time comes, even Wuliang and Ma Wangjian will be furious.

My people are no longer on Hong Kong Island, so what can I do?

In the end, it wasn't Lian Haolong who took the blame?

Luo Dingfa thought secretly in his heart.

"Hmph! You said three days, three days!" Wuliang said angrily.

Ma Wangjian was also full of anger, "I will ask you to pay for my brother-in-law's life today."

Yet at this time.

Two big hands pressed on their shoulders.

The two looked back and saw that it was the prince.

"There's no point fighting him now." The prince shook his head.

Wuliang and Ma Wang Jian were immediately angry.

That's not what you said when your boxing gym was raided before, but now you suddenly changed your mind?

The prince was not polite to the two men and glanced at the shotgun in Luo Dingfa's hand.

"I can understand your desire for revenge."

"But I want to ask you, are you really sure of winning Luo Dingfa?"

"Even though there are many of us, most of the brothers are crowded outside."

"If we go all out at this time, I'm afraid we will be beaten to death by Luo Dingfa before our brothers come in."

223 Brother Feng, the war is about to begin!

The prince's words seemed to pour cold water on their heads.

At the same time, it also allowed the two of them to regain some sense.


At this time, even if we have to fight, how can we fight?

If all those two thousand Hongxing bad guys were here, just this shotgun wouldn't be able to deter them.

But the space for the coffin shop is limited.

Now, there are only about a hundred Hong Xingzi in the coffin shop, and everyone else is blocked out.

The shotgun in Luo Dingfa's hand is so intimidating!

As soon as the shuttle comes down, I am afraid that all Hong Xingzi, including them, will have to lie down.

So what's the fight?

Can you fight?

It is clear,

Can't afford it!

Wuliang and Ma Wangjian looked at each other and saw the hatred and helplessness in each other's eyes.

There was a long pause.

"it is good!"

"Luo Dingfa, I'll give you three days."

"If you don't give us an explanation in three days, then there will be a war between Hongxing and Zhongxinyi!"

Wuliang and Ma Wangjian said harsh words and turned to leave the coffin shop.

The prince also took a deep look at Luo Dingfa, turned and left.

After all the three Hongxing restaurants and those Hongxing boys were evacuated, Luo Dingfa breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, they were shocked!

Otherwise, if things get serious today, the chance of kidnapping Tang Liyu will be gone.

After taking several deep breaths in a row, Luo Dingfa realized that his back was soaked in cold sweat.

"Brother Fa, do you want to inform Brother Long about this..." Behind him, the young man looked at the mess and asked timidly.

"Let me know!" Luo Dingfa rolled his eyes at him angrily, "Don't bother Brother Long at this juncture. Go put those orange powder back."


Although Luo Dingfa chose not to say anything.

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